
Jquery autocomplete JSON return result from webservice but it is not showing in dropdownlist

I do not know what is wrong with this code. alert shows that data has returned from web service but auto-complete still not showing data. I am using 2.0 and google jquery link $(document).ready(function() { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "http://localhost/WebService/Service.asmx/getlist2...

jQuery - How to select an element that is created after page load

I have a page that uses Ryan Bates nested_form plugin. The plugin is used when you have form based on one model and then additional fields that belong to another model. For example if I had a form that created categories, and at the same time I wanted to add items to the new category, my form would contain input fields for the category m...

JavaScript Autocomplete

I have dates and description. If the date is entered, then the description should autocomplete. Like if 12/25/yyyy is selected, then Christmas should automatically be shown? I tried this, but its not working. Any help? ` $(function() { $('#date').datepicker(); }); $(function() { var availableTags = ["Christmas Day","etc"]; $("...

trouble with jquery autocomplete.

tyring to implement an autocomplete based on : it looks like it's very straight forward but i cannot get this one to work with an ajax call. by not working, i mean i don't see the drop down. firebug shows no errors. <script type="text/javascript"> var options, a; jQuery(...

js autocomplete for multiple items with other text

Is there a module that already exists or can someone point me in the right direction for creating an autocomplete that works similar to Facebook's status update where you have standard text mixed in with autocompleted names that are activated by a delim character such as @. Plus, all of this placed within an editable div or multiline te...

javascript autocomplete with onChange event

I have two input fields, Id and Desc. I need a javascript which enters the values in second text field based on some of the fields already set. Like for christmas day, if 12/25 is entered, it should say Christmas day. Its working for one value. But if I put "else if" its not working for multiple values. [code] <script type="text/javasc...

jQuery UI/Autocomplete - How to change default variable names?

jQuery UI Autocomplete uses the variable names "value", "id" and "label" to create the drop down list. For example: $("#cities").autocomplete({ source: "backend/cities.php", minLength: 2, select: function(event, ui) { city =; region = ui.item.label; country = ui.item.value; } }); the ...

jquery autocomplete and formatItem / formatResult

I am trying to hide some data from the autocomplete drop down. This is what I got: $("#sVendor2").autocomplete("vendors2.cfm", { width: 300, selectFirst: false, autoFill: false }); Now, my vendors2.cfm page displays #vendor_name# (#vendorID#), #vendorSiteCode# (#vendorSiteID#): #address#, #city#, #state#, #zip#| What I want t...

Compatibility of textbox AutoCompleteMode and keyPress event, C#

I have a textbox tbx. For it I had an event handler: public void tbxPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e) { MessageBox.Show("message 1"); if (e.KeyChar == 13) // i.e. on Enter { MessageBox.Show("message 2"); } } and it worked perfect until I set AutoCompleteMode parameter of tbx....

INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR: with autocomplete jquery plugin

INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR: DOM Exception 5: An invalid or illegal character was specified, such as in an XML name. I am getting this above error in my web inspector when I type anything in autocomplete text box. This error is specific to Safari ( with IE 7 as user agent ) and also on IE 7 / 8 $( '#fieldName' ).autocomplete( url, { wid...

How do you enable auto-complete functionality in Visual Studio C++ express edition?

Please guide me, how do you enable autocomplete functionality in VS C++? By auto-complete, I mean, when I put a dot after control name, the editor should display a dropdown menu to select from. Thank you. ...

swing autocomplete text field / drop down...

Hi, We need an autocomplete component for swing, the problem with the one in jdesktop/SwingX is that we have to use a combo box and after each key stroke it simply scrolls down to the nearest match but the combo still holds the 25.000 elements. It doesn't show the 4 or 5 that are the closest match together because they can be in differe...

Install Ruby support for VIM on Mac OS X

Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) has VIM pre-installed (version 7.2), which is great. It also has Ruby pre-installed (version 1.8.7) which is great too. However, I want Ruby autocompletion in VIM. Looking up the VIM version (vim --version) shows -ruby (i.e. ruby support isn't enabled). How to enable ruby for my VIM installation? ...

Rails - Using Autocomplete with the Scoped_search gem?

I'm using the scoped_search gem for basic search functionality on my site. Scoped search: I'm using the most basic possible implementation of this gem. I'm searching on the name attribute in a user model only. On the frontend, in users/index, the search input is a text_field_tag. <% form_t...

jQuery autocomplete fires multiple times

So I have a jquery autocomplete on a testbox that searches the database for a user, and places the ID in a hidden input field. For some reason the autocomplete fires when they type something, then again when an item is selected, changing the text. Since I'm searching first and last name it doesn't find any matches the second time and c...

How do I combine multiple events in a jQuery UI autocomplete?

In the code below, I have the same function on three different events (focus, select, change). This seems redundant but I can't figure out how to combine the three into one. Thanks in advance for any ideas! $("input[name^='addSchool']").autocomplete({ source: function (request, response) { var temp = $("input[name^='addSchoo...

Observer Field: Autofill field when selecting another field...

Here's my existing code: <% form_for(@match) do |f| %> <%= f.error_messages %> <fieldset> <p> <label>Name</label> <%= f.text_field(:name) %> </p> <p> <label>OR email address</label> <%= f.text_field(:email) %> </p> </fieldset> <p> <la...

cshell tab completion , case insensitive

for C Shell is there a way to make tab completion for commands, files etc as case insensitive (i saw complete=enhance env var, but that is only for tcsh, not csh) ...

Problem with UI Layout plugin in combination with Tokenizing autocomplete plugin, MVC .NET application

Hello, i have problem with jquery layout plugin in combination with Tokenizing autocomplete plugin. When i click on close bar on one of panes inside which sits input text box with tokenizing autocomplete plugin, div close. But, when reope i can find 2 input text boxes with tokenizing plugin. Anyone have solution for this? Need to preve...

Problem with jQuery autocomplete and lucene

I use jQuery autocomplete in a jsp and get my searchresults from a servlet, where a Lucene Index is searched against the given term that should be autocompleted. Thats the code of the autocomplete in the jsp: $(document).ready(function() { $("#QRY_ItemQuickSearch_enc").autocomplete("<%=autoSuggestAction%>", { onI...