
How significant is the bazaar performance factor?

I hear all this stuff about bazaar being slower than git. I haven't used too much distributed version control yet, but in Bazaar vs. Git on the bazaar site, they say that most complaints about performance aren't true anymore. Have you found this to be true? Is performance pretty much on par now? I've heard that speed can affect workf...

Where does the Bazaar OS X installer put the executable?

I recently installed Bazaar on my Mac laptop and I'm trying to get bzreclipse working. In order to do that, I need to tell it where the bzr executable is. I can't figure out where the installer put it. Anyone know what the default location is for this? ...

What VCS allows me to add changes to multiple pending commits simultaneously?

My workflow usually involves me making multiple changes to a file, each of which belongs to it's own conceptual unit of change across the project (= commit). What I would like to be able to do is to add certain diffs (either a whole file, or only certain lines of a file) to a pending commit (which would probably have to be named) and to...

Branching a subversion repository into a distributed CMS

I have a problem that I am not sure of the best way to tackle. I have been working on a project that requires me to go to China to do the install and integration. My code has been under subversion since the start, since that was what I knew and had used in the past. I now have concerns that I may not be able to do any checkins while I am...

What's the point of tags in bazaar?

I started using bazaar after a long camping in the svn field. I had previous experience with cvs as well, and I used tags occasionally. With svn, once you release a version, you perform a svn copy of your trunk into tags, for example svn copy trunk tags/1.2.0 . In bazaar I created the same repository structure, but the absence of a bzr ...

How to tell Bazaar that a file is binary

This is to avoid having some <<< or some >>> in that file if there are conflicts. If there is a conflict, I just want a message telling me there is a conflict and bazaar should not mess with the file. With subversion, you can modify the svn:mime-type property. But I don't know if Bazaar have this feature. ...

PHP and source control: where to put unit tests, etc?

Hi, I'm using Bazaar for version control, which I'm very happy with. In Bazaar every tree/project in source control is called a 'branch'. Currently I have a 'main' branch for the actual application, and a 'dev' branch which houses some things like unit tests, as well as the user manual, etc. This way, both the app and its associated ...

undo bzr revert

I accidentally reverted all my changes with bzr revert before committing. Are all my changes lost or can I undo the revert somehow? I haven't lost many changes, but I'd enjoy to know if there is a safety net against this. Google does not help with "undo bzr revert". ...

What DVCS support Unicode filenames?

I'm interested in trying out distributed version control systems. git sounds promising, but I saw a note somewhere for the Windows port of git that says "don't use non-ASCII filenames". I can't find that now, but there is this link. It's put me off git for now, but I don't know if the other options are any better. Support for non-ASCII ...

How to migrate from a complicated subversion repository to a distributed version control system?

Let's suppose we have a subversion repository which looks like /original/0.1 /original/0.2 /variantA/trunk /variantA/branches/who/branch_for_xxx /variantA/branches/she/branch_for_yyy /variantB/trunk /variantB/branches/who/branch_for_zzz (... 30 or 40 alike) where variantA and variantB are forks of the original software. I am looking ...

Determining the date of tag creation in Bazaar.

Using Bazaar: Is it possible to determine the date of when a revision was tagged? This will be useful for determining when code was released. Note, I'm not too interested in the date of the tagged revision, but rather when the revision was tagged. ...

Bazaar plugin: List of modified files on pre-commit hook

I want to write a Bazaar plugin that performs some actions one the modified files before they are committed. Things like checking for syntax errors, and warning the commiter if there are still TODO's in the file. How do I get a list of the modified files in a Bazaar plugin? ...

Does Django development follow the Bazaar Model of development?

Some would argue that Bazaar Model of development can lead to a tangled mess of cowboy code. I'm wondering, which model does Django follow? At first glance it seems to be a highly organized bazaar model, with vetting and triage stages and such. However, the source is available at all times, but not every patch or suggestion gets rando...

What's the bzr command to revert

Easy question. I have downloaded gnome-do and I'm starting to learn about it. By mistake I have removed a file and now I want to update it with the latest version. What'st the bzr command to do that? I've tried bzr update but it always says I'm up to date :( The deleted file looks like an uncommited change. What's the bzr option t...

Bazaar: Modify file content before commit via hook?

Hi folks, I'm switching from SVN to Bzr for my private projects. There is one feature missing for me, which SVN provides: The replacement of a $Id:$ placeholder with the latest version identification. So far, Bzr provides hooks to do some tricks within the commit process. I've managed to get a list of modified files an manipulate them o...

Bazaar: how put files from different locations in one repository?

I'm new to bazaar and would like to give it a try by storing my Emacs configuration files in one repository. These files consist of a .emacs file in my home directory (on unixish systems) and a couple of Emacs Lisp source files in /usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp I'd really like to have one repo because some changes in my .emacs file ...

Popularity of Git/Mercurial/Bazaar vs. which to recommend

Going by the number of questions on this site for these three distributed version control systems, it seems like Git either is more popular, or is more difficult (hence requiring more questions), or has more features (hence requiring more questions). Or most probably a combination of the three. (Let's say that popularity on this s...

Is it easier to manage code with GIT or Bazaar?

I'm researching the GIT and Bazaar capabilities and wonder which one has more feature-rich code management? Here you can find the location for both source control engines: GIT Bazaar ...

How do I use Bazaar with a HTTP proxy?

How do I use Bazaar with a HTTP proxy? I can't find anything in their documentation. ...

Bazaar merge only files in common with mainline

Hi, I am currently working on a project that has two phases, one of which is to be dropped later on. Development for phase 2 must begin, but bug-fixes for phase 1 will be on-going during this time. I want to branch from the phase 1 repo to start on phase 2 work, but many of the files will no longer be needed. I need to integrate any cha...