
How to create Binary Tree in a image(.jpeg)

I have data structured in Binary tree format, i want to represent it into an image(*. jpeg) then i need to display that image on web page and all the data will come @ runtime, so image processing should be done @ runtime, how to do this ? This is what my thought solution any other suitable solution are also welcomed, web site is in .NET ...

Is there an algorithm for finding an item that matches certain properties, like a 20 questions game?

A question about 20 questions games was asked here: However, if I'm understanding it correctly, the answers seem to assume that each question will go down a hierarchal branching tree. A binary tree should work if the game went like this: Is it an animal? Yes. Is it a mammal? Yes. Is it a feline? Yes. Because feline is an example...

Help With Lisp Code for a Binary Tree

I have (setq l2 '(1 (2 b (c 1 b))(a (1 2) d))) (defun drumuri (l3) (cond ((atom l3) (cons l3 nil)) (t (append (cons (car l3) nil) (drumuri (cadr l3)) (cons (car l3) nil) (drumuri (caddr l3)))))) (drumuri l2) and it gives me: Break 2 [4]> DRUMURI Break 2 [4]> (1 2 B 2 ...

binary tree number of nodes with a given level

i need to write a program that counts the number of nodes from a certain level given in binary tree i mean < numberofnodes(int level){} > i tried writing it without any success because i don't how to get to a certain level then go to count number of nodes ...

Balanced Search Tree Query, Asymtotic Analysis..

Hi, The situation is as follows:- We have n number and we have print them in sorted order. We have access to balanced dictionary data structure, which supports the operations serach, insert, delete, minimum, maximum each in O(log n) time. We want to retrieve the numbers in sorted order in O(n log n) time using onl...

how to Parse a string of given format to build a binary decision tree,using python?

After a bit further analysis on my requirement.I gained some more clarity..Sorry for presenting an unclear question. I want to know how can we parse a string with braces of the form((Question)(Left_Node)(right_node)). The question for example wil be of the form if segment size < 1.5,then choose left node,else right.The question can be a...

Building a balanced binary search tree

Hi! Is there a method to build a balanced binary search tree? Example: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 5 / \ 3 etc / \ 2 4 / 1 I'm thinking there is a method to do this, without using the more complex self-balancing trees. Otherwise I can do it on my own, but someone probably have done this already :) Thanks fo...

Question on Binary Search Trees.

Hi, I was thinking of implementing a binary search trees. I have implemented some very basic operations such as search, insert, delete. Please share your experiences as to what all other operations i could perform on binary search trees, and some real time operations(basic) that is needed every time for any given situation.. I hope my ...

Best tree/heap data structure for fixed set of nodes with changing values + need top 20 values?

I'm writing something like a game in C++ where I have a database table containing the current score for each user. I want to read that table into memory at the start of the game, quickly change each user's score while the game is being played in response to what each user does, and then when the game ends write the current scores back to...

Ruby GraphViz Binary Tree Record

I'm using the ruby-graphviz gem and I'm trying to draw binary trees. I'd like to use the record shape so that each node can have a left, middle, and right field and, thus, if there are two edges leaving a node, the left and right edges can be distinguished. I tried specifying the field by concatenating the field name like this: @node1.n...

How do I iterate over Binary Tree?

Right now I have private static void iterateall(BinaryTree foo) { if(foo!= null){ System.out.println(foo.node); iterateall(foo.left); iterateall(foo.right); } } Can you change it to Iteration instead of a recursion? ...

New to AVL tree implementation.

I am writing a sliding window compression algorithm (LZ77) that searches for phrases in a "moving" dictionary. So far I have written a BST where each node is stored in an array and it's index in the array is also the value of the starting position in the window itself. I am now looking at transforming the BST to an AVL tree. I am a lit...

Help with AA-tree insertion - problems with skew() and split() in loop

Hello all, I am doing an STL-like AA-tree as a personal project and am running into some trouble. Chopping out the loop containing the skew and split functions gives a working and correct unbalanced binary search tree. However, once the loop is included it goes into an infinite loop. I am trying to insert the numbers 0 to 49 and the ske...

How to create a c/c++ tree script?

How to create a script to : compare two trees, in c/c++ in a non recursive mode? also, How to create a script in c/c++ to verify if a tree is binary, in a non recursive mode? thanks in advance. ...

How do you display a binary search tree?

I'm being asked to display a binary search tree in sorted order. The nodes of the tree contain strings. I'm not exactly sure what the best way is to attack this problem. Should I be traversing the tree and displaying as I go? Should I flatten the tree into an array and then use a sorting algorithm before I display? I'm not looking f...

Little help with binary tree would be appreciated

I'm trying to create binary tree that contains two int values and one string value sorted in the lexicographic, but I'm not sure what to do. I've created an array list, which has been already sorted, but the binary tree has to be a reference-based which is not sorted and I'm thinking about sorting the list while creating it. Can any one ...

Can a binary tree or tree be always represented in a Database as 1 table and self-referencing?

I didn't feel this rule before, but it seems that a binary tree or any tree (each node can have many children but children cannot point back to any parent), then this data structure can be represented as 1 table in a database, with each row having an ID for itself and a parentID that points back to the parent node. That is in fact the...

How do I add an object to a binary tree based on the value of a member variable?

How can I get a specific value from an object? I'm trying to get a value of an instance for eg. ListOfPpl newListOfPpl = new ListOfPpl(id, name, age); Object item = newListOfPpl; How can I get a value of name from an Object item?? Even if it is easy or does not interest you can anyone help me?? Edited: I was trying to build a binary...

Deletion procedure for a Binary Search Tree

Consider the deletion procedure on a BST, when the node to delete has two children. Let's say i always replace it with the node holding the minimum key in its right subtree. The question is: is this procedure commutative? That is, deleting x and then y has the same result than deleting first y and then x? I think the answer is no, but ...

Right rotate of tree in Haskell: how is it work?

I don't know haskell syntax, but I know some FP concepts (like algebraic data types, pattern matching, higher-order functions ect). Can someone explain please, what does this code mean: data Tree ? = Leaf ? | Fork ? (Tree ?) (Tree ?) rotateR tree = case tree of Fork q (Fork p a b) c -> Fork p a (Fork q b c) As I understand, first ...