
browser plugin to test a site's look when migrating

I'm thinking I need a browser plugin that does the following, and if it doesn't exist, it should. I may as well say FF for now, but it could be any browser. The problem: when moving a website from one server to another, you need migration testing. It is a pain to click on every link by hand and compare it to the old host. You really ...

Getting errorlevel from a called batch file

I have several batch files that I call from a parent batch file. I need to trap if there are any errors that occur in the child batch files. When a child batch file makes a call to an exe file, I am able to trap the error in the child batch file just fine. How do I surface it up to the parent batch file? ...

Get Filename in DOS for loop

I have the following For loop in a batch file: for /R c:\test\src %%i IN (*.*) DO ( MOVE %%i C:\test\destination ECHO %%i exit ) The result of the ECHO outputs the entire file path Ex: C:\Foldername\Filename I need to ECHO out only the Filename.Is there a specific command which would give me the filename ? Thanks ! ...

Files with long extensions unexpectedly deleted using command prompt

i am trying to delete some files using a batch file.. (winxp) my problem is when i delete using a wildcard.. it is matching the 8.3 name aswell as the long name. eg: file list file1.pyc file2.pycstlongname file2.pycstlongnamec if i do a Del *.pyc it deletes everything but becuase if i do a dir /X all of teh 8...

How to send a Y keystroke to dos command with a [YN} answer?

I am using the deltree command which expects the user to confirm with a Y or N. I tried 'echo Y | deltree ....' but got a "The process tried to write to a nonexistent pipe" error. Is there another way? ...

Windows batch file for renaming file at specified interval

I would like to write a windows batch file for the purpose of renaming a file every 25 seconds. I would also like the batch file to terminate after 300 seconds have passed. How would I go about doing this? Here is what I have thusfar. START RENAME test.g test.go SLEEP 25 RENAME test.go test.g GOTO START ...

What is the easiest way to reset ERRORLEVEL to zero?

I have a post-build event that runs some commands for a c# project. The last command would sometimes cause the ERRORLEVEL value not equils to zero and then the build fails. I want to append an extra line of command to always set the ERRORLEVEL value to zero. What is the most convenient way to do that? ...

Batch / Find And Edit Lines in TXT file

I want to create a batch while which finds specific lines in a batch file and are able to edit these lines. Example: //TXT FILE// ex1 ex2 ex3 ex4 i want to let the batch file find 'ex3' and edit this to 'ex5' to let it look like this: ex1 ex2 ex5 ex4 ...

Find the line & edit it.

I posted another one on this,, but i had to edit it really much... What the thing bassicly is that a Batch (Maybe including VBScript) can find line 29 in a txtfile... it should edit this line. If line 29 is like this: 'option=21' it should change it to 'option=22' the problem is that this line is located more in the file. so it shou...

Batch rename&copy&delete not working?

On whatever reason this is not working [gives 'file not found'] set in=c:\myprogram\_save cd %temp% ren 1RO.dat "Titanic Moves 1 of 3 Rotterdam.dat" ren 12RO.img "Titanic Moves 1 of 3 Rotterdam.img" ren 2HA.dat "Titanic Moves 2 of 3 Hawai.dat" ren 22HA.img "Titanic Moves 2 of 3 Hawai.img" ren 3NY.dat "Titanic Moves 3 of 3 NY.dat" ren 33...

Batch Script Install Process

I am planning a procedue to release our software to our customers using an advanced version of an existing procedure which uses windows batch scripts. I am hoping to improve this process and automate the installation of the following items: Files. Files are simply copied to a destination. MSSQL Databases. I guess I'll use the OSQL comm...

Where should I store email templates for emails sent out at the end of a batch run?

So I'm writing this EXE to process refunds, and when the job's done, we're sending out an email to a list of users that will probably be like: DO NOT REPLY Refund processing has completed. N refunds were successfully processed. We encountered N errors. Please check http://whatever.url for a detailed report. Thanks, A computer DO NOT...

How can I speed up batch processing job in Coldfusion?

Every once in awhile I am fed a large data file that my client uploads and that needs to be processed through CMFL. The problem is that if I put the processing on a CF page, then it runs into a timeout issue after 120 seconds. I was able to move the processing code to a CFC where it seems to not have the timeout issue. However, sometime ...

forfiles older than not working.

Hello i use the following command to delete files older than X days [%numb% is de amount of days] forfiles -p "%temp%" -s -m *.* -d %numb% -c "cmd /c del @path" Still.. When i execute it it just promps me with all features of forfiles and how it should be used... Help? ...

FTP using Batch file

i want to automate the task of uploading of a file at FTP site "" how can i achive this ...

Batch: line & remove

I want a batch file which: removes a certain line [line number by %lnum%] in a txt file. ...

PHP - I need to run a .cmd file from within PHP and display the results

I need to run a .cmd batch file from within a php script. The PHP will be accessed via an authenticated session within a browser. When I run the .cmd file from the desktop of the server, it spits out some output to cmd.exe. I'd like to route this output back to the php page. Is this doable? Thanks in advance for your time. ...

Automatically Position Application Window Using Command File in Windows

I'm using PuTTY to access my BSD file server and I have several terminal windows open at once. I wrote a simple command file to automate opening the terminal windows and I'd like to know if it is possible to place them at a specific location. I have two monitors and as it is now, I have to manually drag the terminal windows over to my s...

NHibernate doesn't seem to like batch insert

I am using NHibernate in one of the projects. I have set adonet.batch_size to 100 in the cfg file however I still see that insert statement is treated as single statement. Update seems to work fine. What's going on? Updated: Is it because I've chosen identity as the primary key generator? <id name="Id" column="Id" unsaved-v...

Batch/CMD: Adding files to Startup list

Hello, How can a batch file lists itself in the startup list of Windows??? It doesn't matter if it goes from the registry or not. IF with the registry, please give also the command to DELETE the registry entry. This should work under all versions from ME to 7 please. Otherwise just XP/Vista/7. Thanks. ...