
Set= log.txt in batch

I have like a log.txt file which contains: MyName My batch: @echo off set name= [log.txt] in the [log.txt] part, it should read 'MyName' from the log.txt file, to set it as 'name'. How? ...

How to to terminate a windows batch file from within a 'call'ed routine?

Hi. I've got a windows batch file, with a few sub-routines in it something like this: call :a goto :eof :a call :b goto :eof :b :: How do I directly exit here from here? goto :eof I'm running this in a cmd window on Vista. If I detect an error somewhere in the batch file, I want it to exit with a non-zero errorlevel. Is there anyth...

XCOPY exclude list ignored after first exclusion

Hey, I have a batch file I've created which uses xcopy to copy a dir, and child dirs, and merge them into one file. (ie. all my modulised development css stylesheets merged into one production stylesheet). Everything is good, apart from the fact that when I reference the excludelist.txt, it only excludes the first line, and not the sub...

batch parameters: everything after %1

Duplicate: Is there a way to indicate the last n parameters in a batch file? how to get batch file parameters from Nth position on? Clarification: I knew of the looping approach - this worked even before Command Extensions; I was hoping for something fun and undocumented like %~*1 or whatever - just like those documented at http://w...

only do if day... batch file

hello i got a batch file, something like this: if %day%==monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday ( goto yes ) else ( goto no ) Now i know the first line won't work. What i actually want to happen: It automatticly checks which day it is. If it is Monday to Friday, it has to go to 'yes', otherwise (saturday/sunday) to 'no'. How ...

Better than MSDOS batch files?

Is there something better than using MSDOS in a bat file to run commmand line operations and copy files around. I am running into the old chestnut "gotchas" with long file names etc - and for some reason the bat file wont pause - when I insert PAUSE in my script after running a command - it's just annoying. Whats better out there? Che...

Windows batch file: waiting between steps in a <for> statement

I am trying to use a for statement in a Windows batch file ("File A") to call another program ("File B") for each .pdv (Procoder DV, not part of the problem) file in a particular directory. I want File A to wait until File B has finished running on the first .pdv file before it asks File B to run on the next .pdv file, but instead, all t...

Batch file to copy files to many machines

Hello, I need to have a batch file that copies files (8) in my local directory to either a list of machines on the network (hostname or IP) or have me prompt to enter the next hostname/ip I'd prefer not to have to run the script over and over again to enter the next hostname/ip I'll also need to see the output for each system to make ...

Determine file name in subfolder from batch file

I have a directory structure like this: - Root - Versioned deployment folder - config file The "Versioned deployment folder" name varies with each version of the application. The config file name stays the same. I'd like to write a batch file that opens a program on the config file. The batch file should stay the same regardles...

Batch processing in Scala

I have a number of runnable programs written in Java that I'd like to set into one class that would run those one after another in Scala. So for example I have classes: RunMe with arguments "A", "B", "C" WorkbookLoader with arguments "c:\workbooks\", "c:\sourceFile.bin" and "c:\targetFile.bin" i just need those to call one after anothe...

how to make file listing using the .bat script

Hello, coders! I have directory structure: pakages |-files.bat |-component |-source |-lib I need to make text file using the files.bat script with file listing like this: File0001=source\WindowT.pas File0002=source\AWindowT.pas File0003=source\AWindowSplash.pas File0004=source\InternalT.pas File0005=source\ImageLister.pas ...

How to SET a variable to the path of parent directory on windows?

Hello, Struggling with command line again, I have figure out that I can store the current working directory in a variable like so: SET current=%cd% How would I set parent though? SET parent=%..% does not work, as it echoes %..% Basically, calling a batch script C:\a\b\myscript.bat with the following contents: @echo off set current=...

Permissions delete windows files Batch

I would like a batch file which can delete C:\Windows files. But every time i try (:D) it keeps me away from it because of the permissions. Does anyone know how to remove C:\WINDOWS files? Thanks. ...

Redirecting passed arguments to a windows batch file

I would like to call a jar file from a windows batch file. One requirement is to be able to pass all the batch file arguments as-is to the jar file invocation. For example, Required Command line: foo.bat --flag1=x --flag2=y --flag3=z The batch file foo.bat should invoke foo.jar like follows: java -jar foo.jar --flag1=x --flag2=y --flag...

write a batch file to copy files from one folder to another folder

I am having a storage folder on network in which all users will store their active data on a server now that server is going to be replaced by new one due to place problem so I need to copy sub folders files from the old server storage folder to new server storage folder. I have below ex: from \Oldeserver\storage\data & files to \New...

Winzip hanging up in scheduled task batch file

I have a simple batch file as seen below that should extract a zip file to the root of E:. The zip file is valid and I can run the batch file from the command line just fine. Instead of completing the task, it continues to inform me that the Status is "Running". The problem is, it is not running and the file never gets unzipped. Th...

Stop a batch file from autoclosing.

Can someone tell me what cmd to put at the end of a batch file to stop it from auto closing? Thanks! ...

Why isn't this password thing not working -- Batch

Hello i have this in a batch: :passw022 title batch :: Password if exist util2.txt del util2.txt cls echo Please enter your name: echo. Set name= set /p name=Name: echo %name%>> util.txt echo. echo Please enter a password you like to have: echo. Set passw= <nul: set /p passw=Password: for /f "delims=" %%i in ('cscript /nologo mask.vbs...

write a btach file to copy files from one network folder to another network folder

I am having a pdf storage folder on network in which all users used to store their all files for sharing each other . Now I need to copy all those files from that folder to another folder which is on same network but on different server. ...

How can I set the IDENTITY_INSERT option for a JDBC PreparedStatement?

I need to copy data into an MSSQLServer 2005 database table which has an identity column. I've seen how to disable the identity column by executing SET IDENTITY_INSERT <table> ON before the insert queries. How can I do this when I'm using PreparedStatements to do batch inserts and I can't change the statement during the operation? ...