
exception during destruction of CComPtr

I have created a member variable in class as CComPtr<IXMLDOMDocument2> m_spXMLDoc; XML document is created as CoCreateInstance(CLSID_DOMDocument, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IXMLDOMDocument2, (void**)&m_spXMLDoc)); Now when application exits ,exception is occurring.Callstack is pointing to p->Release() ~CComPtrBase() throw() ...

How to get complete HTML body using browser helper object (BHO) in case of DHTML/AJAX page?

Hi All I'm writing a BHO that analyze the HTML taken from the 'onDocumentComplete' event of 'DWebBrowserEvents2'. Currently it works fine, unless I have a DHTML/AJAX page, where HTML handle is delivered too soon. For sample, I tried using it on ''. From the 'onDocumentComplete' event I can get most of the page but ...

Add connection point bug?

Hello, Today I had to pass the ATL Tutorial from MSDN but met a problem. Unfortunately, I'm not a real C++ developer and can't do it myself. In Step 5 when I add connection point, wizard create _IPolyCtrlEvents_CP.H but it doesn't implement the Fire_ClickIn and Fire_ClickOut methods. How I can implement them? I'm using VS2010. Thank...

ATL project created using wizard does not compile due to unresolved symbols

I have been working on getting a basic ATL project to compile in Visual Studio 2008 and I keep running into errors. Ultimately I have gotten stuck with the following build errors: 1>Linking... 1> Creating library Debug\SomeProject.lib and object Debug\SomeProject.exp 1>dllmain.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _LIBID_Som...

Convert TCHAR * -> std::wstring in both unicode and non-unicode environments

I have some code in a library which has to internally work with wstring, that's all nice and fine. But it's called with a TCHAR string parameter, from both unicode and non-unicode projects, and I'm having trouble finding a neat conversion for both cases. I see some ATL conversions and so on but can't see the right way, without defining ...

What are oaidl.idl and ocidl.idl for?

A default ATL Simple Object has the following at the top of its IDL file: import "oaidl.idl"; import "ocidl.idl"; What are these files for, and how do I know when I need to import them? Is there any documentation which describes what is defined in these two files? I have no idea what "oa" and "oc" stand for, and there are no helpful c...

Not able to recieve WM_COPY message

I have created an edit box window in ATL derived from CwindowImplBase. I have added Message handlers on WM_COPY ,OnCopy Now when I do Ctrl+C , it doesnot go into OnCopy When I do Ctrl+x it goes into OnCopy Any idea why its working for Ctrl+x and not ctrl+c. It is supposed to work for ctrl+c ...

Out-of-process ATL COM server on Windows Mobile

Do current versions of Windows Mobile (5.0, 6.0, 6.1) while using current tools (MSVS2008)support creating an out-of-process COM server? ...

static ATL not working (visual studio 2008)

hello, when i statically add ATL to my visual studio 2008 project - the project is running fine on my station where i develop the project. when i run the executable for ex. on windows xp the ATL-transformations are not working... i made a ATL-project in visual studio and added gtkmm-code. any suggestions? thanks ...

Use of ATL Property in a Property Sheet

In Visual Studio 2005, if I right click on a C++ project file and select Properties, under Configuration Properties - General there is a set of properties called Project Defaults. One of the properties under Project Defaults is Use of ATL. If I right click on a property sheet (which the project inherits) in the property manager and sel...

ATL macros only working on devel-computer

hi, i use ATL macros like A2T and A2CW. on the devel-computer everyhting works fine. when i use the application (visual studio 2008 pro) on another computer - the output of the ATL-macro-conversion is not readable. i hope someone can help me to solve this problem. my application is finished - only the ATL conversion macros are the prob...

associative array from javascript to activex object

I need to pass an associative array from Javascript to a C++ activex control in IE6+. It seems a shame to write my own type for something so standard. It doesn't have to work with native JS objects, I can use a custom associative array type if I need. I've been googling for a couple days and there isn't a lot of information on this subj...

Does it require to marshal the com object supporting threading model "Both"

Hi all We are given in-proc-server (.dll) with threading model "Both".i noticed the threading model in registry we know com object created with "Both" will take the threading model of the thread in which the object is created. i instantiated the object in a STA thread to make sure call to com object should go through only one ...

Viusal Studio 2010 C++ ATL Web Service

Hi, I want to be able to create the same "hello world" output shown in this tutorial: However I wish to make it use visual studios 2010 ATL project running as a service (EXE), does anyone know where I could find a template or a tutorial that explains how to do this. ...

visual studios 2010 atl web service

Can anyone tell me where to find an visual studios 2010 atl web service template like the one that comes with visual studios 2008? Thanks. ...

Visual Studios 2010 ATL Active Server Page Component

Hi, I'm trying to create a website from an ATL project but I cant seem to get the basic project to work. I have created a ATL project as a (service exe) and added the ATL Active Server Page Component, this all works fine. could someone guide me to the steps to get "hello world" to appear in a browser? Thanks. ...

Using and deriving from interfaces defined in another COM library

I have two C++ COM projects in Visual Studio. In ProjectA I define InterfaceA in MIDL. In ProjectB I would like to define InterfaceB which inherits from InterfaceA. Is this possible to do without importing IDL or H files from ProjectA? Here's how the code is laid out, which might be clearer. The libraries are large so I put things in se...

Fastest OLEDB read from ORACLE

What would be the fastest way of retrieving data from the Oracle DB via OLEDB? It should be portable (have to work on Postgres and MS SQL), only one column is transfered (ID from some large table). Current performance is 100k rows/sec. Am I expecting too much if I want it to go faster? Clarification: datatable has 23M records Query...

From an ActiveX control, can I tell what domain it is being created from?

If possible, I want to prevent my ActiveX control from being accidentally executed by untrusted pages, because it can be used to download and run a file. One idea is to have the control know the domain of the HTML page it is instantiated on, and prompt the user if they trust this domain. It would remember this choice in the registry. If...

Load image from memory buffer using ATL CImage

How can I load an image from BYTE* array using CImage ? My workaround until now is to simply create a temporary file, but this operation is very expensive sometimes ... There are probably libraries for that, but I do not want to link to other libraries, all I need is to get image size and effectively display to screen, and CImage is all...