
converting base64 String to image in android

Hi, Is there any way that I can convert a base64 String to image in Android. I am receiving this base64 String in a xml from the server connected through socket. Thanks and Regards, Vivek Birdi ...

Why this base64 function stop working when increasing max length?

I am using this class to encode/decode text to base64. It works fine with MAX_LEN up to 512 but if I increase it to 1024 the decode function returns and empty var. This is the function: char* Base64::decode(char *src) { unsigned six, dix; unsigned int d_len = MAX_LEN; memset(dst,'\0', MAX_LEN); unsigned s_len = strle...

how to use base64binary in php

Hi friends, I have accessed the following luckly i got the result too,but the result in the format of base64binary. i dont know how to parse the result if any one knows and Please explain me how to use the base64binary and convert the encoded format into the image. Thanks,Praveen J ...

Invalid length for a Base-64 char array.

As the title says, I am getting: Invalid length for a Base-64 char array. I have read about this problem on here and it seems that the suggestion is to store ViewState in SQL if it is large. I am using a wizard with a good deal of data collection so chances are my ViewSate is large. But, before I turn to the "store-in-DB" solu...

problem using base64 encoder and InputStreamReader

I have some CLOB columns in a database that I need to put Base64 encoded binary files in. These files can be large, so I need to stream them, I can't read the whole thing in at once. I'm using org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64InputStream to do the encoding, and I'm running into a problem. My code is essentially this FileInputStre...

Python: Ignore 'Incorrect padding' error when base64 decoding

I have some data that is base64 encoded that I want to convert back to binary even if there is a padding error in it. If I use base64.decodestring(b64_string) it raises an 'Incorrect padding' error. Is there another way? UPDATE: Thanks for all the feedback. To be honest, all the methods mentioned sounded a bit hit and miss so I deci...

Flash to PHP base64 encode/decode

I'm using AS3 to base64 encode a JPG and pass it to Javascript. I'm attempting to use AJAX to pass that base64 encoded string to PHP and have PHP decode it. (I know I could send it back to Flash and Flash could decode it and send it to PHP, but I'm trying to eliminate the need for Flash on the decoding end). It appears that AS3's encode...

In PHP how do I take a base64 encoded png and output that png as an image?

I tried header('Content-Type: image/png'); echo base64_decode($data);` But it doesn't work. ...

How can I pass a raw System.Drawing.Image to an .ashx?

I am developing an application that stores images as Base64 strings in xml files. I also want to allow the user to crop the image before saving it to the file, preferably all in memory without having to save a temp file, and then delete it afterwards. In order to display the newly uploaded image, I need to create a HTTP handler that I ...

how do I base encode a binary file (JPG) in ruby

I have a binary files which needs to be sent as a string to a third-party web-service. Turns out it requires that it needs to be base64 encoded. In ruby I use the following: body = body << Base64.b64encode("#{@postalcard.postalimage.path}")) body is a strong which conists of a bunch of strings as parameters. Does this...

Best way to put user input into generated javascript?

Hello, I need for someone to be able to put some text into a page and then this gets sent to the server, saved in the database, and else where this text is put into a javascript variable. Basically like this: Write("var myVar=\""+MyData+"\";"); What is the best way of escaping this data? Is there anything out there already to deal wi...

how to use php to include an image in a word file?

Hi all! Somebody has asked me to make an app in php that will generate a .doc file with an image and a few tables in it. My first approach was: <?php function data_uri($file, $mime) { $contents = file_get_contents($file); $base64 = base64_encode($contents); return ('data:' . $mime . ';base64,' . $base64); } $file = 'new.doc...

Invalid character in a Base-64 string

Getting a few different exceptions related to Base-64 strings in C#. Below are the exceptions along with sample string. I don't know too much about this topic but I believe I did confirm the lengths of the following strings are multiples of 4. I'm hoping these issues are all related but I'm not sure. Any help is appreciated. "Invali...

gwt base64 image

Hi I am getting a base64 byte[] from an xml file via jaxb and I am not sure how to convert this back to an gwt image (which is basically an underlying html img if I understood that correctly). How do I convert into the proper string? My first instinct was to public void onSuccess(final byte[] icon) { img.setUrl("data:image/png;base64,...

How is the blob of text encoded? Base64? Something else?

I am having a string like this H0TCxoL9HSXXwlwXgBJAAAaiAAACBAW0AQMDAAEBBAIA what format is this? Below are some more strings. I thought as base64 but when i decode that i get strings like D????&??_?P@ H0TCxoL9HSbXwl+NUBBAAHISAABIVFRQLzEuMSAyMDAgT0sNCkRhdGU6IE1vbiwgMjEgSnVuIDIwMTAgMDk6NTI6NTMgR01UDQpTZXJ2ZXI6IE1pY3Jvc29mdC1JSVMvNi4wDQpQM...

Can a base64 encoded string contain whitespace?

Might a base64 encoded string contain whitespace? Specifically, could it contain whitespace at the end of the string? PS. I'm thinking about the whole "MySQL will trim trailing whitespace when storing strings in VARCHAR fields" here ;-) ...

base64 for basic authentication in objective-c

I've seen some similar questions here on SO, but none recent - so i'm checking in to see if anything's changed. I see that didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge: is perfectly capable of doing a base64 encode for basic authentication, but the server i need to send a basic auth Authorization: header to doesn't return an HTTP401 and (I assume...

How do I encode something in PHP with a key?

I see base64_encode can encode values, but without a key. I need a function that takes a salt and data, encodes it, and can be decoded with the same salt (but if you try to decode it without the salt, it gives you gibberish). Is there a PHP function for this (can't find it, only modified versions of base64_encode). EDIT: Found the answ...

R: serialize base64 encode/decode of text not exactly matching

in my previous question about using serialize() to create a CSV of objects I got a great answer from jmoy where he recommended base64 encoding of my serialized text. That was exactly what I was looking for. Oddly enough, when I try to put this in practice I get results that look right but don't exactly match what I ran through the serial...

javascript eval json with base64 encoded field.

I am using sun.misc.BASE64Encoder to encode an encrypted value, which is then added to a JSON field and subsequently sent to the client. I use Javascript's eval() function on the client to create an object from the JSON code. When eval() runs, it gives the error: unterminated string literal There are other fields in the JSON cod...