
Set datagrid view beckground to transparent

i tried to set the background color of a data grid view to be "transparent" from prperties but it it said "not a valid property". How to do it.. ...

Blackberry change color of child fields on horizontal manager focus

i am having array of horizontal manager which consist of editfield,dropdown,label and button,i place all these array of horizontalfield manager in one vertical manager to make a table like grid like strcture.I can make it but i want to do that if we get focus on horizontal manager then all components in the horizontal manager should give...

How to fix "png opacity" and still support positioning at the same time?

How to correct it so that it's always like,like in firefox? EDIT: I tried some fix,but not working for me, I'm using something like below in my application: background:transparent url(../static/icons_ns6.png) no-repeat scroll 0 -80px; Say,I need to position the background image. ...

How to change the background of an image with transparent pixels?

The exact background color is known. Imagine an anti-aliased font on a green background. Now we want to change the background color of the image to red. So.. How do I extract the "non-background" portion of the color from the pixel and add it (or "blend") on top of another bg color afterwards? We also know the font color, so we know w...

backgroundColor colorWithPatternImage ends up stretched if the view size changes, instead of repeating?

Hi all, I'm setting a view background to a repeating image using colorWithPatternImage. If the view size changes after I've set the background the first time, the image gets stretched instead of repeating for the new size - any ideas how I can fix this? This is what I'm doing: set the view's background in viewDidLoad: frameView.bac...

practically most used background colors in web design

I'm customizing a color picker's default showing colors which will be used as background colors. I'm wondering if there is a collection of the colors that are particularly useful in practical web design. Like nobody(hopefully) would use #f00 as a 100%-width page's background color while #fff is a universally usable one, there's DO'S and ...

how to get backgroundcolor of iframe ? maybe iframe_window.document ?

..some code here ... <iframe id="iView" frameborder="0" style="position: relative; z-index: 1500; left: 387px; top: 90px; width: 185px; height: 180px;" name="iView" src=""> <html> <head> </head> <body style="background-color: rgb(0, 204, 204);"> CONTENT </body> </html> </iframe> ..some code here ... i can get the CONTENT with this: ...

background color doesn't always show up

I have the following css set up for my page. When the page loads the background color doesn't always take effect. I have to refresh my page once or twice before the color works. Anyone know why? The background-image isn't as tall as the entire page and it's a gradient. So I'm taking the bottom pixel color of the gradient and using t...

Can't change background for UIWebView in iPhone SDK

Hi, Is there a way to change background color for UIWebView? None of the colors set in IB effect UIWebView behavior: before acctual content is loaded it shows as up as white (causing a white flash between the moment it is loaded and content is rendered). Setting background color programmatically does not do anything either. Here is cod...

How to change the background color of any view dynamically?

hello all, How to change the background color of a view dynamically? Do I set a timer and assign the background color property of the view to change in a loop? How to achieve this functionality? ...

Is it possible to change a background color of an edit control inside edit?

Hi! I am writing a GUI wrapper for windows api right now ( i can't use qt or mfc ). The library itself is extremely basic. After subclassing windows common controls ( and wrapping them into the classes ) i have faced a problem. As far as i know (and i hope i am wrong), only parent control can handle a message like WM_CTLCOLOREDIT and the...

SSRS Textbox BackgroundColor

How would I set one BackgroundColor = to another Textboxes BackgroundColor property. ...

Android - fancy ListView background problem

I have a ListView backed by customized ArrayAdapter where each item has 2 LinearLayouts - one I call head, and the other one - body. The body is hidden (gone) until user clicks on the row at which time it slides out. The second click (on the head) will hide the body. However if user clicks on the body it brings another activity. All of t...

Strange behaviour of edit control background color when using WinXp common controls

Hi! I am having a strange problem ( well, at least i find it strange =) ). I am writing my own GUI library, which is a wrapper around windows api (and yes, i am aware of WTL and frameworks like MFC =) ). At the current stage i have incapsulated common controls in such manner: for example, Edit class consists of a simple window and an sta...

How do I set a table background programmatically while running an page?

I have an aspx page that has one background color as the default. I need to be able to change it programmatically when a certain option of a radio button is selected. I tried setting the ID field of the table, but I can't seem to access it in my C# code behind file. My original table is: <table id="tblSheet" runat="server" style="bor...

Why The Multimedia Application Uses a Background Color

Hello, I was seeing that all the video application(Camera monitoring, Windows Media Player, multimedia applications in general...) uses a backgound color, because if you have that color on something like a Web page and you put a video to play in Windows Media Player with it behind this color at the page you will see that your movie will...

background color disapears when i declare a doctype with YUI reset.css

When running in quirks mode, this works as expected however when I declare HTML 4.01 strict the background color disapears. If I remove the YUI reset.css, it seems to work as it should. Anyone know what YUI is doing? I am using body{ background-color:#000; } .wrap{ width:60em; min-height:100%; position:absol...

Best way to create button displaying selected color

You know those color picker buttons with a little rectangle in it, displaying the currently selected color? Like in MS Office products. I would like to implement one using C# / .NET. So I've got a nice little icon with a magenta-colored rectangle (which is to display the color) and a transparent background. I can think of two ways how ...

div background images shows up, but background color does not

Hello, I'm having a minor css issue. I have a series of layered divs and I've set div class styles and they all show up (padding, font colors,etc). However, the background-color will not work for the overlaying divs. as a test, I tried to set a border and border styles, and they all worked as well, except the border color, it didn't s...

VS2005: How can I print a selected piece of code without the highlighting?

When I want just one piece of code printed, I can select it, and press the "print" menu command; what follows is a printout of the correct piece of code, but with a highlighted background. Any tip on how to get a selected piece of code printed as I would see it, unselected? ...