
Way to get AutoComplete working in a DataGridViewComboBoxColumn?

Hi. I've already successfully gotten autocomplete working in a regular combo box. I used the leave event to set the selection to null if the user types in something that isn't in the list. Now, I want to do this in a DataGridViewComboBoxColumn. However, the usual properties like AutoCompleteMode and AutoCompleteSource are missing. I he...

Null Pointer Exception during PerformFiltering on an AutoCompleteTextView

Hi, I have successfully implemented a custom SimpleCursorAdapter for an AutoCompleteTextView, which suggests entries from the database according to what has been entered into the box. However, I am getting the following non-fatal errors: An exception occured during performFiltering()! java.lang.NullPointerException at com.stev.LondonTa...

ssh bash completion file

for git I use this bash completion file you know a good bash ssh completion file? // or other goods bash completion files ? ...

jquery ui autocomplete, and json returned data from a PDO fetch_obj - Possible?

Hello all, I'm getting the return from the server side like so: [{"nomeDominio":""},{"nomeDominio":""}] Question: Can we use this with the jquery autocomple UI ? It seems we can't and I'm not sure what format does it expects. :s K. Regards, MEM ...

Eclipse 'Anonymous Inner Type' - autocomplete

Hello everyone, Sometimes I tend using autocomplete from eclipse (3.5) for anonymous inner types. For some reason eclipse always puts ending-parenthesis and semicolon in wrong order. A small example: button.addActionListener( new Act... ) // <-- Pressing Autocomplete (strg+space) results in: button.addActionListener( new ActionListe...

How to implement an AutoCompleteBox on Windows Phone 7

I have a Textbox on my WP7 GUI, which I would like to Bind to a generic list stored in IsolatedStorage. The aim would be, to supply a feature like the AutoCompleteBox in WPF, which seems to be missing in WP7 Silverlight. I want to provide suggestions based on the entries in the favorites list as the user types in text. Matching would be ...

Using plaintext as a jQuery UI Autcomplete data source?

I've come onto a project that is a little bit out of my skillset (as I'm a front-end dev), but I was told to tackle it anyway. Basically what I'm trying to do is integrate jQuery UI's Autocomplete with a dataset that is plain text. Here's the "handler" file which grabs the data: <%@ WebHandler Language="C#" Class="ETFSymbollookupDa...

xapian auto-complete

Has anyone ever used Xapian for implementing an Auto-Complete/Auto-Suggest feature? i.e. providing possible set of suggestions as the user types a.k.a. Google's Auto-Suggest. I have about 2 million phrases for which I am considering using Xapian as the search framework. As I understand, this framework was not build for this kind of fea...

Jquery Autocomplete - help with code - what next?

I'm using this plugin here: I have this: function formatar(result) { return result.q + ' (teste ko)'; } $(document).ready(function() { $('#nome_dominio').autocomplete("testeJson2.php", { parse: function(data) { alert(data...

jQuery/UI Auto complete but only allow existing words to be typed in

Hopefully I am explaining this correctly, I have a long predefined list of items (products in my db) and I would like the user to be able to type and auto complete a product, however if that product / word is NOT in the list, I don't want to allow additional characters to be typed. So the auto complete would ideally block additional inp...

jquery autocomplete doubt 1 - why data is string and result is object?

$(document).ready(function() { $('#nome_dominio').autocomplete("testeJson2.php", { parse: function(data) { }, formatItem: function(result) { return formatar(result); } }).result(function(e, result) { alert ('escolheu algo'); ...

jquery autocomplete doubt 2 - what should we do next?

function formatar(result) { return result.q + ' (teste ko)'; } $(document).ready(function() { $('#nome_dominio').autocomplete("testeJson2.php", { //data is a string formatted in json parse: function(data) { //so, we can use JSON.parse var responseObject = JSON.p...

Returning only the latest callback in Javascript/jQuery?

I'm trying to build a simple autocomplete list: DOM: <input id="example"/> <div id="results"></div> Javascript: $('#example').keyup(function(e) { $('#results').empty(); $.getJSON('Search?input=' + $('#example').val(), function(response) { // This attaches the results to the results div updateA...

Autocomplete stop work after page refreshed

Hi, I am new to both Rails and Javascript, so my question is probably trivial. I am currently building a website which have a side page for index page. Inside the side panel, there is a search field for the index page, which I used for autocomplete ( Ajax.Autocompleter from the The problem is that seems autocomplete ja...

Tab autocompletion in bash using php

Hey guys, I'm writing a simple script to autocomplete when I press TAB. The php script contains a simple "echo". In this case, the autocomplete works but a "tab" is appended to the output making it useless Code from the script scriptPath='/home/hassen/workspace/scripts/bin/test.php' _dda() { local cur COMPREPLY=() u...

Custom CakePHP order by clause for jQuery autocomplete

I have a database of locations the user can select from by typing and autocompletion. In my CakePHP controller, I do this: $locations = $this->Location->find('all', array( 'conditions' => array(' like' => '%'.$term.'%'), 'fields' => array('', '', ''), 'order' =>...

jQuery autocomplete: select Id from 'source' event

Hi Gurus I'm trying to apply jQuery UI autocomplete to three input boxes at the same time since the request and logic is almost the same, only one parameter changes between them. Since I'm using a remote source that is being retrieved with ajax I'm trying to be able to know from which textbox the request was made. As you can see in th...

trying to get vim to work with python

Im trying to get code completion for python in vim 7.3. When I install vim I use this configuration: ./configure --prefix=${HOME}/vim73 --enable-python3interp=yes --with-python3-config-dir=/home/etobkru/Python3/lib/python3.1/config make && make install I copy this file: ...

JQuery Autocomplete: formatItem doesn't work

We've put frustrating hours into the attempt to get a remarkably simple script to work (and everyone else seems to be successful). Finally, we want to create an autosuggest textbox using JQuery that writes the value of a selected text into a hidden field, but this question isn't about that because even the first step fails (but working s...

Postgresql autocomplete?

Is there something that provides auto-completion for PostgreSQL? I'm looking for something similar to RedGate's SQLPrompt. Currently using pgAdmin III's query tool but willing to consider other query editors. ...