
Sound File Manipulation on Iphone

I am building an Iphone App and one of the tasks I need to accomplish is to provide the user the ability to add some sound effects including Echo effect, background music on the sounds being recorded through the app. Here is a similar type of App, Although this one maniuplate the sound files in Real Time. I don't really need to do this...

Cropping audio with XNA

I'm new to XNA and am trying to allow the user to edit an audio file they've loaded in. In XNA, is it possible to select a time frame (e.g. 0:00 - 0:10) and 'crop' that part as a separate entity? I guess, essentially, it's simply copying that data to a new file. Can this be done using the XNA Audio library and, if so, what methods should...

Compare two audio files

Basically, I have a lot of audio files representing the same song. However, some of them are worse quality than the original, and some are edited to where they do not match the original song anymore. What I'd like to do is programmatically compare these audio files to the original and see which ones match up with that song, regardless of...

How do I read a 16 bit .wav audio file into a buffer suitable for writing to an Android AudioTrack?

Is there a replacement somewhere in the SDK for javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat and associated stuff that allows you to open a .wav file and extract the PCM samples from it? Or do I really need to implement my own codec? ...

Perceptual similarity between two audio sequences

Hi, I would like to get some sort of distance measure between two pieces of audio. For example, I want to compare the sound of an animal to the sound of a human mimicking that animal, and then return a score of how similar the sounds were. It seems like a difficult problem. What would be the best way to approach it? I was thinking to e...

How to get audio file metadata in python beyond regexes and id3 tags

Right now I'm working on a script that needs to extract the artist, album, and title from all these audio files. At the moment, I first try to extract them with regular expressions, and if the files aren't named nicely I go the slow route and try to get the information with id3 tags. The files then just get ignored if neither works. I...

Looping Java AudioInputStream

Good day everyone. I have an audio class, that plays a .wav file. But i wanna loop it forever. import javax.sound.sampled.AudioInputStream; import javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem; import javax.sound.sampled.Clip; public class AudioPlayer {{ new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { Clip clip = A...

Library for extracting words (speech) out from audio stream?

I have an audio stream and I would extract words (speech) from it. So for example having audio.wav I would get 001.wav, 002.wav, 003.wav, etc where each XXX.wav is one word. I am looking for a library or program to do it -- platform does not matter, but I prefer open-source solution. Thank you in advance for help. ...

Using the default audio device with SoX from source

While file to file effect chains are working fine, I'm having difficulty using the default audio device when compiling SoX from source. For example, if I run the example3 included in the source code (plays a sound file), I get the error FAIL formats: no handler for given file type `alsa' Assertion failed: out= sox_open_write("default",...

ffmpeg conversion of caf file with iLBC codec

Hi, I am trying to convert a caf file recorded on the iPhone with iLBC codec. Is this possible at all? This is what I am trying: ffmpeg -y -i 300087544.caf -ab 8k out2.mp3 FFmpeg version SVN-r24068, Copyright (c) 2000-2010 the FFmpeg developers built on Jul 6 2010 11:43:15 with gcc 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5664) configuration: --...

extract every audio-channel in a quicktime file

I want to extract every audio channel in a quicktime movie with the QuickTime-API. That means if the file has 5.1 surround, i want 6 audio files in the end. But at the moment I don't know how to manage that. Until now I have: OSStatus err = noErr; MovieAudioExtractionRef extractionSessionRef = nil; Boolean allChannelsDiscrete = true; in...

How to record a specific applications audio?

How can I make an application that can record the audio output of another application using ...

Play and record sound simultaneously with iPhone SDK?

I'm trying to detect input from the mic and also play sounds, which can be toggled on or off, but are always playing when the mic listener is active. I've initialized my AVAudioSession in the viewDidLoad method like so: AVAudioSession *session = [AVAudioSession sharedInstance]; NSError *err = nil; [session setCategory:AVAudioSessionCat...

pcm16 to pcm14 conversion using add + shift

I am studying a sound converting algorithm where an array of signed shorts is received. At a given point in the algorithm it converts the samples from 16 bits to 14 bits, and it does it like this: int16_t sample = (old_sample + 2) >> 2; For me its clear that the shifting is needed as we want to get rid of the least 2 significant bits,...

iPhone stream audio to browser via Internet

I have the following scenario: My iPhone app receives a stream audio via Bluetooth in "real-time" Then, my iPhone app "forwards" this stream audio to a browser (Firefox) via Internet in "real-time" I can do #1 with Core Audio Remote IO. But I am not sure how to do the #2. It seems to be similar to a Skype capability. What is the b...

NAudio + Windows 2003 Server? Help!

Hello, I have a web application using NAudio that works great on my development machine (Windows XP, IIS 5.1), but when I put it on the server (Windows 2003 Server 32-bit, IIS 6), I get the following error: NoDriver calling waveInOpen Exception Details: NAudio.MmException: NoDriver calling waveInOpen [MmException: NoDriver calling waveI...

Flash microphone left right audio channel

hi all, i got an audio interface( that have 2 microphone input. and i decided to connect 2 microphone to flash cs4 through audio interface. however i cannot recognize all of them. however, when i use processing1.1, i can recognize the 2 microphone input as left and right audio cha...

Select Audio device on iPhone

Is there a way to let the user select which device they use for audio output? In the docs I have found that you can select which route to use by setting kAudioSessionProperty_OverrideAudioRoute to either: kAudioSessionOverrideAudioRoute_None, or kAudioSessionOverrideAudioRoute_Speaker However I would like to let the user to use the...

live streaming in iPhone

Hello, Will the ALAC format support live streaming in iPhone ? the ALAC audio recording format is streamed to Server machine? so will i be able to play the audio chunk data, does ALAC format support? Thank You. ...

C# resample audio from 8khz to 44.1/48khz.

Hi All. I have encountered a bug in DirectShow .NET where I create a secondary buffer with a sample rate of 8khz, and upon playback, the sound plays back at approx. 8.1khz instead. Googling this, I discovered that I might be forced to upsample the 8khz audio myself to 48khz or 44.1khz depending on the soundcard in the PC. Is there an...