
What are some specific examples of backward incompatibilities in Perl versions?

It has been 22 years between the initial public release of Perl 1.0 (December 18, 1987) and the current stable release 5.10.1 (2009). During those 22 years the following notable releases have been made: Perl 1.0 (1987 - initial release) Perl 2 (1988 - better regular expressions) Perl 3 (1989 - support for binary data streams) Perl 4 (...

Upgrading to JUnit4 and keeping legacy JUnit 3 tests and test suites by running them together

I was surprised not to find the answer so far. If I am missing something basic I will be more than happy to know that. There is a large legacy code base that was upgraded to Java 6 (from 1.4). Large number of JUnit 3 tests are present in the code and are organized into test suite that runs successfully with JUnit 4 default runner in Ecl...

Maintaining backwards compatibility with my object database?

I am writing an application using an object database (db4o) and in agile fashion will be starting from a small, minimal implementation and iteratively adding features from there, while releasing new versions of the software as I go. The main question I have is how to maintain backwards compatibility for the database, as new implementati...

Backwards compatibility and Web Services

So I'm a bit new to web services and a situation recently came up where we added an element to a data-type that gets returned to the client. The clients complained that this broke their implementation because it choked on the new element that it did not expect. (we are providing the services via Axis2). To me this seems like a harmles...

Is newest version of MS Enterprise Library compatible with older versions like 3.1

This current project I've been assigned uses the Version 3.1 levels of: Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Common; Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data; As I try to get to know more about the capabilities of the Ent Lib, I am running into lots of articles and doc about various versions (3.1, 4.0, and 5.0 I think). In genera...

Suggestions for change tolerance

Background:I will be working on tools that will be dependent on a rapidly changing API and rapidly changing data model over which I will have zero control. Data model and API changes are common, the issue here is that my code must continue to work with current and all past versions (ie 100% backwords compatibility) because all will cont...

Static analysis tool to detect ABI breaks in C++

It's not very hard to break binary backwards-compatibility of a DSO with a C++ interface. That said, is there a static analysis tool, which can help detecting such ABI breaks, if it's given two different sets of header files: those of an earlier state of the DSO and those of the current state (and maybe DSOs as well)? Both free and comme...

READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT on SQL Server 2005 in 2000 Compatability Mode?

Hello, While investigating a problem I believed to be related to lock escalation and thinking that READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT would be the solution, I checked whether it was already enabled. To my surprise, the database had compatibility level 80 (SQL Server 2000, and I'm new here, and nobody or document seems to know why!). But READ_COM...

Running an iPhone app with a 3.0 feature on a 2.2.1 device.

I've been asked to add a 3.0 feature (the Media Picker) to an app. But that app must continue to run on a 2.2.1 device. (With the feature disabled) How can I compile this, in such a way that it runs on 2.2.1, without getting a compiler error, for including a 3.0 feature? As per the instructions in the MailComposer example, I've set my...

Problems Building For Both iPhone OS 3.1.2 and 2.2.1

I'm trying to get my app to run on a 2.2.1 device despite being built against the 3.1.2 SDK. The table below lists my results Deployment |Base |Device |Result Target |SDK |Version | -------------+------------+------------+------- 3.1.2 3.1.2 3.1.2 Runs OK 2.2.1 3.1.2 ...

Is HTTP/1.0 still in use?

Say one is to write an HTTP server/client, how important is it to support HTTP/1.0? Is it still used anywhere nowdays? Edit: I'm less concerned with the usefullness/importance of HTTP/1.0, rather the amount of software that actually uses it for non-internal (unit testing being internal use, for example) purposes in the real world (brows...

Should I use _T or _TEXT on C++ string literals?

For example: // This will become either SomeMethodA or SomeMethodW, // depending on whether _UNICODE is defined. SomeMethod( _T( "My String Literal" ) ); // Becomes either AnotherMethodA or AnotherMethodW. AnotherMethod( _TEXT( "My Text" ) ); I've seen both. _T seems to be for brevity and _TEXT for clarity. Is this merely a subjectiv...

PHP 6 not backward compatible

From what I read, PHP 6 will break a lot of php scripts. I understand the reasons why it may break but why don't they just keep the PHP 5 and simply call PHP 6 as a different language based on PHP syntax? Like for example, why not just call php 6 scripts with an extension, "p6"- why are they trying so hard to make it backward compatible ...

U2 Basic Developer Toolkit

Does anyone here run the Basic Developer Toolkit with UniData 7.1? Even though the IDE was released with UniData 7.2, I was given the impression that it works fine with 7.1. However, when opening up "Database Files" in an account, every single DIR type file gives a loading error dialog and doesn't register any records in them. Are chan...

Can an API in SOAP/WSDL be kept backwards compatible easily?

When using an IPC library, it is important that it provides the possibility that both client and server can communicate even when their version of the API differs. As I'm considering using SOAP for our client/server application, I wonder whether a SOAP/WSDL solution can deal with API changes well. For example: Adding parameters to exi...

HTML 5 specific element support in older browsers via Javascript?

Is there a javascript solution to make the canvas tag or the video tag in HTML5 behave more like HTML5 in older/current browsers that don't support it? The canvas tag should ideally behave like the it would in HTML5 supportive browsers, but the video tag is also good if it's replaced with alternate code. ...

Is ASP.NET MVC 1 forwards compatible with ASP.NET MVC 2?

Can I run a MVC 1 application using the MVC 2 assemblies without a hitch? I understand that some 3rd party tools have had stuff broken in MVC 2, but let's assume I'm not using those any other tools. ...

Will a C program for Windows 98 run in Windows 7?

I am performing this project but there is problem of program . we chose a program based on the 'C' language that runs on window 98. But we need to run this program in window 7. So same program will run or not? if not then what to do. ...

ASP.Net MVC 1.0 in Visual Studio 2010

Is Visual Studio 2010 compatible with MVC 1.0 Hello guys, Thanks for reading in advance. I'm working with a MVC 1.0 project and VS2008. I will be very glad to upgrade to VS2010, but I'm doubting about its compatibility with MVC 1.0. Have you done it? How did it result? ...

How do you cleanly separate code for backwards compatibility from the main code?

I'm interested in what strategies people have come up with for separating all the crufty logic that's necessary to maintain backwards compatibility from the main code of an application. In other words, strategies that let you come closer to having your code look as if there were no backwards compatibility concerns except for separate iso...