
TCP connection basics

Hi, This a basic doubt, but I wanted to know that if establish two TCP connections between the same two machines, will the packets in both the connection follow the same path(same link and nodes). The reason why I am asking this is because I want to measure the bandwidth between the two machines for both IPv4 and Ipv6 TCP connection and...

Do embedded Youtube videos increase the site's bandwidth?

By having each classified ad with embedded Youtube video, will this increase the bandwidth of the site? If so, would iFrame help in anyway? Thank. ...

Bandwidth test, delay test using urllib2

I want to make a python script that tests the bandwidth of a connection. I am thinking of downloading/uploading a file of a known size using urllib2, and measuring the time it takes to perform this task. I would also like to measure the delay to a given IP address, such as is given by pinging the IP. Is this possible using urllib2? ...

Consuming bandwidth

I have noticed that when I download something from a torrent, if it is downloading at full speed, it will not allow the web browser to view any webpage, because the torrent program uses the full bandwidth. Just as an experiment, is there any other program which is able to do this constantly, i.e. use the full bandwidth of the internet c...

How to test low bandwidth conditions on the iPhone

I have an application that does a lot of binary data loading. I've encountered scenarios where an unstable 3G connection may intermittently cut out during the loading of some of this binary data, causing issues. Is there any way, using the simulator or otherwise, to test for low-bandwidth/unstable connection scenarios? I seem to recall...

Measuring Internal Network Speed/Bandwidth in Java

I need to be able to monitor the speed of my internal network using java. I was thinking I could use a two part system with a server and a client. I do not need need response time such as what is generated with ping but and actual speed in mbps for upload and download. My idea would be to have the Server send a packet or series of pack...

How to test a site for low bandwidth?

Hello, I'm developing a web application for mobile browsers. Right now most of development is done on local machines (with local apache) and I'd like to test how it behaves in low bandwidth and even high latency environments. I don't need to use apache as there is little server side things for the moment. Do you know any good tool? ...

How to most efficiently load jQuery plugin files?

I am using a number of jQuery plugins. Is it more efficient to reference them separately in the master page, or should I lump the contents of each file into a single jQueryPlugins.js file and reference that? ...

How much does it cost to run a social network on average in terms of hardware and bandwidth per user, with a Ruby on Rails average stack?

How much does it cost to run a social network on average in terms of hardware and bandwidth per user, with a Ruby on Rails average stack? ...

Php Buffer Problem fgets (Bandwidth)

Hello i'm saxtor, i'm creating this download quota program, so what i am doing is fetching the file from a remote server and buffering it out back to the client however i would like to record the buffer output to the client and record how much bytes the client has downlaoad, what the code supposed to do is to limit the client if he or s...

Preventing Amazon S3 Bandwidth Stealing?

I have a Image Hosting Site that is using Amazon S3 as a main source for bandwith and storage. I have a few option here to prevent other sources from stealing my bandwith, but I am hoping there are more or other alternatives. Query String Authentication Url Rewrite Are there better ways to prevent thieves from hot-linking to my Amaz...

large applets large userbase low bandwidth

I've got an applet that is rather large (4MB) on a web page used by a few thousand users scattered across a WAN. Bandwidths to these users range from a paltry 128Kbps to 10Mbps. The problem occurs when a new version of the applet is made available; it is downloaded automatically by all the users browsers effectively chocking the network...

What apache2 module to use for traffic limiting?

I'm looking for a module for Apache2 which can limit bandwidth for a given period after a certain amount of traffic has passed. Does anybody know of one? The system is Debian (Lenny). I already looked into: - mod_cband : old, buggy, not being developed anymore - mod_bw : Only for bandwidth throtteling - mod_throttle : was promising, bu...

Why are most computer games no more than 16v16?

From a programming/network point of view, what are the reasons why there are very few/no larger scale games than 16v16? There are some 32v32 games but these are seeming exceptions to the rule. ...

What % of traffic is network overhead on top of HTTP/S requests

If we: 1) Count bytes/bits at the network adapter level (raw # of bits through the NIC) and, 2) Count bytes in all HTTP/S request/responses. Assuming only HTTP/S traffic is on the box, and assuming a statistically relevant amount of "typical" web traffic: I want to know about how much more traffic will be counted at the NIC level than ...

Video stream over ethernet

Hi, I have several video servers connected to each other over 1Giga bit ethernet cable. Video clips can be send from one server to another or live broadcasting. What best protocol should I use (UDP, TCP...) to achive real time transfering of HD video frames? ...

Super fast server for php script

Hi, I have a php script which requires no web hosting or disk space etc. The script simply retrieves infromation from a server, does some processing on this information and than passes it on to a client (an iPhone app in this case). The only thing is that if traffic gets high than there is a high demand for bandwidth and speed. Does any...

How can I write an efficient php chat?

Hello there! I wrote a PHP chatscript with JQUERY on the userend pullstyle. It reloaded a pull.php page once a second and retrieved only new chat records from my sql database since the last check. However I got an email from my host saying I was using too much bandwidth. Bleh. My chat was working just as I wanted it and this happened. ...

Django - How to meter bandwidth usage on static content?

I realize this is more of a server question (since all media requests bypass Django via NGINX), but I want to know how others Django Developers have been doing this, more so than I care to understand only the specifics of how to do it in NGINX. I don't care about the bandwidth of HTML page requests via Django; only the bandwidth of stati...

HttpWebRequest IO/Bandwidth usage C#

I am trying to measure how much data is sent and received by a HttpWebRequest (and Response). As far as I can tell, it is only possible to know the length of the request and response content, in other words the body, not the header. Does anyone know how to get the full length? Either header and body to be summed or possibly just a mean...