
SQL Logical AND operator for bit fields

I have 2 tables that have a many to many relationship; An Individual can belong to many Groups. A Group can have many Individuals. Individuals basically just have their Primary Key ID Groups have a Primary Key ID, IndividualID (same as the ID in the Individual Table), and a bit flag for if that group is the primary group for the ind...

Bitwise OR Combination

This is one of the most used Regex functions Regex.IsMatch("Test text for regex test.", "(test)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Multiline); Can you explain how Regex.IsMatch method works ? I mean how it handles bitwise OR RegexOptions parameters ? How it defines method parameters ? Thanks for replies ! ...

Using Bitwise operators on flags

I have four flags Current = 0x1 Past = 0x2 Future = 0x4 All = 0x7 Say I receive the two flags Past and Future (setFlags(PAST | FUTURE)). How can I tell if Past is in it? Likewise how can I tell that Current is not in it? That way I don't have to test for every possible combination. ...

How do you use bitwise flags in C++?

As per this website, I wish to represent a Maze with a 2 dimensional array of 16 bit integers. Each 16 bit integer needs to hold the following information: Here's one way to do it (this is by no means the only way): a 12x16 maze grid can be represented as an array m[16][12] of 16-bit integers. Each array element would contains all t...

Bitwise AND, Bitwise Inclusive OR question, in Java

I've a few lines of code within a project, that I can't see the value of... buffer[i] = (currentByte & 0x7F) | (currentByte & 0x80); It reads the filebuffer from a file, stored as bytes, and then transfers then to buffer[i] as shown, but I can't understand what the overall purpose is, any ideas? Thanks ...

Understanding PHP's & operator

I often use ($var & 1) in my code, which returns true if $var is an odd number and false if it's an even number. Just dawned on me that I have no idea what "&" actually does. Anyone care to explain? ...

bitwise exclusive OR in Oracle

In SQL Server I have been using the ^ symbol however that doesn't seem to work in Oracle. How do I do a bitwise exclusive OR in Oracle?? Thanks ...

Question on operators

I was reading about flag enums and bitwise operators, and came across this code: enum file{ read = 1, write = 2, readandwrite = read | write } I read somewhere about why there is a inclusive or statement and how there can't be an &, but can't find the article. Can someone please refresh my memory and explain the reasoning? Also, how ...

How to use a bitwise operator to pass multiple Integer values into a function for Java?

In application frameworks I keep seeing frameworks that allow you to pass in multiple Int values (generally used in place of an enum) into a function. For example: public class Example { public class Values { public static final int ONE = 0x7f020000; public static final int TWO = 0x7f020001; public sta...

Can someone explain this bit manipulation code?

I have a tree control with checkboxes next to each node that allows for checked, unchecked and middle checked states on the nodes. When clicking a node, the parent and children are updated. The code I found that does the trick uses bit shifting and I'm trying to understand what exactly is happening. Can someone explain the following cod...

SQL SERVER | Bitwise operations on an int/smallint/tinyint field

I was wondering if you can do bitwise operations on an int/uint fields in SQL SERVER? ...

Some random C questions (ascii magic and bitwise operators)

Hi, I am trying to learn C programming, and I was studying some source codes and there are some things I didn't understand, especially regarding Bitwise Operators. I read some sites on this, and I kinda got an idea on what they do, but when I went back to look at this codes, I could not understand why and how where they used. My first ...

How can I convert bits to bytes?

I have an array of 128 booleans that represent bits. How can I convert these 128 bit representations into 16 bytes? Example: I have an array that looks like this: 0110001100110000100010111011001011010011010001010001101101001100 1000010000000000001000111111111101000011111001111011111011111001 (Converted to 1s and 0s to be more concis...

Circular shift operations in C++

Left and right shift operators (<< and >>) are already available in C++. However, I couldn't find out how I could perform circular shift or rotate operations. How can operations like "Rotate Left" and "Rotate Right" be performed? Rotating right twice here Initial --> 1000 0011 0100 0010 should result in: Final --> 1010 0000 110...

TSQL. Get Bitwise total for many columns in a row

I have a table that has 4 sets of 25 columns in a BIT concept. Actually field is smallint but it is either 0 or 1 in it's data. Here is my code that is an attempt to get the total for the first group of 25 cols. Declare @rows int , @ID uniqueidentifier , @LocTotal bigint select @rows = ( select count(*) from #t1 ) while @rows > 0 ...

How can I set all bits to '1' in a binary number of an unknown size?

I'm trying to write a function in assembly (but lets assume language agnostic for the question). How can I use bitwise operators to set all bits of a passed in number to 1? I know that I can use the bitwise "or" with a mask with the bits I wish to set, but I don't know how to construct a mask based off some a binary number of N size....

Find a pattern of binary numbers using shift-right and bitwise-AND?

I'm attempting to write a function in assembly that will detect if a longer binary number contains a smaller binary pattern. Example: Does 100111 contain 1001? When I read this problem I figured that I would do a bitwise-AND with the large number and its smaller pattern while shifting right (logical) each time in a loop. So, in my hea...

Fastest way to enumerate through turned on bits of an integer

What's the fastest way to enumerate through an integer and return the exponent of each bit that is turned on? Have seen an example using << and another using Math.Pow. Wondering if there is anything else that's really fast. Thanks. ...

Count bits in the number.

Duplicate: Best algorithm to count the number of set bits in a 32-bit integer? Suppose you have a number. Is there any way to count the bits which equals to 1 in binary representation of that number, not using iteration? I mean, is there any way to do it in constant time using some bitwise operators and masks. I need solution whi...

C++ Qt: bitwise operations

Hi! I'm working on a little project for college, and I need to model transmission over network, and to impment and visualize different sorts of error correction algorithms. My improvized packet consists of one quint8: I need to convert it into a bit array, like QBitArray, append a check bit to it, trasfer it over UDP, check the success o...