
Supplying option to user to play video with or without audio

I am using VideoView to play an mp4 video. I would like to give the user the option of watching this video with sound or mute the sound if he/she chooses. I do not use the mediaController allowing the user to stop and play, I have "touch" events controlling this. UPDATE: I have a menu that I have added a "mute" icon to. Now I am try...

(iPhone) How to enable ipod controls in the background to control non-ipod music (in ios4) ?

A good example of what I'm trying to accomplish is implemented in the latest version of the Spotify iPhone application for (Pandora seems to have the same feature) . When Spotify is in the background, double tapping opens the "multi-task dock", where the ipod controls (play/pause, forward etc) allow to control the music playback of Spot...

Is there anything like an audio equivalent for <canvas>?

I'm wondering if there are any plug-ins/libraries or awesome tools that would let me script sound/music with javascript in a browser in a similar way to how <canvas> allows you to script drawing and animations. ...

How do you chang the audio device in using System.Speech.Synthesis

I'm trying to use System.Speech.Synthesis to play text that is then output over a tapi modem. SetOutputToDefaultAudioDevice() is easy enough to figure out, but I don't want the sound to come out of the speakers. I think i need to use SetOutputToAudioStream, but I'm not sure how to use it and I can't find any examples ... I tried cha...

getting music player control in lock screen like Pandora app in iphone.

Hi. iphone Pandora app(in ios-4) supports controlling the audio from the lock screen like play,pause,next and prev. How to get the music player control action from the lock screen. can any one give me an idea about getting the actions of these control to native application from lock screen like pandora app. ...

iOS4 - Background audio with iPhone Simulator

I unsuccessfully tried to implement a playback audio that continues to play in background by setting the UIBackgroundModes property and by activating an audio session as Joshua Weinberg suggested, but it doesn't work on the simulator and I have no chance to test on a device with iOS4. I read about of a possible issue with the simulator, ...

Corrupted audio payload

I am trying to stream a MP3 over the LAN using VLC Player(, RTP multicast. On observation with wireshark in the receiving side,it interprets all the below fields: padding, extension, contributing source identifier count as 0, which means there are no additional byte after the first 12 bytes of fixed RTP header. But I could see ...

IPhone OS4, Cannot adjust volume's settings with SystemSounds

Hi, I am using the SystemSound's framework to play sounds in my application. For devices with IOS3 it is working correctly. But recently I've updated the operating system to IOS4 and I am having a strange problem with the volume. Now I can't change the volume of my sounds during the game, it seems that this framework is using the ring v...

.NET Video Audio Chat

i am a beginner in terms of application development. so far i have developed a peer to peer game of BattleShips in C# and a peer to peer game of Connect 4 in Java. for my next project i have decided to go multimedia. i would like to implement a peer to peer chat program that uses Audio/Video streaming to each client as well as text ch...

How to get volume data from an input device in Core-Audio?

I am trying to get the volume of the audio heard by an input device using Core-Audio. So far I have used AudioDeviceAddIOProc and AudioDeviceStart with my AudioDeviceIOProc function to get the input data in the form of an AudioBufferList containing AudioBuffers. How do I get the volume of the data from the AudioBuffer? Or am I going ab...

iPad Play HTML5 Audio from dynamic source (servlet/jsp)

I'm trying to use the HTML5 tag on the iPad. It works fine if the source is set to a hard-coded file: <audio src="http://...../myFile.wav"&gt;&lt;/audio&gt; ...but if I set the URL to a servlet or page it refuses to play it! <audio src="http://...../myDynamicHandler.ashx?audioId=123"&gt;&lt;/audio&gt; Any ideas? ...

Speech-Over PDF?

I'd like to add speech-over/narration to a PDF document. So a sentence is highlighted (background color or text color changes) and the synced audio (not a computer voice but a recorded audio clip) plays. How do I do it? Are there readymade software available (on mac preferably) to achieve this? I'd appreciate any help. Thanks ...

Using iPhone audio files in own app - copy the audio file - is that possible?

I like the user to pick an audio file from the available list of audio and copy it into my own app. In the retrieved items of userMediaItemCollection in the Apple sample code "AddMusic" there is the property: MPMediaItemPropertyAssetURL. But I cant get to it, since I get the error "MPMediaItemPropertyAssetURL undeclared" - although I imp...

Slowing down the playback speed of an audio file.

I'm trying to do is slow down the audio in an audio file I'm playing programmatically using the iPod player in an app. I've read that this is possible now in iOS 4 (supposedly they gave us access to the raw sound data from songs in the iPod library, which makes no sense to me given the DRM situation), and I've looked through the new API...

applicationWillTerminate and background: terribly confused...

Hi I understand that applicationWillTerminate is no longer called in iOS4, practically. But I have this situation: my audiobook goes in background mode and keeps playing audio; until version 3.x of SDK I saved the point where one listened to the MP3 file, in applicationWillTerminate; now I was told to keep this saving in applicationWi...

Questions about HTML5 audio

<audio src=""&gt;&lt;/audio&gt; <ul id="lyrics"> <li>line 1</li> <li>line 2</li> <li>line 3</li> <li>and so on...</li> </ul><!-- end #lyrics --> So I want to: Highlight (change color or background) of the line that is being played. Save current time to...

Possible to work with audio coming through the headphone jack?

I am looking into writing some apps for Android phones that work with audio. These phones do not have a line in jack but do have headphone jacks that work with some headsets that include a microphone. Is it possible to work with audio coming in through the headphone jack if I plugged in something like a portable computer mic? ...

What to do about PCM buffer in voice changer

Hi All, I am trying to write a voice changer for android and I'm running in to some design decisions which I need a little help with. I am using AudioRecord to get PCM audio from the mic, I need to record audio until the audio is below a certain level, I am then going to perform some processing on it and play it back. So I am unsure ho...

AVAudioPlayer with MPMusicPlayerController

I have music playing within my application using a MPMusicPlayerController, using iPodMusicPlayer (also tried applicationMusicPlayer). When I play a sound using AVAudioPlayer my music from my MPMusicPlayerController will stop. Is there a way to have the MPMusicPlayerController and the AVAudioPlayer play sounds simultaneously? ...

objective c iphone pocket-audio template

Ok, I'm wondering if there are any iphone application templates that can send the mic input of the iphone wirelessly (wifi) to the computer. And then on the computer, there is another app the receives the mic input and makes it the audio input for the app. There is a decible meter on the mac app. This is similar to the already existing ...