
Detecting when head phones are plugged in

Is there any way to determine, programmatically when headphones are plugged into the computer? Essentially, I just want to write a simple tool that will mute my sound unless headphones are plugged in. Is this even possible? ...

Manipulating multi-track ogg files programatically

I'm planning to create a program for manipulating multi-track OGG files, but I don't have any experience with the relevant libraries, so I'm looking for recommendations about which language/library to use for this. I don't really have any preference for the language, I'll happily code it in C, C#, Python, whatever makes things the easies...

WPF: Implementing a MediaPlayer Audio / Video Seeker

I am currently working on an MP3 player (in a WPF application) with a WPF MediaPlayer and basically, I want to implement a Song Seeker which moves along with the current playing song. I already implemented a song slider (from Sacha Barber's application) and it works when the user drags the seeker manually (as in, the song continues from...

Change pitch of audio during playback on iPhone

What is the best way to accomplish this? From what I have read so far, it seems you have to setup IO Remote (which is a pain itself). Do you need to do a FFT? Are there any examples out there? Can I just speed up / slow down playback? Thanks ...

Code sample for capturing audio from a Mac in Cocoa and saving to file?

I'm due to work on a small application that captures audio from the Mac's Audio Queue and needs to save it to disk in some reasonable audio format. Does anyone have a some decent sample code (Cocoa / Objective-C) that they can share? I specifically need to capture the audio that is being passed to the Built-in Output device in order ...

iPhone - AVAudioPlayer, kAudioSessionCategory_AmbientSound and iPod music

Hi, I'm using the following Audio Session in my app delegate: AudioSessionInitialize(NULL, NULL, NULL, self); UInt32 sessionCategory = kAudioSessionCategory_AmbientSound; AudioSessionSetProperty(kAudioSessionProperty_AudioCategory, sizeof(sessionCategory), AudioSessionSetActive(true); I want the user to be able to play iPod...

Record "Apple lossless" audio on the iPhone

Hello, could you point me to docs/snippets/blogs, which explain how to record Apple lossless audio files on the iPhone, please? I've inspected the audio recorder example from the Apple Dev Center, but couldn't figure out, which setting I have use for lossless audio. Regards, Stefan ...

Audio programming on Symbian devices

I’m a blind programmer who would like to develop games based entirely on audio for symbian based phones. I need the ability to do the following. Get input from the phones joystick as well as regular keys, and play audio with varying volume and direction like can be done in directX. I know the first part isn’t a problem in any language b...

How can I layer two audio files in C#?

I need to mix two audio files. Audio 1 will be a static file and used to "tag" Audio 2. To be clear I'm talking about an audio tag not an ID3 tag. There are two basic problems I can't wrap my head around. 1) How can I repeat Audio 1 when mixed with Audio 2 so that the result is the same length as Audio 2? 2) Audio 2 will be an MP3 an...

Can I obtain higher resolution in the frequency domain with a stereo signal?

Background I admit, this question stems from an ultimate lack of deep understanding of the underlying mathematics involved with digital signal processing; I'm still learning. I want to take a set of amplitude samples, say 1024 (single channel), and bring them into the frequency domain. Obviously this requires a FFT; no problem there. ...

User-friendly approach for network streaming, playing and seeking of audio files in Mac OS X 10.5

Please advise a combination of server and client technologies, tools and frameworks to implement a solution that meets the following requirements? File server in the network has a huge library of mp3/aac/aiff/wav music files Desktop cocoa application accesses audio files using URLs: rtmp, http, rtsp+rtp, ftp — how to make a choice? Audio...

rendering a waveform on an iphone

I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions on how to go about rendering a waveform of an audio file. I wold like to enable the user to set an in and out point of an audio track and I need to have a waveform so you can see where to put the points. Are there any libraries available for this or does it need to be a completely custom so...

What's the SIMPLEST way to play a sound clip in an iPhone app?

I want to be able to play a sound clip in an iPhone OS app. I've seen info on both NSSound as well as AVFoundation as being means for getting sound clips played on an iPhone OS device, but I'm still not clear on the subject and could use some help. No need to spell it out for me step-by-step in actual code, but if someone could give me a...

Slow start for AVAudioPlayer the first time a sound is played

I'm trying to eliminate startup lag when playing a (very short -- less than 2 seconds) audio file via AVAudioPlayer on the iPhone. First, the code: NSString *audioFile = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/%@.caf", [[NSBundle mainBundle] resourcePath], @"audiofile"]; NSData *audioData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfMappedFile:audioFile]; NSE...

How to Respond to Sound In Another Application?

Can someone give me some info/background info on how I might go about writing an application that 'listens' to the sounds being made by the computer's sound card or a specific other program. For example, if I kicked off a long-running 3rd party app that gives no indication of when it is done, except a loud 'DING!' sound. Is there anywa...

Sound matching / search

What is the current state of the art of sound matching / search in practical terms? I am currently remotely involved in planning a web application which, among others, will contain and expose a database of recorded short audio clips (at most 3-5 seconds, names of people). A question has been raised whether it would be possible to impleme...

How to program a real-time accurate audio sequencer on the iphone?

Hi... I want to program a simple audio sequencer on the iphone but I can't get accurate timing. The last days I tried all possible audio techniques on the iphone, starting from AudioServicesPlaySystemSound and AVAudioPlayer and OpenAL to AudioQueues. In my last attempt I tried the CocosDenshion sound engine which uses openAL and allows...

playing background audio on iphone

Hello, How can I play a background audio while my application is running? Thanks. ...

Using Silverlight 2 for short audio caching

I'm attempting to use a large number of short sound samples in a game I'm creating in Silverlight 2. The samples are less than 2 seconds long. I would prefer to load all the audio samples onto the canvas during the initualization. I have been adding the media element to the canvas and a generic list to manage it. So far, it appears to...

Multiple audio streams in a MPEG-4 file

The MPEG-4 file format allows multiple streams to be present in a file. This is useful for videos containing audio in multiple languages. In the case of such a video, the audio streams are synchronized to the video. Is it possible to create a MPEG-4 file the contains desynchronized audio streams, i.e. the audio track are played on afte...