I would like to know if its possible to "WinWaitActive" for "WindowWithThisTitle" and "WindowWithThatTitle" at the same time. I'm executing a command and there could be a window telling me that the connection failed or a user/pass dialog coming up.
Is there another way doing it as this?
WinWaitActive("Title1", "", 5)
AutoIt is a Windows tool to automate UI tasks, for testing or scripting. It supports basic commands like moving the mouse, clicking its buttons, simulating keystrokes. Beyond that it also recognizes windows controls and can interact with them easily. It sports a scripting language to write macros, with loops, ifs, etc.
I'm looking for a...
I see there are two functions in autoit to download files from the internet: inetget and inetread.
What's the difference between the two? The only difference I see is that inetGet has more options and is therefore better.
In the documentation for RunWait (http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/docs/functions/RunWait.htm), I see no descriptions of what the error codes mean. What do the different error values mean, or is there only one value which means generic failure?
I'm using an AutoIt script to access data from a application developed in Visual Basic 6.
Data in all controls can be accessed using Control*() functions.
However, Data Grid and Data List controls (their class names: DataGridWndClass and DataListWndClass) don't respond to ControlListView() function.
What is the way to access their con...
I'd like to use AutoIT's COM interface in a C# application to automate a window on a remote machine. I have code that looks like this:
var type = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("AutoItX3.Control", "my-remote-server", true);
var automater = (IAutoItX3) Activator.CreateInstance(type);
The problem is that the automater does...
I get the sense that AppleScript is more respected than AutoIt. I think that it's something you can put on your resume whereas AutoIt is not. Is that the case? Why is that? With AutoIt you can automate just about anything. Is that the case with AppleScript? With AppleScript can you make it detect arbitrary images on the screen like image...
In AutoHotkey and AutoIt the script is able to recognize images on webpages. Can AppleScript do that? How?
I am storing a list of links to resources such as documents to be opened by Windows applications as well as web pages in a database and need to know how to open them in Windows.
For some webpages it will be achieved by passing parameters to a web browser process or executing the document and letting Windows decide what is the best appli...
hello everybody.
I want to do automatic installator system by AutoIt.
But now i have problem. I cant activate and choose elements menu on the "select features" step.
I can choose any the element in the "tree". For it i use function
ControlTreeView($windowId, "", $h_tree, "Select", "#2")
How activate and choose elements menu in Contr...
I'm using Firefox 3.6 and I think that there may be a compatibility issue with the Autoit script using #include FF.au3 and Mozrepl to close all of Firefox's open tabs with the addon TMP-TabMixPlus installed. Below is the script I'm using and I would like to add something like this _FFTabClose("all", "index") I can't make it work!...
We use Watir with AutoIT for testing our web apps with IE on Windows. The AutoIT is used where Watir falls short in handling native Windows dialogs (like Windows File dialog for upload).
Because of AutoIT, we are not able to run our tests using task scheduler as AutoIT operations from Watir code need an Interactive Desktop session.
I'd like to have an AutoIt script log the idle time. Alternatively, I'd like to be able to detect when the screensaver is active. There is no function that gives me either of these. How would I go about getting this functionality?
Could anyone show me how to send a basic email example with AutoIt? Just need a really clean example and explanation.
Below is the code that I have written in AutoIT.
$fileToWrite = FileOpen("C:\output.txt", 1)
If FileExists("C:\test.csv") Then
$fileHandle= FileOpen("test.csv", 0)
If ($fileHandle = -1) Then
MsgBox (0, "Error", "Error occured while reading the file")
While 1
Here is the problem:
Loop through all files and subfolders copying all contents EXCEPT .svn into another location.
I can think of some pretty hairy ways to do this but am wondering if anyone knows a real simple function to save me a bit of time? Thanks.
Is there any way to execute my AutoIT script from command line? Unfortunately, the forum seems to be down and I was not able to gather much information.