
Save the id of autocomplete field instead of the text (Jquery autocomplete) in Rails3

Hello. I have managed to setup autocomplete field for my rails app. What I'm trying to do is to have the contents of a lookup table listed and when I have selected the lookup text for few lines I would like the id of the lookup to be saved instead of the text itself. Here is what I have done: Recipe model: class Recipe < ActiveRecor...

Getting current suggestion from `AutoCompleteTextView`

How do you get the current top suggestion in an AutoCompleteTextView? I have it suggesting items, and I have a text change listener registered. I also have a list on the same screen. As they type, I want to scroll the list to the current "best" suggestion. But I can't figure out how to access the current suggestions, or at least the ...

jQuery UI Autocomplete not triggering a search when entering a hitherto searched for term

Hi, I have a jQuery UI Autocomplete control that fires an Ajax request when minLength = 3. The problem is as follows: Say I enter "fic" as the initial search term - this is fine. The request fires and results are returned. I decide that I don't want to select any of the results and then re-enter the same search again (fic). This time no...

pass mysql datatable name in autocomplete jsonp

Hi, I am using jQuery UI autocomplete and I am relatively new to jQuery and JSON. Below is my code. I was wondering if it is possible to specify the field name and data table name inside the callback url so that the php file grabs it later. I have many input box with different names and ids which need to have autocomplete. Each input box...

I have built autocomplete input box (but there is a problem with foucsout)

I have built autocomplete input box (but there is a problem with foucsout) Watch this : Demo: My HTML Code : <div class="autoCompleteDiv"> <input type="text" value="" size="60" name="countryName" id="countryName" class="autocomplete"> <ul class=...

jQuery auto complete request throttling

Does jQuery have any tools I can use for request-throttling? Something similar to how auto complete works. More specifically this is the kind of thing I'm trying to do: **Customer entry:** First Name: J Last Name: Smi **Search results:** Joe Shmoe -edit button- John Smith -edit button- Jane Smith ...

Force AutoCompleteExtender dropdown to redisplay via Javascript

I have an AjaxControlToolkit.AutoCompleteExtender control attached to a textbox, and three radio buttons. When the user selects a radio button, the service method used to retrieve the values listed in the AutoCompleteExtender is changed, as follows: $("#radioButtonList input").click(function() { var selectedValue = $(this).val(); ...

xCode Inellisense not showing up for UIPopoverController

Does anyone know why my xCode intellisense does not show up when I type in UIPopoverCont... ...

What event is used for autocomplete in jQuery

What is the correct event to use with autocomplete-type functionality? I'm doing something similar to autocomplete and tried using the "keypress" event, however, when I go to get the text out of the input that fired the even, it only has the text before the event was fired. Should I be using a different event, or perhaps just append th...

ZSH to auto-complete directories in command-line arguments?

I'm a new ZSH convert on OSX (git status in the prompt was my main driver to make the leap). Everything seems to be working swimmingly but I'm missing something from BASH.. In BASH I would start to run a CLI PHP script that's built around Symfony's CLI tools. Typically I would run the command like this: $> php doctrine --configuration...

Crazy SQLite and cursor leak on AutoComplete

In my activity, I have an AutoCompleteTextView that gets its contents from my custom adapter. I created my adapter by following this example. The adapter works so far, but I am getting so many errors on leaks and cursors that are not finalized. My question is: how do I close the db in runQueryOnBackgroundThread? Here is my method: @...

How to prevent NSSearchField from overwriting entered strings using the first autocompletion list entry?

I am looking for a way to create an nssearchfield that behaves as follows: user types in text based on matches an autocompletion drop-down appears the text in the search field does not autocomplete to the first item in the list The point is, my string matching searches for any substring and autocompletion in the text field woul...

Indicating Text Field is Autocomplete Capable

I've not seen anything but has anyone come across any kind of visual indicator that suggests a text field will autocomplete? Anything that is becoming standard/common? Also asked here ...

getting scriptaculous autocompleter to behave like google instant

You know when you start searching in an autocomplete search box, you get a list of possible results. From those results, say you click one of the items on the list, I want to take that item and perform another search to give another list of results. Just exaclty like how google works. if you dont understand me try typing into google sear...

Typing an accented word in an autocomplete box show other characters.

Using an ajax autosuggest script that queries a mysql database as I enter names. As I type in a name with an accent, the dropdown shows different characters than the ones I've typed in. For example as I type in the last name Hylén, the Ajax dropdown shows Hylén. This occurs if the name is not in the database. $(document).ready(function...

jQuery autocomplete result for google map api

I'm using jQuery's autocomplete. I'd like to draw the map based on the result that is selected from the autocomplete. I have the lat/long to use captured in variable "latlong" autocomplete code: google map code: var map = new GMap2($("#map").get(0)); var burnsvilleMN = new GLatLng(latlong); map.setCe...

jquery autocomplete enter key

Hi, Currently the autocomplete action when pressing the enter key on a selected element is to put that elements value into the input box. How can I modify the behavior so that pressing the enter key on an element triggers that elements embedded url. To simplify I'd like to make the enter key have the same behavior as a mouse click on a...

how to implement a eclipse plugin with autocomplete features

Hi everyone I want to develop a eclipse plugin for a launguage with auto completion features. But i don't know where to start. Is there any tutorial on this kind of subject? Do i need to develop a parser which parses the code first and/or other things? best regards ...

Jquery-ui autocomplete multiple instances

Hi I have multiple jQuery-UI autocomplete instances running on a single page. <div id="div1"> <input name= "city[1]" class= "city" id="city1" /> <select name = "select1" class = "zipcodes" id = "zipcodes1"></select> </div> <div id="div2"> <input name= "city[2]" class= "city" id="city2" /> <select name = "select2" class = "zipcodes" id...

Autocomplete/Typeahead example?!?

I've got a working version of Autocomplete using the Ajaxcontroltoolkit. However, the service method signature is required to return a String[] to render the autocomplete suggestions in markup. My service actually returns an object Foo that is made up of a string Image URL and a string Title (in JSON or XML).. anyone know of a way to ha...