
String Manipulation in Bash

Hello- I am a newbie in Bash and I am doing some string manipulation. I have the following file among other files in my directory: I am doing the following to get jdk-6u20 in my script: myvar=`ls -la | awk '{print $9}' | egrep "i586" | cut -c1-8` echo $myvar but now I want to convert jdk-6u20 to jdk1.6.0_2...

How do i use RVM w/ Hudson CI server on Debian?

I'm trying to setup an automated "build" server for my rails projects using Hudson CI. SO far it's able to run specs and do metrics on the code but I have 2 different projects dependent on 2 different versions of ruby. So i'm trying to use RVM to run multiple copies of ruby then switch back and forth in a pre-build step. I found a coup...

bash: function + source + declare = boom

Here is a problem: In my bash scripts I want to source several file with some checks, so I have: if [ -r foo ] ; then source foo else logger -t $0 -p crit "unable to source foo" exit 1 fi if [ -r bar ] ; then source bar else logger -t $0 -p crit "unable to source bar" exit 1 fi # ... etc ... Naively I tried to create ...

How to programatically set a permanent environment variable in Linux?

I am writing a little install script for some software. All it does is unpack a target tar, and then i want to permanently set some environment variables - principally the location of the unpacked libs and updating $PATH. Do I need to programmatically edit the .bashrc file, adding the appropriate entries to the end for example, or is the...

BASH- Run MPlayer if either there are no users on display :0 or if there is more than one argument

This is the script I currently have- #!/bin/bash if["$#" == "2" OR who | grep ":0" == ""] export DISPLAY=:0 xset dpms force on mplayer -fs $1.mp4 fi It doesn't work. Thanks for your help. ...

Changing the contents of a file with sed in Solaris 10

Hello, I have a bash script that I want to change all occurrences of jdk1.5.0_14 with jdk1.6.0_20 in a file I have the following piece of code : #!/bin/bash myvar="jdk1.6.0_20" sed "s/jdk1.*/$myvar/g" answer_file.1 > answer_file.2 However I have the following information in answer_file.1 (pasting the relevant part): JDKSelection.d...

How can I rename files from a list in bash?

I have a file that contains filenames like this: I have a folder that has: I would like to have a bash script to take one line from the filename file and rename one file in the folder. Is there a way to do this? ...

How to pass in password to pg_dump?

I'm trying to create a cronjob to back up my database every night before something catastrophic happens. It looks like this command should meet my needs: 0 3 * * * pg_dump dbname | gzip > ~/backup/db/$(date +%Y-%m-%d).psql.gz Except after running that, it expects me to type in a password. I can't do that if I run it from cron. How can...

Assign complex command result to variable

Hi, I have a fairly simple bash shell scripting problem. I want to sed a piece of text and then assign the result of the sed to a variable. #!/bin/bash MOD_DATE=echo $(date) | sed 's/\ /_/g' echo $MOD_DATE // should show date with spaces replaced with underscores. I have tried the above and it doesn't work. Can anyone point out what...

Why doesn't bash's flock with timeout exit if it fails to acquire the lock?

I am playing with using flock, a bash command for file locks to prevent two different instances of the code from running more than once. I am using this testing code: ( ( flock -x 200 ; sleep 10 ; echo "original finished" ; ) 200>./test.lock ) & ( sleep 2 ; ( flock -x -w 2 200 ; echo "a finished" ) 200>./test.lock ) & I am running 2...

a reliable way to get the progress of an ffmpeg conversion in BASH

Hi I've done a bit of searching on here and on other sites, it seems this question has been asked a few times, but rather than giving the actual code, people only give the theory. I wish to create a reliable way to get the progress of a transcode. It seems the best way is to use the total frames of the source file and then get the curr...

Sorting a string in array, making it sparsely populated.

For example, say I have string like: duck duck duck duck goose goose goose dog And I want it to be as sparsely populated as possible, say in this case duck goose duck goose dog duck goose duck What sort of algorithm would you recommend? Snippets of code or general pointers would be useful, languages welcome Python, C++ and extra k...

Make Tar + gzip ignore directory paths

Anybody know if it is possible that when making a tar + gzip through 'tar c ...' command if the relative paths will be ignored upon expanding. e.g. tar cvf test.tgz foo ../../files/bar and then expanding the test.tgz with: tar xvf test.tgz gives a dir containing: foo files/bar i want the dir to contain the files foo bar is thi...

Grab a random number of bytes from a file with bash?

I have a file of 256MB. I'd like to retrieve a random amount of data from this file and copy it to another file. Is there a way to do this in bash or some other way? G-Man Edit: choose a random number between 1 and 256 then copy that number of mb from one file to another. ...

strip version from package name using Bash

hi, I'm trying to strip the version out of a package name using only Bash. I have one solution but I don't think that's the best one available, so I'd like to know if there's a better way to do it. by better I mean cleaner, easier to understand. suppose I have the string "my-program-1.0" and I want only "my-program". my current solutio...

compare time using date command

Say I want a certain block of bash script execute only if it is between 8 am (8:00) and 5 pm (17:00), and do nothing otherwise. The script is running continuously So far I am using date command. How to use it compare it current time within the range? Thanks ...

Lazy Evaluation in Bash

Is there more elegant way of doing lazy evaluation than the following: pattern='$x and $y' x=1 y=2 eval "echo $pattern" results: 1 and 2 It works but eval "echo ..." just feels sloppy and may be insecure in some way. Is there a better way to do this in Bash? ...

How to print arguments passed to configure script?

Hi, I'm trying to print arguments passed to a ./configure script. Calling 'echo' on $BASH_ARGV will just print the last set of arguments. For example if I run: ./configure --enable-foo --enable-bar echo $BASH_ARGV will print only "--enable-bar" How do I print all the arguments? Thanks! ...

Using shell tools to extract part of a file

I've got a text file, and wish to extract every above the !--- comment ---! into a new file, not based line numbers (but checking for the comment), How would I do this? test123 bob ted mouse qwerty !--- comment ---! 123456 098786 ...

bash script to check running process

I wrote a bash-script to check if a process is running. It doesn't work since the ps command always returns exit code 1. When I run the ps command from the command-line, the $? is correctly set, but within the script it is always 1. Any idea? #!/bin/bash SERVICE=$1 ps -a | grep -v grep | grep $1 > /dev/null result=$? echo "exit code: $...