
How do I save an entity with a bidirectional relationship in Fluent NHibernate without setting both sides?

I have two entities: public class Parent() { public ICollection<Child> Children { get; set; } } public class Child() { public Parent Parent { get; set; } } The mapping looks like so: public class ParentMap : ClassMap<Parent> { HasMany(x => x.Children).Cascade.All().Inverse(); } public class ChildMap : ClassMap<Child> { ...

AutoMapper bidirectional mapping

If I want to do bi-directional mapping, do I need to create two mapping? Mapper.CreateMap<A, B>() and Mapper.CreateMap<B, A>()? ...

How to implement a bidirectional "mailbox service" over tcp?

The idea is to allow to peer processes to exchange messages (packets) over tcp as much asynchronously as possible. The way I'd like it to work is each process to have an outbox and an inbox. The send operation is just a push on the outbox. The receive operation is just a pop on the inbox. Underlying protocol would take care of the commu...

Couchdb conflict resolution

How does CouchDB handles conflicts while doing bi-directional replication? For example: Lets say there are two address book databases (in server A and B). There is a document for Jack which contains contact details of Jack. Server A and B are replicated and both have the same version of Jack document. In server A, Jack's mobile no is ...

StructureMap problems with bidirectional/circular dependencies

I am currently integrating StructureMap within our business layer but have problems because of bidirectional dependencies. The layer contains multiple manager where each manager can call methods on each other, there are no restrictions or rules for communication. This also includes possible circular dependencies like in the example belo...

WCF, 4.0, Bidirectional...

...what options are there now with .NET 4.0, in a way that does support NAT for the client side (i.e. client behind NAT). I would prefer to use something HTTP based, but that is a weak condition - I think mid term I will have some non http communication outside WCF anyway, so proxy traversal is something I could delay. Pre .NET 4.0 the...

Bi-directional WCF Client-Server Communication

I have been working for weeks on creating a client/server to control a music-server application located on the server-side that is controlled by several client apps located across the LAN. I've been successful in getting the client-side to communicate with the Server, sending commands to operate the music-server, and through the use of ...

Bidirectional self referential associations

Taking Ryan Bates' asciicast as an example: He ends with two associations of User :friends :inverse_friends Given that a user would not care who instigated the friendship, you would want a User association that was simply :friends that consisted of both relationship...

WCF Bidirectional serialization fails

I'm trying to take advantage of Bidirectional serialization of some relational Linq-2-Sql generated entity classes. When using Unidirectional option everything works just fine, bu the moment I add IsReferenceType=true, objects fail to get transported over the tcp binding. Sample code: Entity class: [Table(Name="dbo.Blocks")] [DataCo...

Extend NSMutableArray for bi-directional association management

I am a great fan of code generation (from UML) and coming from the Java world, I wonder how I would implement automated bi-directional association management in Objective-C. Image an association Partner <-> Address, one-to-many and navigable from both ends. What I would like to achieve is that if I append an Address to a Partner that Ad...

Efficient bidirectional hash table in Python?

Python dict is a very useful datastructure: d = {'a': 1, 'b': 2} d['a'] # get 1 Sometimes you'd also like to index by values. d[1] # get 'a' Which is the most efficient way to implement this datastructure? Any official recommend way to do it? Thanks! ...

JPA - Removing of elements of a bidirectional Relationship

Why can i remove elements of a bidirectional relation although only one side of the relation is managed in persistence context (Example I)? When i have an unidirectional Relationship that doesn't work (see Example II). Why? Entities: @Entity Class User { ... @OneToMany(mappedBy = "user") private List<Process> processes; ...

Alternative to java/flash for low-latency bidirectional communications in webapps?

I would like to design webapps (eg. games) that have low latency. I presume that the header of ajax would add latency. What I really would like is a protocol where the connection is never broken, and both client and server can push data to each other immediately. (and thus comet isn't really a choice, since there is communication only on...

Removing bidirectional duplicates in MySQL

I'm modifying phpBB's table to have bidirectional relationships for friends. Unfortuntately, people that have already added friends have created duplicate rows: user1 user2 friend 2 3 true 3 2 true 2 4 true So I'd like to remove rows 1 and 2 from the example above. Currently, this is my query bu...

Can I SEND messages via the underlying NetConnection of a receiving (playing) NetStream object?

Here's my problem: I have a NetConnection object connected to a server. On top I create a NetStream object and it started to play a file from the server. Classic so far. What I need now, is to be able to send some (short) messages back to the server, at various moments during playtime but, clearly, using the existing TCP connection. Fr...

Hibernate - Criteria - bidirectional search with unidirectional mapping?

Could you tell me is possible to search by hibernate criteria on bidirectional direction with only unidirectional associations? For examle: I have two class: Box { Long id; Set parcels; Integer status; // other properites } Parcel { Long id; // other properties } I've got associations one-to-many in cl...

bi-directional replication sql server 2008

hi all i am asking about any useful data or links to get to know about bi-directional Replication thnx ...

HTML tags in Flex 4 Alert using UIFTETextField as the textFieldClass

I'm trying to show HTML tags in an Alert component that can show both LTR and RTL languages. Showing HTML alone is simple (although not trivial), by assigning a value to textField.htmlText Handling RTL and LTR is also simple by assigning UIFTETextField to textFieldClass in the Alert CSS. For some reason, doing both is not working (and...

Two Classes Dependent On Each Other

I have Camera class, which handles camera behavior. Among it's fields is a reference to the target's Cube class (Cube is just one of the object, but I won't mention others to keep it simple). In order to calculate the View matrix, I need the camera's position and target's position, so I can explain to my program that: "the camera is plac...