
Gnuplot plot area background

How to set the background only in the plot area? I wahnt my chart look like this ...

FullScreen in the Background

Im curious if their is a way to make a windows application ( in c# or any language really ) run in fullscreen in the background. But still allow other applications to run on top of it without losing the fullscreen view. Any leads would be appreciated. Edit: Unmarked the answer to see what else i could get. While the original was helpf...

iPhone App Receive Headset Button Presses While in Background

Is it possible for an iPhone app to receive headset button press events while in the background? Assuming this is an app with an UIBackgroundModes of audio. ...

Custom background using Quicktime Plugin to play video... Possible?

I want an efficient way to send clients a link to see a video that I have stored on my webhost and this causes the video to open in the quicktime plugin. This is boring. Can I change the background color or even add a logo? If so, where is this done? ...

show pop-up from background service in android

Hi it is possible in android to show pop-up dialog from background running service? and answer is positive than how can i do that Thnaks. ...

Android: how do i make a View's background invisible?

I am working with a ListActivity, and I'm trying to add images/backgrounds, ext to make everything look nice. However i have run into a little snag. The layout for the activity defines a background image, but the list items are not always transparent, and therefore cover up the background. If i am scrolling, or have otherwise touched a ...

Set a button background image iPhone programmatically

In Xcode, how do you set the background of a button as an image? Or, how can you set a background gradient in the button? TIA, Linda ...

iPhone background task stops running at some point

Hi, In my iPhone app I have a background task that starts running when the app enters the background state. The task runs fine and is structured in a loop like this: run. sleep for 5 min. run. sleep for 5 min. etc. For some reason, the task stops running after a certain amount of time... say half an hour to an hour. Can anyone help ...

Table background image

We need to set background image of a table. One way is to set the background attribute of table tag but this needs to enable printbackground option in the browser when printing. Any other way out like we can set z-index of image and table? ...

Two background images as a android:windowBackground theme

I have a custom drawable object in one side, object1.xml: <drawable ... /> I have another custom shape object in the other side, object2.xml: <shape ...><gradient .../></shape> In every activity, I want to have these two object as the Activity's background, so what I currently do is: <LinearLayout android:background="@drawable/obj...

Iframe background color in Google Chrome

Hi! For reference so that you know what I'm talking about: In Google Chrome, the <iframe> doesn't take it's background color from the site linked in it's src attribute, but instead from the parent page's background. It works 100% perfectly in IE and FF, but how do I get it to display ri...

ASP.NET gridview dynamic changing cell background

I have a griview which is bounded to a sqldatasource and changed dynamically. How do I change the background cell color based on the value? e.g., 0-0.5 green, 0.5-1 red, sth like that. <asp:GridView ID="grid1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource3"> ...

Cross-browser blurred background?

I want to make a menu with semi-transparent blurred background. At the moment, I've only found a solution for IE: filter: blur(strength=50);. How can I do this cross-browser, without using images? ...

Iphone 4.0 - Background timer.

It seems that an NSTimer created in the background stalls till the app is brought back into foreground. How does the Iphone default Clock app's timer work then? Thanks! ...

How to change disabled background color of TextBox in WPF

I've seen the following thread which is related to my question: The above deals with changing the Content Template for a ComboBox. I am working with WPF, am somewhat new to Styles and Templates, and I want to change the dull gray background color o...

Make highlight brush the same as control brush without specifying colour

I want to ensure that a selected ListViewItem's non-focused background is the same as the focused background. I know that the common way of doing this is as follows: <SolidColorBrush x:Key="{x:Static SystemColors.HighlightBrushKey}" Color="Blue"/> <SolidColorBrush x:Key="{x:Static SystemColors.ControlBrushKey}" Color="Blue"/> However...

How to make background of UITableViewCell with buttons transparent.

In IB, on the .xib where the file's owner is a subclass of UITableViewController, the structure of a cell that I wish to load from the xib is: (UITableViewCell)cell->(UIView)View->(UIButton)but1,but2,but3. I am trying to have the buttons appear on the table without the frame/background of the cell. I've made the cell's background and...

iPhone : Plain table issue. Cell background image not appearing

Hi there I have a some code that changes the background image of a cell which works perfectly in a grouped table view. However, does not in a plain table. Does anyone know why these behave differently? All I want to do is add a background image to a table cell (plain) This works perfectly on a grouped table view. Do I need a custom...

set background color of all textboxes (input fields) to transparent

I am upgrading part of a very old website. One of the pages that I own uses controls and dlls that I do not. There is one dll that puts a textbox (input field) on the page. This field is concepually a label but the person chose to use a textbox. Anyways, I can't change the dll. Is there a way in my page that uses the dll to say ...

css backgrounds images

Hi I have a 1px png file,which I am trying to set as a background image for two divs which are adjacent to each other horizontally.The html and css are as under:- <div id='one'>hi</div> <div id='two'>hello</div> The css is like this div { width: 50%; height: 50% } #one, #two { background-image: url(/images/image.png); ...