
Reversing Audio in Java?

Hi everyone! My friends and I are making a game in Java that requires a small .wav to be reversed. Any thoughts? Either there is a library for this, or the solution will be much, much harder. Just whatever you can think of. Thanks guys, Alec ...

iPhone 4.0 Playing Video after Audio Gives blank screen.

Hello, I have an app that has multiple tabs and in one of those tabs I load a page which contains jPlayer (HML5 audio player) in order to play background music for the user. On another tab I have links to video files. When the music is playing on one tab and the person clicks on the video link it initially starts up in portrait mode and...

Streaming audio to a "speaker server" in linux

Is there a way to stream all audio from a laptop (which has low quality speakers) to a desktop with much better speakers in linux (on both computers)? I think that this would have to be a kernel driver, since it would have to fit under the alsa system to make it application transparent. Thanks, Andrew ...

How to link to an RTSP stream on Android phone?

I need to play an RTSP audio stream on an Android phone, linked to from a web-page. What's the simplest way to achieve this? I hope this will be very simple but unfortunately I don't have a phone on which to test. ...

Audio detection in an embedded system

I'm getting started with embedded, and was thinking to start learning by implementing some sort of a clapper project where I detect audio and respond to it. I have some specific questions, but since I'm new to this field, please add any additional advice What audio libraries exist that could help with this type of project What hardwa...

Recording SWF and Converting to FLV.

Hello Friends, I have tonss of videos in database and they can't be accessed directly but I can play them one by one and can record them. Now I want to write a program (probably in C#) that will get a URL and will start Internet Explorer or any other default browser to start the link. Once the link will be started, video will be playing...

iOS 4 background HTTP Live Stream

I'd like to play an audio HTTP Live Stream in background. But how do I do that? I tried to add the key (an Array) "UIBackgroundModes" with value "audio" to the info.plist. Now I try to play audio with the MPMoviePlayerController. But as soon as the app goes into background, the audio Playback stops! I don't know of any other API to play...

AVPlayer vs. AVAudioPlayer

The documentation for AVPlayer states the following: [The] player works equally well with local and remote media files However, the documentation for AVAudioPlayer states the following: Apple recommends that you use this class for audio playback unless you are playing audio captured from a network stream For the work I am doi...

Live Audio Streaming to a browser methods, must be very simple.

I'm recording a mono audio stream using a PIC at 8-bit 8Khz and streaming it raw to another microprocessor that houses a web server. I'm currently buffering the data and turning it into a wav file that gets played in the browser. What I'd like to be able to do is continuously stream the audio as it's being recorded without putting a lo...

Does Flash Media Server support audio?

Can some illustrate how to stream audio to fms with actionscript? ...

How to play audio files one after the other

I have multiple audio files in the assets directory of my application. When the user clicks a button I want to play those files in a certain order, one after the other. There shouldn't be any noticeable lag between the audio files. What is the best approach to achieve this? I am thinking of using MediaPlayer objects and OnCompletionList...

Play audio file from the assets directory

I have the following code: AssetFileDescriptor afd = getAssets().openFd("AudioFile.mp3"); player = new MediaPlayer(); player.setDataSource(afd.getFileDescriptor()); player.prepare(); player.start(); The problem is that, when I run this code, it starts playing all the audio files in the assets directory, in alph...

Audio waveform visualisation in Python/Django

I've looked around Stack Overflow for an answer to this, but nowhere seems to give the correct answer or direction... My project will allow a user to upload a WAV, which ultimately will be converted to a low quality MP3 using FFmpeg on the server and it'll all be stored and served on Amazon S3. The next obstacle is working out how to ex...

Write a Plugin in Python for audio

I have written a script that on execution lets the user record a message by accessing their microphone and stores it. I want to make this script useable over my website, which will require me to write a plug-in for the browser. Is there a good tutorial that will teach me how to write this plug in and set it up. is there another way. ...

Where can I start learning how to style the HTML5 Video and Audio elements?

How would I style the HTML5 Audio and Video and how do I use the API? ...

How can I play audio file stored in File system using adb command.

Hi I am quite new to android but have already worked with adb and abd shell am commands. Now I am looking the way to launch and play audio file mp3 or wav that is stored in File system while using adb command only. Please help me to find out: Where should I store this file (whether it in data/app ?) Do I push this file to this lo...

iphone: playing audio playlist in the background?

Hi guys, I'm trying to play sequence of audio files in the background using AVAudioPlayer. When the app is not in the background it plays well, but when the app goes to the background it won't play the second song. Here is my code: -(void)playAudio:(NSString *)path{ NSURL *url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:path]; NSError *error...

java - reading, manipulating and writing wav files

In a java program, what is the best way to read an audio file (wav file) to an array of numbers (float[], short[],...), and to write a wav file from an array of numbers? ...

What is the simplest way you can imagine to formulate a simplistic audio equalizer for a computer game?

The idea is that a game might need something fast but also simplistic. Mainly a "give me more highs or give me more lows" kind of thing. I googled whole libraries of audio processing but that might not be ideal. What do you think is the best way to formulate a very simplistic approach suitable for the quick switching for a computer game?...

Is there open source audio feature extraction software avaliable?

I undertaking a personal project which involves the development of a system which will automatically generate audio thumbnail clips (about 30 seconds in length) from a full length track. In order to do this I want to look at the energy and pitch of the audio to try and correctly identify its major structural features. Is there any open...