
How do I get access to which .net forms combobox autocomplete suggestions are currently suggested in the drop down suggestion box

Hi, I've got some comboboxes which are populated with large collections of items. The user is only allowed to select an existing item, not add one. Currently I just disabled whatever weird property it was (I forgot already!) that allows editing of the combobox. However I figure it would be better if I allowed them to start typing, and l...

Exclude items from autocomplete method

Hello all. I have the following code that pulls off a list of items used in an text box autocomplete extender: return autocomplete.tblAutoCompletes .Where(p => p.MemberId == memberid && p.LocationId == locationid && p.ACItem.Contains(prefixText)) .OrderBy(p => p.ACItem) .Select(p => p.ACItem) ...

Cannot implicitly convert type string to string[] in autocomplete method

Afternoon all - it's Friday th 13th so of course I am having an absolute mare!!! The code below, 'should' create a list of items that will be used in a textbox autocomplete. public string[] GetAutoComplete(string prefixText, int count) { try { string memberid = HttpContext.Current.Session["VDS_MemberID"]...

Linq - How to exclude items from autocomplete array

Hello all. I have the following code that gives me a an array in an autocomplete extender: return autocomplete.tblAutoCompletes .Where(p => p.MemberId == memberid && p.LocationId == locationid && p.ACItem.Contains(prefixText)) .OrderBy(p => p.ACItem) .Select(p => p.ACItem) ...

Autocompletion in dynamic language IDEs, specifically Python in PyDev

I'm new to Python, with a background in statically typed languages including lots and lots of Java. I decided on PyDev in eclipse as an IDE after checking features/popularity etc. I was stunned that auto-complete doesn't seem to work properly for builtins. For example if I try automcomplete on datafile after: datafile = open(directory...

Autocomplete and Solr

Hi, I am trying to build an auto complete using Solr (TermsComponent) and Rails. Now there are several options of doing this using jRails, 'plain' jQuery, autocomplete plugin etc. What is the best way to do this? Are there any good tutorial for this? Thanks in advance for any help. ...

Passing dynamically Data Object in the data using AutoSuggest jQuery plugin

AutoSuggest jQuery Plugin requires an already available Data Object in order to run. I need to use the user's selection from the first input as data in the second input. The following snippet throws an error in firebug availableTeachers is not defined var labs = {lesson: [ { ...

Autocomplete error, null is not an object, IE only.

Hi, the following code works well in Chrome/FireFox, but error in IE. The error shows the message. Message: 'name' is null or not an object I know there are quite a few questions related. But they seem to be different in some way. So, please help. Thanks. (The error is occurred at line 7) $("#keywords").autocomplete('downloa...

Autocomplete in jQuery 1.4.2 jQuery UI 1.8.3

I must be thick because I cannot for the life of me get jQuery autocomplete to work. I have searched for many many examples, and it seems that most of them use an older version of jQuery. I found one fairly good example directly from the jQuery UI site: So I modeled mine after that exa...


Hi, Two questions regarding yui autocomplete: Is there a way to make yui autocomplete mouse selection and keyboard up/down selection create only one selection at any time ? Also is there any way to update the text in the autocomplete textbox with the selection done with keyboard up/down arrow only ie force the selection to appear in...

Jquery Autocomplete - add selected values to hidden field

I'm using Jquery Autocomplete based on: I am able to select a value from the textbox and add it to a list as in the example. Is it possible to add the selected value to a hidden field? For example <input type='hidden' value='value 1,value 2, value 3' name="SelectedValue" i...

Jquery autocomplete, how to search on words instead of string

I have a textbox where i want to have an autocomplete that lets the user search through addresses. The user must be able to type in different words and the autocomplete must search through them to narrow its list. I've been trying and reading the documentation, but nothing seems to do the trick as it always searches on the whole string...

Dynamic LINQ Multiple Where Clause

Hello all. Still really struggling with this and appear to be going round in circles. I have the following code that is driving me nuts. It should populate a list of items to be used in an autocomplete text box: public string[] GetAutoComplete(string prefixText, int count) { string memberid = HttpContext.Current.Sessio...

Trouble getting text_field_with_auto_complete to work on an overlay

Hey all I have a slight issue with getting Auto Complete to search when the text field is on a modal overlay. To achieve the auto complete I am using the plugin by Pat Shaughnessy (link) and the modal overlay is created using the helpers in the "Modal Overlay" plugin. I am trying to use the auto complete on a form that is displayed in...

KeyDown event does not fire for 'enter' in AutoCompleteBox

I am using a Silverlight usercontrol in my ASP.NET web app. The user control has several autocomplete boxes and it seems that the enter key never fires the keydown event in any of them while it fires for other keys. I'm assuming that autocomplete boxes must handle the enter key in a different way, perhaps for chosing an item from the li...

Call a JS function for autocompletion in Joomla-Breezing Form?

Hello, I am using Breezing Form 1.7.1 on Joomla 1.5.19. I have my form ready, I have an autocompletion script working (fro my old PHP code) but I am not able to haveboth working toguether ... In BF, in the custom option in "action script" section, I select "focus" and call my function. I try to copy or not the full autocompletion script....

Passing jQuery Autocomplete search method value to search event

I am making a call to the search method and passing a value $('myelem').autocomplete('search','test'); Then I have an event handler for the search event search: function (event,ui){ //I need to access the value 'test' passed from the search method in the search event } So far I can not find out how to access the value in the search...

Netbeans 6.9 + XSL autocomplete

Theres some way to do Netbeans 6.9.1 autocomplete XSL tags? ...

How to validate geographic locations (like on

On, the edit page under – section Where do you want to work? – has the neat property, that it validates geographic locations and gives them some canonical name. E.g. I enter Subotica and it will complete to Zubotica, Severna Bachka, Serbia Does it use any...

How do I turn off try/catch block code completion in ReSharper?

When I start typing a try/catch block, ReSharper causes it to be expanded from try { to try { } catch(Exception) { } I appreciate ReSharper trying to do me a favour, but this is one of those instances where I'd prefer to do it myself seeing as I'm often going back and adding the try block later, or typing a try/finally block withou...