
azure developement fabric dll hell

Hello I am trying to package and start up azure developement fabric on a windows 2008 server, I am so close yet still far. The steps I take are 1) run cspack.exe command /copyOnly to generate the .csx folder 2) run csrun.exe commmand /LaunchBrowser to start up the developement fabric and startup the browser the error is as follows ...

Managing Lots of Azure Queues

Part of my application includes a "chat" system. I maintain a queue for each user. Messages to the user are placed in the queue, and the user's software periodically polls a rest service for new messages, at which point the queue is pumped for messages, and they are returned to the user. The system is very simple, works well, and does ...

Session management in Azure application

link textI developed a simple cloud application with default webrole and implemented the following steps. 1.Created new cloud service application with one default Webrole1 2. Extracted “ AspProviders.dll” and added as reference to the current Webrole1. 3. Added to new web form to the existing web role and named it as Login....

Is this the correct approach to poll the database?

Hi, I am creating a WCF service (CALLER) for Azure. The service(CALLER) calls async methods of another third party service(EXTN). The third party service calls the callback methods of another WCF service (LISTNER) hosted by me on Azure. CALLER enter the service details in the databsae with status = PENDING. In the callback service (LIS...

Are there any issues and/or gotchas going from SQL Server Express 2008 to SQL Azure?

I'm sure there are, I'm wondering what they are and if there is any upgrade/conversion documentation relative to taking a standard SQL server database and moving it to SQL Azure. ...

Azure is not responding and/or busy, now what?

We have been experiencing some intermittent Windows Azure issues with our Essentially this is what is happening: We deploy it Everything works fine for a few days The server starts playing up and will flip from "busy" to "unresponsive" Sometimes it comes out of state (3) after a few hours / days and ...

Determine request Uri from WCF Data Services LINQ query for FirstOrDefault against Azure without executing it?

Problem I would like to trace the Uri that will be generated by a LINQ query executed against a Microsoft.WindowsAzure.StorageClient.TableServiceContext object. TableServiceContext just extends System.Data.Services.Client.DataServiceContext with a couple of properties. The issue I am having is that the query executes fine against our A...

Why do .NET web request classes re-run requests without authentication headers?

I'm writing a WPF test application against a WCF REST service running on Azure local development fabric with a custom Basic Authentication provider. When the test client makes a call, using either WebClient or HttpWebRequest, it passes the authorization header and the custom provider authenticates it. The service then receives the same ...

What is causing Thread Contentions with my Azure Queue code?

I just ran the Visual Studio 2010 Thread Profiler against my Azure code and noticed I'm getting a LOT of contentions. My code is blocked more often than it is running! My worker has no custom threading logic in it at all. It is a simple While loop which asks various queues if they have work. I make an instance of the QueueRepositoryClas...

c# making http put request to azure storage

Hi Im wondering if the azure blob service api can be called using c#. Id like to upload a file e.g a word document to a storage location, the http method is "put" and the rest url is "" would this code work? string usernam...

URL Rewrite Module, Azure and web.config

Hi! I'm trying to use the URL rewrite module in Azure but for some reason I can't add a <rewrite> section to the web.config's system.webServer section (as shown on I've installed the URL Rewrite Modeul v2via the Web Platform Installer. I'm using Visual Studio 2010 with the v4.0...

Migrating from "Linq to SQL" to SQL Azure

I want to migrate an existing application from "Linq to SQL" to SQL Azure. The application is local, what i assume is that i will only have to change the connection string and the application will be connected to the cloud instead of local database and no change is required at code level. ...

Windows Azure Cloud Storage - Impact of huge number of files in root

Hi all, Sorry if I get any of the terminology wrong here, but hopefully you will get what I mean. I am using Windows Azure Cloud Storage to store a vast quantity of small files (images, 20Kb each). At the minute, these files are all stored in the root directory. I understand it's not a normal file system, so maybe root isn't the corr...

How to notify C# code from Azure database

Hi, I am creating a WCF service (CALLER) for Azure. The service(CALLER) calls async methods of another third party service(EXTN). The third party service calls the callback methods of another WCF service (LISTNER) hosted by me on Azure. CALLER enter the service details in the databsae with status = PENDING. In the callback service (LIS...

How much latency is there transferring data to the Windows Azure Worker Role External Endpoint?

I have an app that I'm thinking about moving to Azure as a Worker Role with an external facing endpoint. It's a small little process that runs in about 200-400ms, but our users would like to start running the little job 50K-100K times a day, per user. Before I go building the Azure prototype, I need to figure out what kind of latency I c...

Windows azure development fabric load balancer crashes on DotNetOpenAuth redirect action mvc 2

I have cornered this error down to a redirect action call by DotNetOpenAuth( Basically I have implemented the example here In my application while running locally I hit this line return request.RedirectingResponse...

Is Azure mature enough for actual production usage yet?

Hi, I toyed around with Azure in January this year and though it looked great in theory, I wasn't even able to deploy a simple dummy application due to various bugs I encountered. I'd like to have another look, however I don't want to spend another two days in vain. If you have recently tried Azure, I would be interested to hear about...

Multiple Azure queues

Hi I am trying to workout the best implementation/approach to the following problem I have customers using our win forms application which has a plugin which will connect to the Azure Queue to check if there are awaiting invoices for the connecting customer at pre conf intervals. If there is then the plugin will download the invoices in...

SQL Azure - Substring Searches?

SQL Azure does not support SQL Server's Full Text Search feature. Does this mean a text field cannot be indexed to handle substring searches? For example, if I have a table Emails, with a Message column And I want to find all messages with both the words 'hello' and 'thanks' in them, will the standard index on the message collumn allow ...

Windows Azure Storage vs. SQL Azure

I saw that there was a similar question asked several months back, but it really didn't address my situation well. Here it goes... I'm in the process of building from scratch a web-based, .NET application that has the potential to become a high-volume site (several hundred thousand page views a month to start) and am strongly consideri...