
jQuery UI autocomplete - Showing the results in separate lists

Hi, I'd like to show my search results separated in many columns, that is, in separate lists like: Item 1 Item 5 Item 9 Item 2 Item 6 Item 10 Item 3 Item 7 Item 4 Item 8 Following whatever way to indicate how many items should be shown per list before creating a new one. I'm not clear about the formatItem(...

What autocomplete jQuery plugins is the easiest to use for rails?

I need a simple and flexible autocomplete jQuery plugin. In your experience, which jQuery plugin has the best performance and flexibility? ...

jQuery UI Autocomplete with Chrome-like autofill

I'm using the jQuery UI autocomplete functionality and, while I've found a way to implement the autoFill function, I was looking for functionality like in the Google Chrome address bar. Where the best matching item is auto-filled, but it doesn't interrupt your typing. Any help is appreciated. ...

Autocomplete extender not firing

Hello. I have a ajax autocomplete extender and everything works fine. I mean sql procedure and others are fine but when I enter something to textbox nothing happened. Why is that? Here is my codes. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.Services; using System.Configuration;...

Dynamically update autocomplete box in Android?

I will like to know if we can continuously call some service for fetching results and displaying in Autocomplete list. I have one screen with the text box and when user starts entering in that textbox the autocomplete should get filled with the data. The data will not be hardcoded and will be fetched through http connection. I think I n...

Enter does not submit form in IE because of hidden button

I have a form with two buttons. The first is hidden using Javascript. When I press enter in a textfield in IE, the form does not submit. I assume it is because it has chosen the first button as default submit button, but since that button is hidden it does not work. I have solved this by submitting the form on an enter keydown Javascri...

jQuery UI Autocomplete JSON bug

When you have a remote datasource and min character limit, typing a few letters, deleting them, then typing the same ones gives no results. You can see this on the example: - try typing 'pi' (get results), delete it and type it again (no results). Can anyone fix it or work out how to log th...

Modifying jQuery plugin SimpleAutoComplete

Hey everyone, I was hoping someone could nudge me in the right direction. I'm using the jQuery plugin simpleAutoComplete to enhance my search form with an autocomplete functionality. Basically the search functionality allows users to search for capital cities in the world. I have it designed so that my handler file returns the City N...

Writing autocomplete plugin for IDE's

As of now , other than visual studio , and netbeans , very few IDE's have given me satisfactory auto complete(or code suggestion?) features. Yeah they do perform to an extent , but i would atleast like to try my hand at making one , that suits to my taste. I have experience in java , c , C++ , C# and have learnt the basics of wxwidgets(...

jqueryui / autocomplete: search for term if enter is pressed without using autocomplete tag

I'm using jqueryui's autocomplete widget (ui v1.8.4) as a helping tool for a sitesearch. Without autocomplete the user types in his query, presses enter or search-button and get the results on result-page. Autocomplete should work as addition while the user types. ... but if i type in a searchterm, i get the list from autocomplete. but...

Scala Eclipse Autocomplete Broken?

Hi All, I'm trying to get autocomplete working in eclipse for scala development. I'm trying to reference a java class from a Scala class, and the autocomplete feature never finds it. for example take this scala class: object Main { def main(args: Array[String]) { val btn = new JButton } } When I hit ctrl+space at the end of typ...

netbeans auto complete

Hello, I am using NetBeans while using python. In NetBeans, i have class like this: class Test: Var = 'Val' In python i can access this Var variable with this (using Test class for ENUM): print Test.Var NetBens does not auto complete after dot(.). But whenever i instance Test class, it auto completes. Here is example. test = Te...

Matching single character word with Scriptaculous Autocompleter

I'm using the Scriptaculous Autocompleter to search a set of film titles but it's not matching single character titles such as "M" even though it starts searching after one character has been entered. Any help would be really appreciated, thanks! ...

autocompletebox focus in wpf

when I try to focus on my "autocompletetextbox" I failed I write autocompletetextbox.focus() but the cursor still focus in another what should I do or write to enable to write in it or focus? ...

JQuery Autocomplete not working for catcomplete

Hi Guys, I am trying to use the catcomplete part of the JQuery Autocomplete but it is not working. I get this error Jquery Object # has no method 'catcomplete' Here is my code $('#searchForDelegate').catcomplete({ delay: 0, source: data }); I have checked the Jquery and there is no function for catcomplete. Any ideas ? Jus...

Using zsh completion outside zsh

What is the best way to use zsh completion outside zsh? I know that I can redefine compadd builtin with custom function and parse its options, but is there a better way? I want to add omni completion for shell scripts to Vim based on zsh completion system. ...

Jquery Autocomeplete Get Selected value call javascript function

I had a previous version of jquery.autocomplete and whenever i selected an item i am able to have another function parse the selected value. now i am using the v1.1 plugin found at and i need to know which function i can use so i can parse the selected value. thanks. function Itemselecte...

I want to enable jquery autocomplete when user enters @

I want to use jQuery autocomplete when user enter @ in textbox for entering email address when user enter @ afrer typing his email id domain name list like,, should be populated so that user can select it instead of typing it from autocomplete. I tried but it is not working my code is <!DOCTYPE ...

jQuery autocomplete - pass targeted element attribute as an extra parameter?

I'm using the jQuery UI Autocomplete plug-in to make an ajax call and retrieve data. As well as passing the text of the input element I'm trying to pass in the 'id' attribute of the input element as an additional parameter. An extract of my code looks like this - $("#autocomplete input").autocomplete({ source: function(requ...

Disable IntelliJ Starred (Package) Imports?

I'm a migrating Eclipse IDE user and am learning my way round IntelliJ IDEA 9. By default Eclipse IDE won't use a starred import until you import 99 classes from the same package, so it practically never happens. But IntelliJ IDEA seems only too keen to do it, and I can't work out how to disable it. For example, after typing JList the...