
jQuery ui - autocomplete from XML cache xml document

I've implemented an autocomplete using an XML source. It takes ~4 seconds to download this XML document from the server. Can someone point me in the right direction on how I could cache that document so that the next time the user visits the site they wont need to download it again unless it's changed. Thanks ...

Grails: How to make a g:textfield autocomplete??

I have a g:textfield, and I want to write something and then show me all the options possible that start with the same letter. I understand that is called AutoComplete. Maybe using jQuery or JavaScript?? Any ideas?? Thanks in advance! ...

Xcode 3.2.4 code sense does not work with UIPopoverController

Code sense is not giving me any options for UIPopoverController in my universal app. No initWithContentViewController for init options, no popoverContentSize for the instance, etc... Setting project format to Xcode 3.2-compatible and rebuilding the the Code Sense index did not help. What am I missing? ...

java Api catalog? komodoedit java auto complete feature

Hi by default komodo edit supports the following languages for its auto completion feature by default: Ruby: require, class modules (on . and ::), class variables and methods, method calltips. Python Perl PHP XSLT XML Tcl I am programming in java at the moment, and I need to have the auto completion feature with that language. Can so...

jQuery UI Autocomplete with Categories

I'm using jQuery UI's Auto Complete to provide suggestions from a remote source for a search input box. I've got the "remote datasource" example working. For example, this works: $("#search").autocomplete({ source: "search_basic.php", minLength: 2 }); However, I'd like to use the "Categories" example to sort ...

[Zend Framework] Do an ZendX autocomplete in a layout

Hi there, I would like to use ZendX_Jquery autocomplete in a partial, which is in my layout. How can I do that : My layout : <div class="prefix_11 grid_5" id="header_search_engine"> <?php echo $this->partial("/common/_search_engine.phtml"); ?> </div> An action : public function autocompleteAction($search='') { $this->view->...

How to begin with autocomplete(jQuery)

Hi all, I need some help in getting started with jQuery and autocompleting a username for example. $('#username').replaceWith('<input id=\"username\" type=\"text\" name=\"user_name\">'); My first aim was to replace #username(dropdownbox) with a textfield. I already figured that out. My second aim is: Username: Faili Username: Feli...

jQuery Autocomplete plugin (Jorn Zaefferer's)

I am getting data from API and updating using setOptions({data:[data_here]}), now after this, I want to display results under search field. This is exactly the same if user press any key and results display against that, but I am looking for displaying results through code.

delete this question please

delete this thank you ...

Flash FDT Eclipse Plugin, change auto complete accept hotkey

I am using the Flash FDT plugin for Eclipse and want to change the shortcut for accepting auto complete options. Right now I have to hit enter, and then it will fill whatever text was selected in the auto complete drop down. I would like to change this to TAB so it works like Visual Studio. Does anyone have any idea how to do this? I c...

CakePHP: Autocomplete for multiple tags in one textfield

Hi, I want to use the autocomplete component for cakephp but instead of just autocompleting one value in a textfield i want it to work like SOF tags. i.e. one tag, 2nd tag, ... Does anyone know if there is an option for this using this component? thanks, Jonesy ...

jquery autocomplete needs to pull data

I am attempting to clone the functionality of google suggest. I have found google urls that return the the suggestions via json ( I am already using jquery, so i would prefer to use code similar to this for the auto-complete the code that is lacking is the ajax t...

Stop jQuery autocomplete from focussing the input field after choosen from the dropdown

Hi folks I'm using the jQuery autocomplete plugin from When a user selects a result from the dropdown, the input field gets focused. How can I stop the plugin from doing that? I made it work using the tip from this post:

Microsoft visual studio auto complete selection problem

Hello. when i am coding visual studio do not select best value. if you look this image you will understand what i mean microsoft visual studio 2010 ...

lite weight and SIMPLE jquery auto suggest/autocomplete?

all i need is a very simple auto complete that suggests words that have the letters the user is typing in them, very simple, nothing fancy, either inline or from an external file, i only need about 20 or so results to be suggested total. I saw this one: but it's 8kb, which is pretty big ...

iPhone UISearch AutoComplete Override With Custom Word Suggestions

I am trying to control/override the auto-complete feature when a user enters text in my iPhone app. Specifically I'd like to auto-complete a collection of words I supply. For example let's say a word in my list is Macpapajona. When I type "mac" auto-complete will suggest Macpapajona. How can I do this? I understand that I have to use ...

How can I get auto-complete to work for an attribute in my XML document?

In Eclipse, if I create a new Spring application context XML document when I press Ctrl+Space while inside the "class" attribute, Eclipse will let me browse through Classes that I can use, for example: ..and Eclipse will show java.lang.String, etc. I've created my own XSD and now I'm making an XML file that references it. My XSD defi...

jQuery TypeWatch - Extending for empty input?

I've created my own autocomplete using ajax and I want to be able to monitor the search input as the user types... I'm using TypeWatch right now and the only issue I see is that if the user has backspaced and the input is now empty, my search results sit there. What would be the best way of extending the TypeWatch function (perhaps addi...

Rails 3 - AutoComplete with jQuery

Hello, I'm interested in using the Rails 3 AutoComplete plugin for jQuery but the one tutorial provided doesn't match my use case. Hoping for some help... Plug In: I have a Permissions Controller where people can add team members. On the Permissions SHOW view I want to show a a...

Bind Server Side Data to Html Combobox

hello i want to use Jquery UI AutoComplete Combobox in my application. Here Is My Sample Code : My Combobox is an html control. how can i bind server side data to it? Or Is It possible to Use Jquery AutoComplete box for combobox? Select one... asp c ...