
How to make a blue button with white text?

// Make text white... and background blue [myButton setTitleColor:[UIColor whiteColor] forState:UIControlStateNormal]; [myButton setBackgroundColor:[UIColor blueColor]]; Should that make a button with white text... and a blue background? It doesn't. ...

How to hide Windows Desktop and change desktop background color in c#?

I need to know how to hide Windows Desktop and change desktop background color in c# and restore the previous configuration. Any idea? BR ...

When dynamically adding nodes to DOM how to make browser repaint the background to avoid artefacts?

Given nested DIVs: <div id="outer"> <div id = "inner" > <div id = "injectedcontent"> nodes are added to this DIV with </div> </div> </div> and this css: #outer {background-color: lightgrey; padding: 2em; width: 100%; height: 100%} #inner {background-color: white; width: 100%; h...

How do I change the background color of the Navigator view in eclipse?

I didn't find any option for that, so I suspect that some views follow the color pattern of the operating system. I'm currently using OS X, and it seems like changing the default background color it's not possible either. What I'm trying to accomplish is to create a dark background theme, but customization seems only possible on some of...

What about WebSafe colors

My father with whom I'm going to create a website (I just got him away from using Dreamweaver and font-tags) keeps talking about WebSafe colors he has to use for the background images. I keep telling him that that was about 1999 but he doesn't believe me. What are WebSafe colors? When and where were they needed? What the hell anyway? ...

Changing forecolor according to backcolor

Dear SO family, I have created an iframe which contains the label, "powered by" The "iframe itself" accepts arguments, so other webmasters may customize the appearance of it. The problem is that since the background of the iframe could be customized, anyone can "vanish" the "powered by". So what option do...

Animate change of view background color in Android

How do you animate the change of background color of a view in Android? For example: I have a view with a red background color. The background color of the view changes to blue. How can I do a smooth transition between colors? If this can't be done with views, an alternative will be welcome. ...

Background colour for H3 extendind more than the content

hi, i am having a tag where i have added a Css for it as #jsn-maincontent_inner h3 { background-color:#BBB1A5; color:white; padding:3px 8px; text-transform:uppercase; } but the background color extends for the whole row of the line and it is not limiting upto the content . HOw to resolve this...

What is a good way to ensure the background of a flash object matches the page?

Since there is no way that you can make the flash object transparent, there needs to be some other means by which you can match the background. I thought of maybe creating a ActionScript/Javascript bridge, but I wonder if this is the route to take. Do I have a better option? ...

Interface builder background color => clear color ?

I've setup some background colors for my Labels in order to position them. Now that they are well in place, I vould like to reset their background color to none, or clearColor. But I don't find any way to achieve this in IB, I don't gind any "no color" color... Any way to do this without re-coding color at runtime? Thanks, Jérémy ...

UITableView backgroundColor always gray on iPad

Hi, When I set the backgroundColor for my UITableView it works fine on iPhone (device and simulator) but NOT on the iPad simulator. Instead I get a light gray background for any color I set including groupTableViewBackgroundColor. Steps to reproduce: Create a new navigation-based project. Open RootViewController.xib and set the table...

possible to have a background color transition from color A to color B without repeating a pixel stick?

For things like menubars and headers, a background color is nice. But a background color that gracefully transitions from say Blue to White is even nicer. I know this can be done by making a 1-pixel wide, X-pixel tall image file containing the desired fade and repeating it across the div, but does CSS have native support to just define...

background-color:#070707; different in photoshop than in browser

I'm coding a website with: background-color:#070707; That color should be a very dark gray, just the way I see it in photoshop. Now when I launch this in my browser (the background-color is set on the body using CSS, so it's not an exported image), the color is darker than in Photoshop. I know there can be differences when exporting i...

Flex dropdown combobox selected background color?

Hi. Flex is so tricky to style. I have a combobox, when I arrow up and down over a select it has a background color, how do I change this color. This should be easy. ...

HTML: how to set background color of item in select element

how do you set the background color of an item in an HTML select list? ...

CSS rgba Background Color Validation

I found a weird CSS validation result: when rgba() is used to background, it does not validate, however, the workaround is rgba() for background-color. Why that rule exists? Is it a validator's bug? Try to validate the following there, and you can see the result: div { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); } and div { background-col...

jQuery - Change background of input field if text getting replaced

I'm currently using jQuery to restrict a text box to number only input as follows: $('input.numbersOnly').keyup(function () { this.value = this.value.replace(/[^0-9\.]/g,''); }); I'd like to let the user know that what they are typing is being rejected by changing the background color of the field. I know that I can c...

background color issue in datagird(WPF)

How to select a row(e.g.frist row in datagrid) and set its background color to be e.g. red in C#? I have following code in my program: gameDataGrid.RowBackground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red); The output is shown below, the background is not red.... ...

Change color of NSTableViewCell

How can I change the color of a cell in my NSTableView? ...

Does changing background color in android destroy the widget's appearance?

I've noticed that changing the background color of an android widget (f.ex. Button or TextView) by program: myButton.setBackgroundColor(Color.BLUE); makes it to loose its 3D shape, border, and shadows effects, and then appears like a ugly flat square. What am I missing? Sorry for the very naive question but I couldn't get it right al...