
Special chars in base64 decoded string

When I decode (using one of the online decoders) a base64 string, the decoded data returns several special chars like sqaure blocks and `" ...

Base64_encode for URLS

Is there a base64_encode function that is URL safe in PHP? It also needs to be decodable obviously. Thanks for your help! ...

Inline images in CSS with background-image: url ()

I'm trying to load a gif file within my .css file, like this: li.box_entry { background-image: url(...

How to use openssl to base 64 decode?

I am developing in C++ using Boost.Asio. I want to be able to base64 decode data and since Boost.Asio links to openssl I want to use it's functions to do so and not add an extra dependency(eg crypto++). I have found this code here that shows how to do it. (change int finalLen = BIO_read(bmem, (void*)pOut, outLen); to inLen ) I don't kno...

Decoding output of Adobe Flex Base64encoder with C++

I've developed web services in C++ and have implemented the ability to provide a base 64 encoded string to send files with other meta data. While I have successfully decoded the string when the encoded data is a text file, images and other binary files are not decoding correctly. Can you point me to a C++ library or implementation of ba...

Wan to display pdf using base64

Hi Guys I want to display PDF in browser but the point is my pdf is stored in database in blob format I want to display it in client side using base64 I am using java as backend and GWT as frontend Please suggest me.. Thanks ...

iTunes Music Store purchase parameters

Hi. I'm trying to work out how to generate the parameters for iTunes Music Store (iTMS) and what they are/mean. So far I can do all the other normal stuff like login, view account information, but purchasing looks to have some cryptographic element to it (or simply something I'm not seeing). For example, iTunes 9 when purchasing some ra...

Sentence that uses every base64 character

I am trying to construct a sentence/letter combination that will return every base64 character, but failing to find a word for purposes of unit testing. The unit tests I have so far are failing to hit the lines that handle the + and / characters. While I can sling a them at the encoder/decoder directly it would be nice to have a human r...

Base64 encode binary uploaded data on the AppEngine

I've been trying to Base64 encode image data from the user (in this case a trusted admin) in order to skip as many calls to the BlobStore as I possibly can. Every time I attempt to encode it, I recieve an error saying: Error uploading image: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0x89 in position 0: ordinal not in range(128) I've googled the...

GZipStream: why do we convert to base 64 after compression?

I was just looking at a code sample for compressing a string. I find that using the GZipStream class suffices. But I don't understand why we have to convert it to base 64 string as shown in the example. using System.IO.Compression; using System.Text; using System.IO; public static string Compress(string text) { byte[] buffer = Encoding...

Trouble decoding tiled base64 data with javascript

I'm using tiled to create a tile map. (Tiled is a tile map editor with support for orthogonal and isometric maps) It saves the map in an XML file. It can use certain encoding structures: regular base64 base64 + gzip base64 + zlib regular csv Now, I've completely given up on gzip (my server gzips traffic it anyway, so no loss there) ...

Base64.decode64 in ruby returning strange results

Hi all, I'm having problems in decoding a string using Base64.decode64 in Ruby. As a test, I'm using this site that decodes strings in php: As a test, I'm using this string: fZJNT%2BMwEIbvSPwHy%2Fd8tMvHympSdUGISuwS0cCBm%2BtMUwfbk%2FU4zfLvSVMq2Euv45n3fd7xzOb%2FrGE78KTRZXw...

Sending/Displaying a base64 encoded Image

Hi Folks, I need to send a base64 encoded string to a client. Therefore, I'm opening and reading an image file on the server, encode it and send that data along with the image/jpeg content-type to the browser. Example in php: $image = $imagedir . 'example.jpg'; $image_file = fopen($image, 'r'); $image_data = fread($image_file, fi...

String base64 decoded un-gziped from little-endian 4-byte int to java int

Hi, I'm trying to implement TMX files in Android and I was hoping someone could help. Based on the TMX guide, in order to get the GID's I have to first base64 decode the string, then gunzip the resulting data if the compression attribute is set to "gzip" as in the above example. Finally, you can read 4 bytes at a time for each GID f...

Encode data for easy passing over phone

I need to encode some data (text) so that it can easily be passed by the user over phone. The text contains random characters and is normally not longer than 100 chars. Example: "37-b,kA.sZ:Bb9--10.y<§" I'd like to encode this text into more human readable form so that it can easily be passed over phone. Base36 produces a text that...

Convert byte array into any base

I have an array of bytes (any length), and I want to encode this array into string using my own base encoder. In .NET is standard Base64 encoder, but what if I want to encode the array in Base62, Base53 or Base13? Is it even possible to create such universal base encoder? I know I could do it the simple way, that is, for each byte rese...

Facebook stream.publish with image attachment from Base64

I'm trying to get facebook's stream.publish to make a wall post that includes some custom text and a dynamically generated image from the site. The Image is only available as Base64 as it is drawn by the user before the publish action is initiated. Facebook doesn't seem to like the src being passed in as a Base64 string. Does anyone know...

Base64 images to gmail

I'm generating some inline images for an email sent from the iPad. Looks great in all desktop email clients, but gmail doesn't seem to like the base64 image and it shows up as text. Anyone have any luck embedding images with base64 and gmail? Or know of a better solution for sending HTML emails with images from the iPad? ...

File path for base64 image in Android

Hi everyone, In the app I am making, I would like to take a Base64 image that is received from a server, and save it to a file for displaying later. My question is where should I store this file? It needs to be dynamic, and may be empty when the program launches. I am unsure how exactly the file system on Android works, such as how file...

Decoding XML with base64_decode works fine in PHPUnit but returns UTF-16 encoded data in browser

I'm having some strange issues with decoding an XML snippet, contained with a cookie, with PHP's base64_decode function: In our PHPUnit tests, we can decode the XML and echo it out to the console and it prints XML as you would expect (all unit tests pass as well). As soon as we try running the same code in the browser, the decoded XML ...