
What is the state of support by Netbeans for Bazaar?

Wikipedia Comparison of revision control software User interfaces table shows Bazaar as not having Netbeans support. Is there development underway to provide this feature for Bazaar? ...

What is branched in a repository?

Ok I hope that this will end up sounding like a reasonable question. From what I understand of subversion if you have a repo that contains multiple projects, then you can branch individual projects within that repo (see SVN Red book - Using Branches) However what I don't quite follow is what happens when you create a branch in one o...

Paralell development Branches w/ Bazaar

I have two branches (or tags?) where I need to keep the same file structure with different versioned contents. One version contains everything, like development scripts, configuration files, etc. while the other contains only things that get redistributed. How can I accomplish this using Bazaar? ...

DCVS + hosting for a startup commercial multiplatform phone app

I'm in lean startup mode, working on a simple phone app that will be published initially as a iThingy app and an Android app with, possibly, Blackberry and Symbian versions to follow. I'm about to go from no repository to needing a central repository that up to 4 very part-time resources will be sharing. Two of us have no version contr...

is there a difference between `bzr clone`, `bzr branch` and `bzr checkout`?

obviously bzr clone, bzr branch and bzr checkout all do the same thing when given an URL as parameter and executed in a non-bzr directory. is there any difference for later bazaar workflow? i.e. bzr commit, bzr update and friends. ...

Determine branch of origin from bzr blame

I had a complicated change that affected a bunch of files. I don't remember what bazaar branch I wrote that change in. We have a somewhat complicated merge setup, so the branch I'm in now lumps that change in with a lot of other changes. I'd like to do some very similar work so it would be nice to pull the original diff. I feel like I s...

Including external C++ libraries in version control

Possible Duplicate: Storing third-party libraries in source control I'm currently starting a project which is going to be developed on a few different computer and I'm keeping in sync with bzr. In the project I'm using a couple of 3rd party libraries, like SDL. In the past I've just pushed a copy of the compiled library to my ...

Is there a way to programatically access a bazaar repository?

I would like to access a bazaar repository and pull code from it with either a Python or PHP script. How is this done? Is there a Python module / PEAR library that makes this easy? If it helps, the repository is on Launchpad. Edit: As mentioned below, running the bazaar commands directly is not an option. Also, an example would be muc...

Better Version Control (Distributed) - Minimum impact on sources - always possible to update

I am f...fed up with Subversion. Need a version control that: Can be used without affecting the sources with embedded files (like the Subversion .svn-directories), or having to check in and then check out (If you want to version control live web-site files for example). It should always be possible to bring the repository quickly up t...

Writing a Bazaar plugin - register command?

Hi, I'm having a problem with writing my Bazaar plugin. I've been trying a few different things, and this is the current state of my file: ''' Testing Bzr plugins ''' from bzrlib.commands import Command, register_command version_info = (0,0,1, 'dev') ...

Should checkins be small steps or complete features?

Two uses of version control seem to dictate different checkin styles. distribution centric: changesets will generally reflect a complete feature. In general these checkins will be larger. This style is more user/maintainer friendly. rollback centric: changesets will be individual small steps so the history can function like an incred...

Get file size in bazaar.

Hi all. How can I get the size of a versioned file/files? This seems to be a very common operation but I can't find how (Am I missing something?). Well, I can get it indirectly by catting it and count the bytes but this is very slow. Any help would be appropriated. ...

Creating a Bazaar branch from an offline SVN working copy?

I'm doing some offline development on my SVN working copy. Since I won't have access to the SVN repository for a while, I wanted to use Bazaar as a helper version control to keep the intermediate commit history before I commit everything back to the SVN repository. Is this possible? When I try to create a branch using TortoiseBZR from t...

Is there any distributed revision control system that supports partial checkout/clone?

As far as I know all distributed revision control systems require you to clone the whole repository. For this reason is it not wise to put huge amounts of content into one single repository (thanks for this answer). I know that this a not a bug but a feature, but I wonder whether this is a requirement for all distributed revision control...

Tracking a bzr repository as a Git submodule

I have a repository on GitHub which depends on two projects which are developed in Bazaar. Currently I just download and unpack sources, but it would be nice if I could actually keep their history. Is there a simple solution for this? ...

Some code was lost after doing bzr commit --local, bzr pull, bzr commit

A developer in my team has been using a branch bound to the server (IE, only using checkout, update, and commit), but also often uses the --local flag on commit and then commits to the server in a batch. She recently experienced a situation where she is missing some local commits, and can't find them in the repo OR her local code. She su...

How to save subversion password with bzr-svn

I am using bzr-svn to chekout svn repositories using bazaar. But bzr-svn asks for passwords everytime, I searched the web to find out about authentication.conf I put the following section authentication.conf [something] scheme=svn+http #tried http only or svn only path=/svn/project #tried without stating path u...

renaming repository folder

When I rename my repository folder in Nautilus, Bazaar can't open it any longer. In All Commands, there is a renames command, but it's not what I want. Bazaar claims to have the best renaming, so in the other VCSs, is everything unrenameable? What's going on? How do I rename my repository folder? ...

convert from cvs to bzr

cvsps-import doesn't support pserver bzr-fastimport doesn't support remote locations tailor is too hard bzrcvsserve isn't a conversion tool SourceForge is remote, uses pserve and many python bookmark projects (what I'm looking for) are in CVS... What now? ...

Why to use SVN? Any hidden pros (over GIT/Mercurial/Bazaar) there?

Possible Duplicates: Why is git better than Subversion? I've already read a lot (not enough to get the perfect picture though) about versioning systems, and the obvious conclusion is that GIT is simply the best. Or Bazaar maybe. Or Mercurial. But if so it was, then nobody would be using SVN, but they still do. Why? I myself ha...