
jQuery ui autocomplete - mouseover

In the result list when I hover over the result it bubbles just the links but not the text. I'd like it to bubble the whole result of the element that is being hovered. What do I need to edit in the jQuery library to have the effect? Please see screen shot, "Test App 62" to the line that says "Test" is one entity. The next starts at "Tes...

Silverlight Autocomplete & WCF RIA Services: Is the entire list returned to the client?

I have a database which will eventually contain thousands of records and will search this list using the Silverlight autocompletebox control and WCF RIA services. I am using the base implementation without any parameters for the "GetXXXQuery" in my domain datasource: public IQuerable<XXX> GetXXXs() { return this.ObjectContext.XXXs;...

Textmate autocompletion and class outline for PHP project

I'm using PDT, but want to switch to any lightweit editor. First I want to try Textmate. Eclipse has several useful features: class outlile to get list of properties and methods (with signature) to navigate; type hierarchy, it is like class outlile but it shows full inheritance tree; autocompletion for custom classes names, methods etc...

Problems with Vim's Pydiction and Python in Ubuntu 10.4

So I installed pydiction into vim for autocompleting my python code in windows. No problemo. Worked like a charm. Tried the same thing with my Ubuntu setup, creating the .vim/after/ftplugin directory in my home folder and updating the vimrc with the correct path of the pydiction dictionary but I fail every time. Why is that ? I follow ...

jQuery UI Autocomplete behaviour. How to search free text on enter?

Hi, first question (and hopefully, but doubtfully my only one) I'm using the jQuery UI Autocomplete. Here is sample code to replicate my issue. var suggestions = ["C", "Clojure", "JavaScript", "Perl", "PHP"]; $("#autocomplete").autocomplete({ source: suggestions }); When a user types 'J' they will be presented with 'Clojure' and...

jQuery ui autocomplete - renderItem url's

Hi, Using: .data( "autocomplete" )._renderItem = function( ul, item ) { var temp = item.url.substring(16, item.url.length) return $( "<li></li>" ) .data( "item.autocomplete", item ) .append( "<a>" + item.value + "<br>" + item.url + "<br>" + item.description + "<br>" + "Sup...

Jquery UI Autocomplete from remote source categorized

There are nice documentation on the jquery ui site on showing auto-complete options categorized And there is also an example about showing remote suggestions. But what I want is to load auto-complete options categorized from a remote sou...

Autocompletion in c# DevExpress TextEdit

Hai all, I am using devexpress TextEdit in application and i want to implement auto completion for TextEdit.My doubt is that for normal TextBox we set AutoCompletion mode property.But in devexpress TextEdit how we can ? Please Help ...

jQuery UI - Autocomplete with extra params - returned data

All, I've moved on to using the ui autocomplete rather than the plugin, took me a while to figure out extra params based on an example I found here, but that part works. I'm having problems with dealing with the return data. In the code below I can alert out the title being returned, but I get a drop down of 'UNDEFINED' in the browser....

jQuery UI Autocomplete with a JSON datasource generated from Rails - not working

I'm trying to set up an input tag with jquery autocomplete function, but it's doesn't work when Im referring to an external JSON data. It works perfectly, however, with local JSON-like array... Let me explain this in my code: HTML file: <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <script src="jquery-1.4.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></s...

JQuery UI Autocomplete with .Net MVC: How to display the label when selected but save the value.

I have implemented Autocomplete and I'm having trouble with the label vs. value in the text box after the item is selected. When I type in a zip code, I see the label in the dropdown: but after I select one, instead of the label showing in the text box, the value (which is the ID that needs to be saved to the database) is displayed: ...

How do browsers choose which field is saved as 'username'?

This may be really simple, but I'm wondering how browsers that offer a 'remember your password' facility select the 'username' to save? I'm working with some that is spitting out it's usual incomprehensible id/name values and the browser is offering to remember the registration form's 'postcode' field as the username, rather tha...

How to remove cache list

Hello, I have using auto-complete functionality in PHP for the text box of first name. While I get auto-complete result of first name, at that time I have received drop down list (which displays some records in cache). How can I hide the records displayed from Cache? ...

jQuery ui autocomplete - renderItem

I am using _renderItem to modify the result list .data( "autocomplete" )._renderItem = function( ul, item ) { var temp = item.url.substring(16, item.url.length) return $( "<li></li>" ) .data( "item.autocomplete", item ) .append( "<a>" + item.value + "<br>" + item.url + "<br>" + item.descri...

Silverlight 4.0 Copy Paste data into AutoComplete Box

Hi, I am using a Autocomplete textbox for "like" search text from Database using KeyDown Event. One of the scenario is COPY-PASTE textname to Autocompletebox where data is already available in Database. I was unable to complete this scenario because when i am trying to paste the text, "Ctrl" is getting fired instead of "Ctrl+V" from k...

How do I create a WYSIWYG code editor with autocomplete to my web application?

I'm developing a web application and I want the user to see autocomplete results like the autocomplete results shown by Eclipse. Where should I start from? ...

combobox like IE8 address bar - how to?

hi, i would like to write in MFC combobox that behave like the combo in the IE8 address bar. with the option of auto complete (which it is a property on the combo - right?) and the delete option on the right (is the drop down is a list control?) ...

Delete certain form data (Selectively) on IE8 or Firefox

I would like to delete certain autocomplete suggestions (from history) on form data on IE8 (as well as in firefox). on the username of a webpage I mistyped my userid and it is coming every time I try to type my name. The autocomplete gives two items one my right id and second the wrong id which I did once in the past How do I selectiv...

WPF Combobox with auto-complete/auto-filter?

I am eager to find some solid (free, Open Source, or tutorial/example) code to make a WPF Combobox do autocomlete/autofilter as the user types. But everything I've tried so far has had some sort of problem... A Reusable WPF Autocomplete TextBox came close, but I can't get it to work with more than one filter (more info here). WPF autoc...

Jquery autocomplete respond to enter key

I'm using the jquery autocomplete UI widget, for example: var names = ["John", "Jack", "Nick", "Tom", "Joyce", "Nancy"]; $("#nameInput").autocomplete({ source: names }); I'd like it to behave like the Gmail's "To" textbox. Specifically, I'd like it to highlight the best match as you type and if you press enter, then the highligh...