
Getting SVN repository rev number

Is there some svn or svnadmin command that will display the revision of a local repo? I'd like to be able to have a Windows batch or PowerShell script that would let me zip up the repo and name it with the rev to email. The best I can figure out is just to find the highest file in [reporoot]\db\revs\0, but it seems kind of clunky and I...

write a batch file to to read and copy to a text file the specified lines from text file .

Hi I am using the below script to copy a text file contentfrom a client workstation to a text file . I need to do this operation for 500 + workstations. After executing the script from all workstations data is copying to a text file. upto this ok I listed below the script and result. but I need the specified lines or data from that tex...

Remotely manipulating the execution of a batch file

I have a batch file that is located on one machine that I am invoking remotely from another machine. That batch file is pretty simple; all it does is set some environment variables and then executes an application - the application creates a command window and executes inside of it. The application it executes will run forever unless s...

Generate unique file name with timestamp in batch script

In my .bat file I want to generate a unique name for files/directories based on date-time. e.g. Build-2009-10-29-10-59-00 The problem is that %TIME% won't do because it contains characters that are illegal in filename (e.g. ':'). Is there something like 'tr' in batch files? Any other ideas how to solve this (that don't require extr...

Invoke EXE from batch file *without* waiting

How do I invoke an EXE from a batch file without having the latter waiting for the EXE to finish? Something like the Cygwin 'cygstart'? ...

Using DOS/CMD/batch files how can you show Console output, and redirect the STDOUT and STDERR streams to files?

direct console to ok.log, and errors to error.log for example ...

What's the relative order with which Windows seach for executable files in PATH?

If I have, a.cmd, a.bat, and a.exe files %PATH%, which one would Windows pick if I invoke just the command "a"? Is this officially spec-ed somewhere by M$? I just wanted to wrap my gvim.exe executable with -n, but my gvim.bat doesn't appear to get run neither from the command line, nor from the Run dialog. ...

MSBuild batch task without including metadata value used for batching

Is it possible in MSBuild to batch tasks without having the metadata value you are using to bucketize the items appearing in the output? Let's say I've got the following .proj: <Project xmlns=""&gt; <ItemGroup> <ExampColl Include="Item1"> <Bucket>1</Bucket> </ExampColl>...

How do I call a permanent command prompt?

In Windows, I made a small script to compile and then run a Java application: javac java helloWorld helloWorld prints "Hello, world!" and then the command prompt closes immediately. What I want to happen is for the program to execute then have a new line on the command prompt ready to go. EDIT: 1 more stipulation. It ...

xcopy with unc path adds virtual network drives

Hello When i copy files to a some network path with xcopy command I get new virtual drives on my pc . The problem is that i do that within a batch script that runs in scheduler so i get there a lot of drives to same location. How I can copy files to a network with out getting a new drives on the pc or just remove them ? Thanks. ...

How do I move to a UNC location and enter its password via a script?

I want to move my current path to some network UNC password protected path. I need to do it via batch script. How do I move to that UNC location and enter its password via a script? I thought doing it like pushd \\my\path but how do I enter the username and password? ...

How to detect whether a Windows batch file is run from a ZIP archive

One of the ways our app is distributed (on Windows) is as a ZIP archive. Inside this archive is a batch file used for starting the app. The user is supposed to unzip the archive before running our app, but frequently users ignore our instructions and try to run the app without unzipping the archive first. When users do this, the app fail...

Passing filepath to ANT from BAT script

I am trying to invoke an ANT target from Windows (right-click) file context menu. I have setup the registry entries to invoke a batch script which invokes my ANT EXEC target. I need to pass the path of the file (on which user right-clicked) to my ANT target. So I am using %~dp1 to set an ANT properties in my bat script: Set tobeusedfi...

Get number of pages in a pdf using a cmd batch file

I can see there are a lot of questions for getting the number of pages in a a pdf with c, PHP and others but am wondering with a batch file or cmd is there a simple way of getting hte number of pages? ...

setting the environment path permanently

I want to make a batch file for setting the %PATH% environment variable permanently - ie adding a value to the path permanently (in Windows XP). ...

How to redirect input in cmd

How i can redirect input for following command zip file.txt i want the names to be ziped be taken from the file.txt file I tried to do zip < file.txt and it didnt worked , i work under windows . thanks ...

multiple command executing in cmd?

I want to hide multiple files with the attrib <file path> +s +h but it stops after the first folder. I have this... @ech off attrib z:\test +s +h attrib C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\test +s +h Yes, I have two drives. But it stops execution after the first folder. How do I make it execute both commands. I know a...

DOS batch set problem

I had a problem with set not working in a batch file; it took a while to distil the problem; at first I thought it was to do with subroutine calls... The script @echo off setlocal set a=aaa echo a = "%a%" ( set b=bbb echo b = "%b%" ) produces the output a = "aaa" b = "" whereas I'd expect a = "aaa" b = "bbb" Why is this please?...

How do I append to an environment variable in a batch file?

I don't know how to describe exactly what I'm trying to do but here's an example batch file that demonstrates what I can't figure out.: I've got a batch file. Inside that batch file I'm trying to create a directory: Set CopyFrom = %~dp0 if Exist "%ProgramFiles(x86)" ( Set TargetDir = %ProgramFiles(x86)%\My Directory Name has spaces...

How to check which Operating System ?

How can I check OS version in a batch file or through a vbs in an Windows 2k/2k3 environment ? You know ... Something like ... : "If winver Win2k then ... or if winver Win2k3 then .... ...