
Blackberry and OAuth Question

Hi everyone, I am developing a Netflix application for the Blackberry, and so far one of my biggest challenges has been related to the OAuth protocol. I have been searching for examples of implementing OAuth with Java (on the Blackberry), and I have found very little. One of the other posts on stackoverflow recommended Signpost (http://...

Blackberry - close splash screen on any key

I am trying to adapt a piece of existing code. I am trying to remove a timer on a splash screen and change it to "press any key to continue" type screen. I need some help with the push/popscreen logic and listening for a keystroke on the splash screen. Here is extract from the code. public class MenuMain_Pca extends UiApplication { ...

Printing from a BlackBerry Java App

Hello, I'm writing a BlackBerry Java application and need it to submit a print request to a printer, possibly connected via Bluetooth. Buying a special printer just for the BlackBerry is an option. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks :-) ...

Which connection class type should we use when connecting to a server to stream an audio file??

I need to connect to a server where resides an mp3 file and stream it. If I am not using rtsp connection what do u suggest me to use? Can we use rstp in this case? Is it fine to use a http connection? I used that but it seems to take a long time to actually connect to that server. Can I improve the performance by using any other connect...

Blackberry - MDS cache and timeout configuration

For normal HTTP connections does the MDS waits till the complete request is finished (collects all data) and sends the data afterward to the client? When I make an http connection to a server containing a file of around 5mb, I have to wait for a considerable amount of time before I get the response. Sometimes the connection also times ou...

BlackBerry - Handling Custom Protocols

I'm currently developing a BlackBerry application where I need to be able to open the application by clicking a link in an email or web page. The link would contain a string of text that would also need to be made available to the application at runtime. The iPhone OS allows you to do this through custom protocols (ex. appname://some-o...

[help] how can i set the volume of video to mute?

i tried setlevel(0) and setmute(true) in volumecontrol of a video player; the sound is small,but not mute yet? any body can tell me why? thx ...

Where is the data stored when we implement Blackberry persistent apis to store data?

Where does the data get stored when we use a Blackberry Persistent store to save data in our applications? Is it the removable sd card or device memory? ...

BlackBerry - How to start a messenger application ?

I would like to use gtalk or any other messenger in my application but i don't know how to do this.can u please give me idea about how to solve this one.if u can provide me some web link to know more about this. ...

BlackBerry:How to lock the screen orienation for Storm?

Hello All, I want to lock the orientation programmatically for my application screens to be displayed only in Portrait mode. I use Storm BB device. How to do lock it via my code? Can someone hint me how to do it? Thanks. ...

Blackberry app, how to add an image on top of another image file?

Hello all, I'm trying to develop a small map-like application for blackberry. I need to know how can I position a small image onto another much larger image. The larger image is like a map, I'll need to use the small the image to pin point a specific position on the map. So the smaller image should overlay on top of the larger image....

How do we pass parameters when doing HTTP Post?

I am working on an app where we have to pass specific web api parameters to a web app using HTTP POST. eg: apimethod name parameter1 value parameter2 value So do I use a string or URLEncodedPostData to send that data? It would be good if u help me with a code eg. I am using something like this but it doesnt post the data to the server. T...

How to reset LED configuration to original settings.

I have a simple blackberry app that changes the LED settings (color, blinking, pattern). My current testing environment consists of a live Blackberry Bold (9000), and I have been running into an problem which I am not sure how to proceed. Assume that my current Blackberry setup (LED wise) is to not flash unless there is a missed call, n...

BlackBerry - Location/directory on device to save file from application

My program saves a file on the device during runtime and reads/writes data from it during runtime. Currently it gets saved in the SDCard. I want to know if saving it in device flash memory would be better than removable media. Does device allows us to write something in its internal memory? Suggestions/Ideas? Thanks ...

BlackBerry - Problem with EditField - line not showing

All, I am having a problem with EditField. I have created an EditField using this code under a "HorizontalFieldManager". EditField nameEditLabel = new EditField (EditField.FOCUSABLE | EditField.NO_NEWLINE | EditField.FIELD_RIGHT); nameEditLabel.setMaxSize(25); nameEditLabel.setMargin(50, 0, 0, 80); horizontalFldManager.add(nameEd...

BlackBerry - Disable show default menu on screen open

Hi, I have labels and fields in my application screen. When i launch to a particular screen which has many labels and editfields and buttons. The problem is, when i launch a particular screen, default menu is popping up with "Show Keyboard", "Switch Applicaiton" and "Full menu" automatically when launching a particular screen. I don't w...

How to create the notification icon in the right side of the statusbar on blackberry?

I am able to create the notification icon in the statusbar using ApplicationIndicator class. It shows up in the middle of the screen on the indicator area. How do I create the icon in the right side of the status bar near to the wi-fi icon. Is there any way I can tell the postion where to create the notification icon in the status bar. ...

How to get IP when connected to Wifi on BlackBerry?

Hi, I'm trying to my application to retrieve the IP address when it's connected to the Wifi network but I'm not too sure how to get that done. I've looked at RadioInfo and there's a function getIPAddress(int apnId). Is this the right one? I've also looked at WLANInfo but that one doesn't seem to have any IP related functions. Anyone c...

BlackBerry - Reminder and SMS feature implementation

I am developing on BlackBerry 4.7 Storm device. Reminder: My application will allow user to enter data and set Date&Time to remind the notes. Can someone please suggest me how do i handle "reminder with some small description" at that particular Date&Time? What API or code should i use to handle reminder alarm? I also want to add recur...

How do we send data via GET method?

I am creating a HTTPS connection and setting the request property as GET: _httpsConnection = (HttpsConnection), Connector.READ_WRITE); _httpsConnection.setRequestMethod(HttpsConnection.GET); But how do I send the GET parameters? Do I set the request property like this: _httpsConnection.setRequestProperty("method", ...