
How can I play .ogg, mp3, without Directsound libs in Windows CE 5.0 (Build 1400) in C#?

I've been facing a road block in trying to incorporate .ogg and .mp3 files in a WinCE 5.0 (build 1400) environment. Many of the answers I've found require some part of the Directsound libraries which are no longer supported. Is there any way to implement playing of .ogg and .mp3 files on WinCE 5.0 without using Directsound libraries? ...

Use (Python) Gstreamer to decode audio (to PCM data)

I'm writing an application that uses the Python Gstreamer bindings to play audio, but I'm now trying to also just decode audio -- that is, I'd like to read data using a decodebin and receive a raw PCM buffer. Specifically, I want to read chunks of the file incrementally rather than reading the whole file into memory. Some specific quest...

mixing audio data with time-shifted version

Hi, I would like to mix audio data (a short clip, a few seconds in length) with its time-shifted version using Java. The data would likely be sampled .wav (unless someone has suggestions for better formats). Speech fidelity is all that's needed, not audiophile quality. Could you please point me to good programming examples/ resources? ...

Creating a fade-in/fade-out function in MATLAB?

Hello, I am looking to create a function that could create a fade-in/fade-out function on a .wav file over a period of five seconds. I found this code on the MATLAB forums but it seems the implementation was slightly wrong, although the right idea is there. It was for .WAV files of 300ms with a 10ms fade-in/out: tenmssamples = length(...

A mutable MediaPlayer class that extends or uses android's MediaPlayer class

Hi all, I've been developing a cool game for android recently ( and I've been getting requests for a mute button. So I've implemented all the required UI stuff and I'm using the application's sharedPreferences to store the isMuted st...

Recording Audio from Mic in iPhone SDK 4.0?

I would just like to know how to record audio from the iPhone's mic using the iPhone SDK. I tried using AQRecorder with SpeakHere but I can't get it to work. I would like to be able to record audio onto a file and then show play the audio back when the user requests it. Is there any easy way to do this? I just started iPhone development ...

How to Spectrum-inverse a sampled audio signal

I am looking for a simple (pseudo)code that spectrum-inverse a sampled audio signal. Ideally C++ The code should support different sample rates (16/32/48KHz). ...

Firefox To Play Ogg

I have an ogg/audio file converted from mp3 using Alt WAV MP3 Ogg Converter. When I drag and drop the file in Firefox or in Google Chrome, the audio plays nicely. But when a use the following code to place the file inside a page it only works on Chrome. My code is simple as that: <audio controls> <source src="foo.ogg" type="aud...

Playing audio files on a website...

Can you suggest a good way to play audio files on a website? ...

What are my options for photo/video/audio encoding and storage APIs?

Hi chaps Users of my web application will upload video and audio clips and photographs. The media needs to be private within the web application, which I imagine rules out using YouTube for encoding and storage. I don't want to be responsible for storing the data on my servers, so some kind of pay-by-the-gb API seems appropriate. Amazon...

Audio, AES CBC and IVs

Hello, I'm currently working on a voip project and have a question about the implementation of AES-CBC mode. I know that for instant messaging based on text message communication, it's important to generate an IV for every message to avoid possible guess of the first block if this one is redundant during the communication. But is it us...

Delay added to sound

I'm going to write an application in Silverlight that consists of 2 threads, one that plays sound and another that records sound. And whatever is recorded will be what was played plus some ambient noise. The problem is that Silverlight adds a delay to the sound to be played, and because I don't know how much is this delay, I would not k...

[C#] Send audio output to all speaker devices

I need to be able to direct sound output from my application to all of a system's audio outputs - specifically, both the built-in speakers and headphones of a laptop. I'm using C# on Windows Vista/7 and the latest version of the .NET Framework, and don't need to support older (i.e. Windows XP) OSes. I was able to successfully use the C...

How to correctly set MediaPlayer audio stream type

Hi all, I'm trying to create a way to adjust volume settings for each of the different streams (media, notification, ringtone, etc) and have a way to preview the output sound level of each stream. I believe I have the correct implementation, but when I set the output stream type, there is no sound that plays. Here is the code that corr...

Playing Audio in an iPhone App

What do you think is the best (i.e. most memory efficient) way of playing a few 30 second audio files (m4v) from the bundle within an app to the external speaker? The audio files have to play automatically as soon a specific view appears. There is no mixing, etc. going on. However I'm listening to the microphone at the same time via AVA...

iphone os audio export question

Im kind of newb to audio processing but have ExtAudioFile converting pcm to kAudioFormatMPEG4AAC and if i save the file as .caf it plays fine. but not as .m4a (on desktop) looking at the audio file it seems the header doesnt match another .m4a header and seems very short and has 'caaf' in it. my guess is it might be mpeg4aac data but th...

Is It Possible To Record All Outgoing Audio On An iPhone?

Ok, so I have an MPMoviePlayer playing a live-streamed audio file. I'm pretty sure I can't record the audio from that, so I was thinking it would be easier to attach a callback to the outgoing audio queue. Can anyone offer help on that, or set me straight if it's possible to GET data from the MPMoviePlayer as it's being streamed? ...

building an echo sound application with iPhone

Hello, I would like to build an application which just echoes back the input given by the user. It simply talks back what is being recorded but at the same time. (out put the recording as soon as it is got). I have tried to look into the posts but there was no solution. I am using audiosessions and tried to follow this link http://blog.e...

Can you record audio on the iPhone using PhoneGap?

Is it possible to record audio on the iPhone using the PhoneGap package? And if so, are there any examples of this? ...

Open source speech recognition engine

I'm looking for a free (FOSS) speech recognition engine that I can use with my PHP-based GPL software. Any suggestions what are some of the best quality ones out there? ...