
Quantify Branch-specific changes in Bazaar

I've been working on a fork of critical component of our source tree, and I'm interested to see how many changes have been made. I originally bzr branch'd the project, but because of paralell development I have been doing a bzr merge to stay up-to-date. How can I see only the changes I've been commiting in this branch? THANK YOU! ...

How to search for code within a certain project in bazaar

How to search for code within a certain project in bazaar (e.g. say under ...

How do I wrangle all these projects into Bazaar?

Where I work at, we have about 2 dozen or more projects, using SVN as version control. My boss is pretty strict about the repositories, but misguided I think. For example, we always have one "Current" branch for development, which gets merged into Trunk before a release. For all other purposes, "Current" is the trunk and we don't ever ...

Create branches inside an existing bzr project

I'm the only developer of a small project. I truck that project with bazaar. At the initial stages I did the following: mkdir myProject cd myProject bzr init bzr mkdir src bzr mkdir data bzr mkdir foo .... I have had some progress with this project and it already contains couple of dozens of commits. Now I have realized that I need to...

how do I bzr branch to an existing directory?

Hello. I would like for my collaborators to be able to branch a project to an existing directory, since many already have the 'dir' directory which mirrors my own and I would prefer to minimize path lengths... However, bzr won't let me do this: mkdir dir bzr branch ~/project/trunk dir Is there a way around this? ...

can I migrate a bzr central repository trunk to a new location?

I set up an central repository in my home directory. I set it up in my home directory and would like to move it from /home/$USER to /home/share/. For reference, here are the details of the initial setup for reference following the directions in the bzr documentation: #establish the central repository mkdir project mkdir project/dev b...

Help setting up Bazaar Explorer between my VS2008 working directory and my dev web server

All I want to do is setup it up, so that after I make changes in VS2008 (local machine), I send those changes to the dev server. Also, I would like it so my other coworkers can do the same. But I don't seem to be able to get this working. Please help! ...

DVCS working on remote server

My workplace is considering moving to a modern (D)VCS which is something that I am pushing for. My boss is in on the idea and the current workflow would be to have a centralized repository where everyone can commit/merge their changes when a task is done, While working on a task each developer can have their own branch to work on and co...

Where bazaar looks for rules file?

On Bazaar documentation of its using with Subversion repositories: there is info in "Limited keywords support" about expansion of $Id$. Where does bazaar look for such rules file? I tried rules.bazaar in current directory and in [APP_DATA]\bazaar\2.0\rules.baza...

Which DVCS work best with Subversion repositories

Subversion works great when we have access to central repository, but sometimes two or more developers work at client where they do not have connection to central repository. I am looking for DVCS that can help us where off-line. It should: cooperate with Subversion repository so developers can checkout before leave, commit locally wh...

version control with minimum hassle

I'm looking for a program, that is capable to monitor file deletions/creation/renames and issues appropriate version control commands automatically. Using bazaar and subversion. Is there any? ...