
rake background task can not run

I want to use rake background task in rails like this system("cd #{Rails.root} && RAILS_ENV=#{Rails.env} rake abc:def --trace 2>&1 >> #{Rails.root}/log/rake.log &") This is ok in development environment, but will not work in production mode. I used logger to check whether the command string is generated ok or not, but it seems every ...

Rollover on 'layered' element... possible?

How would I do the following, preferably just using CSS (but possibly jquery too) and PHP. I have a div area, button_background, which has a background image. Inside that div is an A tag, which has a background that overlays the div's background. (it's a semi-transparent 'play' triangle png which overlays a still from a video). I would ...

Doing something on time intervals, but only when user is inactive

Possible Duplicate: Detecting idle time in JavaScript elegantly. I have a table with some rows that I want to refresh for example every 10 minutes. Is there a way I can do this, but only if the user isn't currently active on that page? Is there for example anything like an inactivity timer or something in JavaScript? ...

What UIViewController method is called when opening app from background?

Hi, Is there any conventient way of determining if a view is being loaded from the app being in background mode? In 3.X I would rely on viewDidLoad to do some initalization etc., this however is not the case for 4.X, as you cannot rely for the viewDidLoad method to be called. I would like to avoid putting in extra flags to detect this...

load iPhone background app in the same state as the first time

In ios4, when you quit your iphone application with the homebutton, it goes to the background. the second time you enter your app (foreground) I wanna be able to load the app like the first time (ViewDidAppear) and not in the state that I left it. ...

Background image for wrap_content

Hello, I created a custom background image and wanted to use it as the background for a layout that has height of wrap_content. However, the total height of the contents of within that layout are much less than the height of the background image. When I set it as the background in XML via android:background="@drawable/image", I notice...

iphone multiple background tasks

Hi All, I've got a program that uploads photos and uses a background task to do this. At the moment it only uploads to one destination but eventually I would like it to upload to several destinations. (Also in the background). Is it possible to have more than one background task running or should I have one background task that does ...

Silverlight child window OverlayOpacity

I have child window and I want the overlay opactiy to be 0.1 I set this in the XAML. OverlayOpacity=".1" However when the modal is launched the background gets very dark for about a second and then goes the the overlayopacity setting I have coded in. Is their a way to make is go straight to the .1 opactiy without getting dark first. ...

Please help me....I want to know how to code for background subtraction.

I'm just getting started with OpenCV. I came across this question, and I'm trying to find where that code came from. Any ideas? ...

How to change ListBox selection background color?

It seems to use default color from Windows settings which is blue by default. Let's say I want to change it to red permanently. I'm using Winforms. Thanks in advance. ...

background application for iphone 4

hi all... i want to let my app play sound every 20 min even when the app is on background or the iphone is in sleep mode ... i used: [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:delay*60.0 target:self selector:@selector(goMethod) userInfo:nil repeats:YES]; that working maybe for 1 hour and then stopped can any one help me to solve this probl...

jQuery catch when animation is finished

I'm using color plugin (link to google cache, currently off) to handle background color animations. $(".navigation a").hover( function(){ $(this).stop().animate({backgroundColor: black}); }, function(){ $(this).stop().animate({backgroundColor: green}); $(this).hide(); } ); Need to hid...

CSS: IE: Version of style "background-color:rgba(...)"

I have a requirement to have a div with a background image, and overtop that image should be a 0.7-opacity black layer. For this, I'm using: background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); background-image:url(/Images/hash-000000-pattern.gif); This works perfectly in everything but IE. In IE 6, 7, and 8, the background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7);...

Avoiding highlight flash in Android

I have two drawables that are used as backgrounds to indicate state (pressed or selected) of my list items. The Pressed drawable is a selector, but with no state specified; it is wired up via XML to be the android:listSelector for the list. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <selector xmlns:android="

How to get PID from PHP function exec() in Windows?

I have always used: $pid = exec("/usr/local/bin/php file.php $args > /dev/null & echo \$!"); But I am using an XP virtual machine to develop a web app and I have no idea how to get the pid in windows. I tried this on a cmd: C:\\wamp\\bin\\php\\php5.2.9-2\\php.exe "file.php args" > NUL & echo $! And it gets the file executed, but t...

Change the background color of the magnifying glass of cut/copy selection on iPhone?

Hello, is there any way to change the background of the magnifying glass of cut/copy selection on iPhone? I've got white text in a transparent webview and under the webview there is an imageview with a pretty dark image, if I select the text for copy I can't see almost nothing. Regards, Andrea ...

Safari 5 extension to load a URL without opening window

Hey everyone, I'm fairly bad at javascript, but here's what I want. I have a PHP script on my server, and when a user presses my Safari Extension button, I want a request (url) sent to my server (, but I don't really want a new window/tab opening to load it. Is there a way load it in a hidden windo...

UITableView with fixed image background

Hi all, Sorry but I found no clear answer on that. I have an iphone app with a tab bar and a UINavigationController in each tab. The interface is built with Interface Builder, and in the first tab there is a UITableView. I have prepared the xib with main view (A) containing a table (T) and an image (IMG) background behind (image as subv...

Android activity image background size.

Hello, I am a bit confused on creating an image which will be acting as a background for my activities. So, in short, my aim is that my application should be able to fit the different screen sizes. Therefore, what size in pixel should my three images be to be able to fill the screen of the device in ldpi, mdpi and hdpi? Thank you for a...

Open Browser in Background - loading web page in background

Hi i'am trying to load an url in background using the default browser. So the user can switch to the browser whenever he finished reading the current activity and the page is already loaded. Is there a way to fire an Intent (Browser) but stay in the original Activity? I'am aware of the FrameLayout approach with setting the visibilty b...