
jQuery UI autocomplete + CakePHP

I'm setting up jQuery UI autocomplete on a CakePHP site, and feel like I'm missing something really obvious, but it's almost working... So the simple jQuery code is: $(function() { $("#SearchQuery").autocomplete({ source: "<?= $session->base ?>/search/complete", minLength: 2 }); }); This connects to my search ...

JQuery Autocomplete remote data

I've got it to work, and I have looked online and through the documentation, it's not very useful for some reason! Given this code that works as expected: <input type="text" id="color_input" /> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery('#color_input').autocomplete('autoComplete.aspx'); </script> What I can't figure out is how what t...

Help understanding a php function - the meaning of $array[]; the [] part.

private function jsonArray($object) { $json = array(); if(isset($object) && !empty($object)) { foreach($object as $obj) { $json[]["name"] = $obj; } } return $json; } We are grabbing an object, and if the conditional is met, we iterate over that object. Then... I'm lost on this reading... :s Wh...

jquery autocomplete plugin - fetch works - fetchAll doesn't.

If I have something like this from the server side, from a fetch: array(1) { [0]=> array(1) { ["nome"]=> string(7) "" } } [{"nome":""}] The json of the above is: [{"nome":""}] This Works: parse: function(data) { return $.map(eval('('+data+')'), function(result) { return { data: result, value: res...

jquery ui autocomplete - handling xml results

Hi, For my xml object I have 3 nodes which I can grab. I'm trying to make a search box where the result is a link. I'd like to format what is shown in the drop down to be like this: Title (which is also a link provided by the URL node)   Description I am able to get the data but how do I format the results to look like that? I'd also...

JQuery UI Slide div under autocomplete box

Having a textbox with JQuery UI Autocomplete and a DIV right under it, I would like to slide the div for the height of the autocomplete dropdown that opens when we type in something. The div is a placeholder for the data that's coming from an AJAX call via autocomplete. Currently there is a space between the autocomplete textbox and a di...

In VS2010, how to get VB.NET enum values to autocomplete without typing the enum type first?

In VS2008, you could write, for instance, dim enumValue as MyEnum enumValue = .. and then as soon as you typed the =, you'd get a list of possible values of MyEnum. With VS2010, you have to type dim enumValue as MyEnum enumValue = MyEnum. ... before getting the list on typing the final . This makes for a lot more typing and seem...

Eclipse PDT (helios) autocompletion

i've just installed a new eclipse helios and i wonder about the autocompletion not working properly as in my older versions (ganymede/galileo). it's working for simple functions and class-methods but it somehow doesn't know methods which have been inherited from other classes AND it won't show autocompletion for chained methoed which ret...

Faster autocomplete/instant search for java mobile application

Hello, I have implemented an autocomplete / instant search on a mobile application that I am developing using java (for the BlackBerry). The search is currently working, however I am looking for some tips on how I may be able to make the search faster. Currently, every time that a letter is typed in the search bar, a search is executed...

jquery ui autocomplete - manipulating results

Hi, I'm returning multiple pieces of data for each result. In each result I have different link's that I am passing that I'd like to make selectable. Right now no matter where someone clicks on a result it just puts the title into the text box rather than processing the link. $(function() { function log(message) { $("<div/>").text(mess...

AJAX autocomplete with jQuery in a Ruby on Rails 3 application

I would like to implement an AJAX "autocomplete search" feature of my Ruby on Rails 3 application. I would like to use jQuery to implement the JavaScript portion. Is there a popular approach (or tutorial) to implement this? ...

Suggestion needed for NON JavaScript version of an input autocomplete

I'm building an App that is heavy on jQuery. Most of it I can handle without the use of JS and still have a functioning site, however there is one bit that is eluding me. (note, I'm using ASP.NET MVC but that shouldn't matter in this instance) I have an input field that is making great use of jQuery-UI AutoComplete. The behavior is ver...

jquery ui autocomplete - not working in IE

This code works in firefox but not IE. Any ideas? I'm using the latest jQuery-ui libraries. <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <title>jQuery UI Autocomplete Remote datasource demo</title> <link type="text/css" href="jquery.ui.all.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.4.2.js"...

Is there anything like VisualAssistX for Eclipse? or I'd like some autocomplete with my cup of Eclipse.

Hello guys, I'm currently being forced to work with Eclipse on one of my current projects. The language we're working with is C++. The one thing I miss the most from Visual Studio is VisualAssistX, mostly for its Auto Complete. Is there anything like it for Eclipse? Or is there anyway to buff Eclipse's autocompletion? Thanks a lot, p... MVC AutoComplete Erroring?

I'm trying to get an autocomplete field firing in my mvc website. Basically the user types in their location and i go out to my db and pre-populate with country and postcodes that match. The problem im having is that when the view load an error throws saying "Microsoft JScript runtime error: Exception thrown and not caught". It ...

How to use autocomplete in a datagrid?

I have a Datagrid with a DataGridTextColumn. This is populated by using databinding, and can be edited by users. Is it possible to add autocomplete to the DataGridTextColumn ? ...

pagination autocomplete

Hi , Am some free open source auto complete plugin same like this demo link text OR ANOTHER DEMO link text I am looking pagination on auto complete , or auto complete that should contain the pager also, I tell u , why am looking with pager, actually i want to populate uk postcode ,more then of postcode first 3 character like...

jQuery IU Autocomplete

I using jQuery-UI Autocomplete. When user types some text autocomplete send async request. But user not waiting response and moves to other input. How i can cancel request? ...

I need to implement an Auto complete Utility using Struts2-JQuery plugin.

There is an inbuilt tag for this purpose. User enters a character in the textbox, Strings which start with the character entered should be displayed in the form of a list. The item selected from the list should be populated in the textbox. P.S: The examples and demo available display Strings that contain the character entered. But I w...

jQuery UI Autocomplete Validation

Hi, I am trying to perform some sort of text field validation before the Autocomplete request results for the inputted text. My code: <script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/jquery-1.4.2.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/jquery-ui-1.8.2.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() {...