
Google maps like auto-complete or auto-suggest API for postal addresses

Hi, I'm part of a project that requires auto-complete or auto-suggest feature for postal addresses (something similar to what google maps has). As the user starts to type in the number and then the street google starts to suggest valid options. I would like to know if there is an api (even commercial) available in the market. Note: I'm...

jQuery UI autocomplete on multiple rows created with .clone() method

Hello, I'm almost new to jQuery... I found some tutorials/posts explaining 1. how to clone a table row (useful for inserting invoice details): 2. how to use the jQuery UI autocomplete with PHP and MySQL (useful for retrieving products from a db table and avoid typing everyt...

jQuery ui autocomplete - .ui-autocomplete-loading

I'd like to apply this css to the search box while it is fetching the XML file. Currently it takes ~3 seconds to load this file. I see in the autocomplete.js file these two functions: _search: function( value ) { this.term = this.element .addClass( "ui-autocomplete-loading" ) // always save the actual value, not...

How to abort old autocomplete requests when new one is sent

In a jquery ui autocomplete box, is there a way to cancel previous searches when the user types more characters? I was hoping to be able to use something like ajaxmanager, but I don't see a way that I can. The closest I've gotten is this thread. ...

Jquery autocomplete function not always running

I have a simple textbox and autocomplete like so: <input id="tagQuery" size="25" type="text" class="tagsearchbox" name="tagQuery" style="vertical-align:middle" /> <script>$("#tagQuery").autocomplete("getAutoCompleteData.jsp");</script> getAutoCompleteData is a jsp file containing JUST this (atm): <% String query = request.getPa...

jquery autocomplete rendering hidden div

I have been trying to get jquery.autocomplete ( to work for the last few hours and can't get past this issue. It keeps rendering a hidden div containing the ul. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? The ul contains the appropriate data.... Thanks, Mike ...

Linq to SQL: Aggregating over ||

I'm trying to write a Linq query which fetches all users whose first or last name begins with at least one string in a list of strings. This is used for auto-completion of recipients in a messaging system. This was my first naive attempt: var users = UserRepository.ALL() foreach (var part in new [] { 'Ha', 'Ho', 'He' }) { string pa...

Are there any Intellisense-like autocomplete jQuery plugins?

I am building a page that will require some sort of Intellisense/Autocomplete, is there any jQuery/Javascript plugins that you know of? We are currently using a control similar to a normal autocomplete, where suggestions appear below the text area after writting a period (we then get the current token and do reflexion to get available m...

JQuery AutoComplete updating multiple fields ASP.NET

I'm trying to use the AutoComplete feature of JQuery to update multiple fields on an ASP.NET web page. The individual textbox is functioning perfectly, but I cannot figure out how to update multiple textboxes on the page once the user selects. I've read many suggestions here that state I need to implement a result handler, but my intel...

Getting Browser Autocomplete of Ajax Submitted Form Fields Working in IE

I have a page that is heavily managed by ajax, and used all day by my clients employees for data entry. Before a merger the client was using Firefox, but has had to change to IE8 now. Firefox would save the form inputs when the forms on this page where submitted via ajax, IE8 doesn't do this natively. Having the forms now not auto-com...

Android. Autocompletetextview and sqlite

Hello folks, I'm trying to find a solution for following thing. Autocompletetextview with filtering on sqlite side. I guess, I should write custom CursorAdapter, which implements Filterable, but I have no idea, where to start. Did anybody see any examples / tutorials for that? Mur ...

AutoCompleteExtender questions

Hi, I'm using an AutoCompleteExtender for an ASP.NET project of mine, and it's pulling the fields to be shown fine. However, when the user chooses an autocomplete suggestion, I need the function to pull another field from the row (the 'ID' column which is the primary key), as that what is the necessary field used to display the relevant ...

jQuery ui autocomplete plugin change PHP request URL

Hello, I'm using this plugin: Works great but I would like to use the request URL like this: " search input" and not like this: " search input" because I use codeigniter and that's how I work with URLs. So I will need to append the search input...

Jquery autocomplete on large array

Hi all, I am using Jquery autocomplete with local array of size ~5000, every word is ~10 chars. I am initializing the object like this: .autocomplete({matchContains: true, minLength: 3, delay: 700, source: array1, max: 10, highlight: true }) The problem is, that when I start to type, it takes a lot of time (sometime crashes the brows...

Rails gem rails3-jquery-autocomplete: How do I query multiple fields

I'm using the rails3-jquery-autocomplete gem found here: The instructions are clear for how to query a single attribute of a model and I am able to make that work without a problem. My Person model has two attributes that I would like to combine and query, however. They are first_n...

jQuery Autocomplete textbox in like Outlook "To:" box

Hi, I have created a email form using jQuery AutoComplete. Some thing like this one: but I can't figure out how to allow users to select more then one items and append to the $("[id$='txtTo']").val(users); ... similar to outlook i.e [email protected];[email protected];ghi@yourdomain....

Optimal lucene query options for doing auto completion

I have lucene acting as my data provider for querying a list of countries to do auto completion from a text box which works fine. My question is in regards what type of query string should I be sending over to get the most expected return results? Currently I have something along the lines of var query = string.Format("*{0}*~0.5", txt...

jQuery and Grails/HTML - Make text field complete text like Google does

Hello: I wanna make certain fields in my page to show me like a list of possible finishing sentences just like Google does. I think this is done via jQuery, but I'm not sure. The textfield is named commodity. Let's say I write General and in the list, array, or DB I have General Commodity I should show me General Commodity under the ...

How can i pass values to a javascipt array?

I am trying to implement the autocomplete method for textboxes. I would like to use the example based on jquerys autocomplete provided here <head> <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> <script src="

How to force AutoCompleteBox control to populate the ItemSource only after n chars are entered?

Is it possible to force AutoCompleteBox control in SilverLight application to start obtaining ItemSource data only after n chars are entered (the data with the filtering mode StartsWith? Thanks, Here is the way I bind my ItemsSources (Basically there is a comboBox which stands for Stetes. And once a state is selected I set itemsSource...