
How do I create a GUI to existing JMF example?

Hi, my goal is to make a GUI for this little app, that I copied from the JMF guide I downloaded from Oracle website. The code capture 10s of audio from the mic and saves it in a file called foo.wav. But it won't work when I try to make a GUI to it and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. So please, tell me what's wrong. NewClass: packa...

Playing audio file in jsp

Hello all, 1) Is there a way in java to stream an audio file from ftp on my jsp page? 2) How can I play an audio file in jsp without audio file being download on client browser (like live stream) - temporary internet files please help with some code example ...

how to set initial volume of a very brief WAV audio in iPad Mobile Safari ?

Is it possible to set the starting volume of a WAV audio on iPad Safari? My audio is very brief (512 bytes, a clicking sound) and I haven't been able to lower its volume, either by including a volume="0.1" attribute in the HTML or by setting myAudio.volume=0.1 immediately before invoking Here is a slightly different, tho...

Images and Audio in an Alert Dialog

Hey guys, I'm using the following tutorial in order to create a map view and plot points on to it. I have all of that done fine but now I'd like to embed an image and even audio within the Alert dialogs that pop up. Is this possible in the current context? How wo...

How to stop audio played by audio tag of HTML5

Hi All, I am new to HTML5 and I am exploring HTML5 features. There I came across audio tag. I written code with it to play sound files. I am having one problem with this tag. On button click, I want to change the sound file stopping the previous one. I searched a lot but didn't find anything. Please help me to stop the sound played by a...

Play streamed audio in browser (

I am trying to get this to work for quite some time now. I have an page in which I am trying to play a wav file. The code in the page load event is as follows: Response.Clear() Response.ContentType = "audio/wav" Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "inline;filename=" + "temp.wav") Dim filePath As String = Server.Ma...

Signal Processing in Go

I have come up with an idea for an audio project and it looks like Go is a useful language for implementing it. However, it requires the ability to apply filters to incoming audio, and Go doesn't appear to have any sort of audio processing package. I can use cgo to call C code, but every signal processing library I find uses C++ classes ...

What is a good library for interfacing with audio files?

I need a library for loading audio samples from a file and creating new audio files given the audio samples, author name, title, etc. The 2 main audio file formats I'll be using are WAV and MP3. ...

AudioTrack on Android SDK gets inaccurate as it goes

I'm trying to make a real-time audio application on android. As OnPlaybackPositionUpdateListener seems never working on any versions of android, I'm on a workaround using separate thread that keeps writing on a buffer of an AudioTrack instance. track.write() seems to be a blocking call and it doesn't insanely write data on the buffer. ...

Programatically Mixdown of audio tracks (no playback)

Hi, I've found some excellent demos of how to mix together sound objects together for live playback. See the working example bellow... But can it be done programatically without any playback so I can just output the mixed file? Also I'll be adding some volume change info along the way so it'll need to be added in small chunks like how ...

Java: Quickly fade in and out the gain of a javax.sound.sampled.Clip

I want to smoothly transition between two audio clips that are loaded into an array of javax.sound.sampled.Clips in my Java applet. At the moment I stop one clip and start the next but this produces audible clicking noises due to the audio stopping and starting abruptly. I need to use the Clip interface so that I can do looping and trans...

Accessing the Android media stream for audio visualization.

Basically, I want to make an audio visualizer. I know it's possible, because my phone came with a few live wallpapers that do it. The problem is, I can't seem to figure out how to do this with the Android API. My app would pick up the currently playing media stream and then depending upon the volume that is playing at that time, it wo...

Sound processing in C++ on Windows - a nudge in the right direction

I want to write a simple sound editor with a very specific purpose: cutting and re-gluing an audio file (which will contain spoken prose) in such a way that each sentence is repeated N times. (This is for foreign language learning.) I don't want to use an existing sound editor because I would like to tailor the GUI specifically for this...

Web browser audio on old Windows Mobile 2003

I have a HP iPAQ h4150 running Microsoft Windows Mobile 2003 and trying to get any kind of sound from a web page in IE 4 (or any other free browser). I just need the ability for a notification beep. Any method will do - javascript, flash, java applet, background process listening on a port (pythonce, etcl, and so on). Thanks you. ...

unable to playback raw audio file

I have a raw audio file captured from a camera in the format u-law mono 8KHZ (no wav headers). The problem I am having is that when I try to play back the file, I just seem to get bad noise. I have plugged the raw audio through a program called goldwave, and it is able to playback the file perfectly. I am sure I am just missing something...

Detecting if headphones are plugged into iPhone

Hey, Does anyone know if you can detect if headphones are plugged into the iPhone, and if they aren't - disable sound from your application. I think I could manage disabling sound, but the detection part I have yet to find anything on. Thanks ...

Android: Detect another application has started playing audio

My music application constantly plays music in the background, however I'd like to be able to detect when another application starts playing audio (such as the YouTube app) so I can pause/mute/stop the audio in my application. This will allow a user to continue browsing the web whilst listening to music, but then if they wish to watch a...

Simulate No Audio Input Route in iPhone Simulator

I'm making a couple audio apps, and one snag I've run into several times is code I write for the iPhone doesn't work on the iPod Touch. When using low-level audio, having no audio input route can crash the app when initializing an audio session. Is anyone aware of how to simulate no available audio input in the iPhone simulator? EDIT...

Android Soundloop get playlength

Hi, I am playing a audiofile with Soundpools .play, streamVolume, streamVolume, 1, 0, 1.3f); but I need to know when the sound stops playing, how could I realize this? I need the PITCH Option.. any solution (even if its not with soundpool) is welcome thx chris ...

What is the suggested audio volume to design iPhone apps for?

Is there a favored audio level that one should equalize their audio assets for playback on an iOS device? Twenty, 50% or 66% of max volume? We're building a game that has a variety of sounds for alerts, sound effects and voice overs and we're trying to figure out a good baseline to tune it for. I can't seem to find any documentati...