
g++ version compatibility

This is a specific gcc related question. I have a library compiled with g++ 4.1.2 that I want to give the user. The user can use our API in their code and link our library to create the final executable. The question I have is related to g++ version compatibility. Some of our users are using g++ 4.4.3, others 4.3.3, and still others 4.2...

Xcode 3.2.4 and Mac OS X 10.5

Hi. I have a simple question: does Xcode 3.2.4 work on Mac OS X Leopard (10.5) ? ...

Need help with using reflection for backwards compatability

I've been reading the android documentation on reflection, but i'm just not really grasping how to actually use it. Is it multiple class files i'll have to create? Is it breaking it up to certain parts all in the same class file? I want to understand it, I really do, but I just don't get it. Anyway, I have this simple webview code that...

Visual Studio won't open solution file

Hi, I have a VS project (made by someone else), and when I try to open it on Visual Studio 2008, I get the following error message: "The selected file is a solution file, but was created by a newer version of this application and cannot be opened" I would have thought VS was backwards compatible. Is there any way I can open this? ...

Pitfalls when writing an iOS app supporting iOS 3.1.3 and iOS 4.x

I would like to write an app which can be run on iOS 3.1.3 up to iOS 4.1. I know how to set up the deployment target and the base SDK. After reading the Apple docs it heavily relies on checking if the class is available and/or if an instance responds to a specific selector. Now my questions: What happens if Apple made a class public ...

Wich are the most important features I will miss targeting Android API 3 (OS 1.5) instead of most recent API?

I'm beginning with Android development. I'm aware that there is a lot of Android devices still on OS 1.5 or 1.6 so I'm thinking about require API level 3 as minimum to support them. What will I miss from 2.2? ...

Citation for Silverlight 4 backward compatibility?

I have a strong impression that the Silverlight 4 client runtime will run a Silverlight 3 application perfectly well, but for the life of me I can't find a definitive statement from Microsoft to that effect. Can anyone provide a reference? ...

How should I maintain my object modules in Perl?

I'm writing some object module in Perl using Moose. I use to store instances of created objects then use them. The basic representation of my object's data remains the same, but from time to time I add more functionalities - e.g. class methods or object methods. Can I continue using my stored objects, which were created with an earlier...

How to make sure ES3 programs will run in an ES5 engine?

So ECMAScript 5 introduces some incompatibilities with ECMAScript 3. Example: Many articles have been written stating that this === null || this === undefined is possible in ES5 strict mode: "use strict"; (function () { alert(this); // null }).call(null); But, what the standard really suggests is that ES5 engines also allow th...

How can I safely compile a Perl 5.12 module for Perl 5.8.9?

I want to install File::Fetch, which is a core module in Perl 5.12, in my Perl 5.8.9. In general, I want to compile and install future-dated modules in my back-dated Perl because I cannot upgrade my Perl. So I downloaded the module and also its dependencies. It's quite painful following the dependency tree but I'm more concerned about ...