
Rails: save a record via belongs_to and setting the foreign key

Is there a better way of writing this code? It just doesn't sit right with me, I feel like there is something really 'rails like' that I should already know: belongs_to :parent_in_use belongs_to :parent_template def after_create new_parent_in_use = ParentInUse.create!(self.parent_template.attributes) self.update_attribute(:parent_i...

multiple database relationship on field other than primary key in CakePHP

I have a project that necessarily spans several databases. One database has tables: CREATE TABLE device { device_uid integer unsigned not null primary key auto_increment, os varchar(50), name varchar(50) } CREATE TABLE platform { platform_id integer unsigned not null primary key auto_increment, name varchar(50) } The oth...

Could not find the association problem in Rails

I am fairly new to Ruby on Rails, and I clearly have an active record association problem, but I can't solve it on my own. Given the three model classes with their associations: # application_form.rb class ApplicationForm < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :questions, :through => :form_questions end # question.rb class Question < ActiveR...

nhibernate many to many association - property returns null set

I have a many to many relationship between A and B. (I know I can consider refactoring etc, but that's another matter). my Code does something like this: // given aId is the Id of an instance of A, and A has a many to many set of B's A a = myActiveSession.Get<A>(aId); a.Bs.Add(new B() {Name="dave"}); and I get an exception bec...

DataMapper has n with conditions

Hello, By any chance is it possible to create a conditional association with DataMapper? For example: I want the User have n Apps just if that user have the attribute :developer => true something like this: class User include DataMapper::Resource property :id, Serial property :name, String, :nullable => false property :scre...

Most concise and complete Recursive Association Support in CakePHP?

I'm currently mucking about with CakePHP, deciding if I'll use it in an upcoming web application. The problem is, I've got several tables which at some point share relevant data with each other. If I were to write all the code myself I would use an SQL query using rather a lot of different joins and subqueries. But from what I understan...

help with rails associations

I want to implement a messaging system for my app. I have users. What exactly should I do? create a messages model with foreign two user foreign keys??.. what would be the most approproate way of getting this done? My worry is that if I query "message.user" I wont know if Id be getting the sender of the receiver of the message ...

Rails has_many through singular association

This is probably quite simple but I haven't yet been able to wrap my head around the problem. I have 3 tables... (well more than that) but in this scenario 3 that matter. Places Bookings and Ratings Places has_many bookings Each booking has_one rating (because the user only rates once) and belongs_to (a) Place Ratings belong_to (a) ...

transitive rails associations and magical count

In Rails, to automatically count associations, you do: class Script has_many: chapters end class Chapter belongs_to :script end and you add a Chapters_count column into the Script model. Now, what if you want to count the number of paragraphs in a Script *without having a script_id key in the paragraph model ?* class Script ha...

Defining Model Relations for ACL Interface (gui) with CakePHP

Hello, I have set up Auth and ACL successfully on my cakePHP app. How, now i want to build an interface for managing the ACL's, ARO's and ACO's ARO's and ACO's where pretty easy to build using the tree behavior. ACL how ever got me a little messed up... especially when it came to defining the model relations. I've named my aco and ar...

How can I have two columns in one table point to the same column in another with ActiveRecord?

I run the risk of palm-to-forehead here, but I can't quite figure out how to do this with Rails' ActiveRecord sugar. I have a tickets table that has two columns (submitter_id and assignee_id) that should each reference a different user from the users table (specifically the id column in the users table). I'd like to be able to do things...

Rails association for two foreign keys for the same table in one table

I am new to RoR and still playing with associations. I need to have two references to a particular model in another model. The scaffolded code doesn't work and I get a "uninitialized constant" error. Generation commands: script/generate scaffold BaseModel name:string script/generate scaffold NewModel name:string base1:references base2:...

Rails: How can I access the parent model of a new record's nested associations?

Suppose we have the standard Post & Comment models, with Post having accepts_nested_attributes_for :commments and :autosave => true set. We can create a new post together with some new comments, e.g.: @post = :subject => 'foo' :text => 'bar' @post.comments.first # returns the new comment 'bar' @post.commen...

Rails foreign key is nil in nested form

I have a couple models (Site and Server) that are related to eachother via has_many :through. they also both belong_to :user. in my sites/new view, I create a new site, and I create a new server using a nested form.fields_for :servers. Everything works as expected, except for that the server that ends up getting created doesn't have a ...

Controlling metadata generation for multiple associations between the same tables in RIA Services

I am using .NET's RIA services/LinqToSql to expose my data to a Silverlight 3 client. In the database, an Item table has more than one association to another table, User. As an example, the Item table has both CreatedByUser and ModifiedByUser fields. When I use the RIA services wizard to create my DomainService (and metadata), I find ...

Problem with has_many :through Association in Ruby on Rails

Hi, I've got a problem with a has_many :through association, i cant call the u1.UsersProfileAttributes.find_by_ProfileAttribute_name("icq") method, rails means that this method doesn't exist. The method u1.UsersProfileAttributes.find_by_ProfileAttribute_id(3) works correctly. u1 is a user object. I don't know whats the problem, because ...

How to specify an association relation using declarative base

I have been trying to create an association relation between two tables, intake and module . Each intake has a one-to-many relationship with the modules. However there is a coursework assigned to each module, and each coursework has a duedate which is unique to each intake. I tried this but it didnt work: intake_modules_table = Tabl...

Actionscript 3 Dictionary returning undefined/null for key that has just been set in a different class

I'm rendering display objects to the stage depending on the given XML elements, as you can see here: private static var curElements:Dictionary = new Dictionary(); //renders the current page private static function renderCode(pageCode:XML):void { if (pageCode) { /...

adding hasMany association couse find() not to work well

OK, I am little bit lost... I am pretty new to PHP, and i am trying to use CakePHP for my web-site. my DB is composed of two tables: users with user_id, name columns copies with copy_id, copy_name, user_id (as foreign key to users) columns. and I have the matching CakePHP elements: User and Copy as a model UserController as con...

has_many association problem with non-traditional data model...

Hi there, this is my first time posting here, looks like a great site! I'm struggling with a has_many association. I have a diary application. The Model players are as follows: User UserFriend UserFoodProfile I want to be able to get at all the foods that a user's friends have eaten. So, I want to be able to get: current_user.fri...