
play mp3 in reverse in Silverlight

So considering that Silverlight has a nice subset of the .net framework, you would think that it wouldn't be very difficult to play audio in reverse, right? Well no. I can't even find a good place to start. It doesn't seem like the MediaElement has the ability to play audio in reverse. Does anyone have ANY CLUE how this can be done? Wou...

Retrieve current mixer levels with WMI?

Is there a way to get Windows audio mixer levels using WMI? For example, to get the current line input level. Ideally this would work on XP and Vista, although I'm aware the audio subsystem is completely different between the two, so I might need a different solution for each. Edit: suggestions in any language will do. ...

Possible to make Flash cache large sound assets?

I have written a game in Flash (AS3/Flex SDK/MXMLC) that streams music and sound files from my server. I'm concerned about bandwidth - the audio components are nearly 3MB, and if the game becomes popular it will really rack up the bandwidth charges. Is there any way to make Flash cache the audio components once they've been downloaded,...

Creating ADTS frame on iPhone.... problem

Hello all, I am getting raw aac data from web stream and try to put it in ADTS frame in order to play it on iPhone. It works for 10 seconds then sound stops and restart but seems accelerated or mixed with others audio data. Quicktime and others audio app are unable to open my file. It seems my ADTS header is wrong but I am unable to...

Audio envelopes differences... ADTS, CAF, ...

Hello, I would like to know differences between these different audio envelopes. and when to use one instead another one. Sorry if my question seems stupid... Thanks for your help. Thierry ...

Streaming live audio with Flash

I've been approached to set up an internet radio station that is focused on the local music scene in El Paso, TX. I've looked at various options, but it seems most solutions out there are for streaming pre-recorded audio. While I might need to fall back on this, I was wondering if anyone had done a similar project and might be able to po...

Best library for audio file meta data?

I am looking for a library to read meta data from compressed and uncompressed audio files (i.e. mp3, ogg, etc.). In the past I have used libvorbis and id3lib, but I'm wondering if there are better libraries around? Ideally I would like a library that provides a common API to reading meta data from all the various formats. I realize more ...

iPhone: how to make key click sound for custom keypad?

Is there a way to programmatically invoke the keypad "click" sound? My app has a custom keypad (built out of UIButtons) and I'd like to provide some audio feedback when the user taps on the keys. I tried creating my own sounds in Garageband, but wasn't happy with any of my creations. If there isn't a standard way to invoke the key cli...

fails to set default audio device using Windows Media Encoder

Hello everyone, I am refering the following document section "Windows Media API for Capturing the Screen" to capture screen and the original code works ok. When I am adding additional feature (I just added several lines to make it record from default audio device), it fails at thew following line (I debugged and looks like it fails at C...

Audio feedback using RIL Audio on SmartPhone

Hi, We're working on a SIP softphone and we get audio feedback when we call from one phone to the other. However, when we call from a normal SIP Phone (software or hardware) to our app, then it all works fine - it's only when calling from one phone using the app to another one. Here is the code we use to initialize RIL Audio: publi...

Is there a way to phone somebody and play an audio file in android ?

I would like to create an ermergency call application : if triggered, it calls a given number and play an audio file, giving the information the caller couldn't give himself. For that I need to engage a call but ensure that I can replace any sound from the speaker with an played audio file. Can I do that in android ? What's the way ? ...

Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC) with Speex and DirectSound

I am trying to perform Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC) with the Speex codec library. According to the Speex documentation, I need to perform two calls: speex_echo_playback(echo_state, echo_frame); every time an audio frame is played, and speex_echo_capture(echo_state, input_frame, output_frame); for every frame captured. Since ...

YouTube api audio doesn't stop playing

OK I have built an application which uses the youtube API. It loads a video into the application when the user clicks a button. If the user clicks another button a new video is loaded in it's place. You can see it here: Everything works except the audio from the previous video ...

mac osx speech to text api How-to?

Hi Gurus, I have a program that receives an audio (mono) stream of bits from tcp/ip. I am wondering if the speech(speech-recognition) api in mac osx would be able to do a speech-to-text transform for me. (I don't mind saving the audio into .wav first and read it as oppose to do the transform on the fly) I have read the official docs on...

How to edit raw PCM audio data without an audio library?

I'm interested in precisely extracting portions of a PCM WAV file, down to the sample level. Most audio modules seem to rely on platform-specific audio libraries. I want to make this cross platform and speed is not an issue, are there any native python audio modules that can do this? If not, I'll have to interpret the PCM binary. Whi...

Fast Audio Input/Output

Here's what I want to do: I want to allow the user to give my program some sound data (through a mic input), then hold it for 250ms, then output it back out through the speakers. I have done this already using Java Sound API. The problem is that it's sorta slow. It takes a minimum of about 1-2 seconds from the time the sound is made to...

Set microphone volume in C#

Is there a way to set the microphone volume in C# (normally done in control panel -> audio -> advanced, go to recording, and then dragging the slider)? I only want to set it to maximum, if that makes it any easier. Thanks! ...

Reliable & scalable solutions for live audio streaming?

Hey there! I wonder if you could share your thoughts / resources about live audio streaming (to run on-line radio station). I have to admit, I am a complete newbie to the subject, so please excuse me lack of details. What are the most recommended platforms / software setups? Opinions based on personal experience would be highly appr...

IAudioSessionNotification, anyone have working code?

I'm picking up some experimental code I was messing with in the Windows 7 Beta now that I've installed the RC. Basically, I'm trying to get IAudioSessionManager2 & IAudioSessionNotification working together to inform my little app of every new audio session created. Punchline code in AudioListener ( : public IAudioSessionNotification):...

Convert .caf to .mp3 on the iPhone

Hello, is there a way to convert my recorded .caf files to .mp3 using the iPhone SDK / Core Audio, something else? I've been looking around for a while, but all I've found was a command line uitility (which isn't allowed to run on the iPhone). Regards ...