
BMP2AVI program in matlab

HI I wrote a program that use to work (swear to god) and has stopped from working. this code takes a series of BMPs and convert them into avi file. this is the code: path4avi='C:/FadeOutMask/'; %dont forget the '/' in the end of the path pathOfFrames='C:/FadeOutMask/'; NumberOfFiles=1; NumberOfFrames=10; %1:1:(NumberOfFiles) for i=...

Running out of memory when getting a bitmap from a server?

Hi! I'm making an application which uses MANY images. The application gets the images from a server, and downloads them one at a time. After many images the creation of a bitmap returns an exception, but i don't know how to solve this. Here is my function for downloading the images: public static Bitmap getImageFromWholeURL(String sURL...

Writing BMP image in pure c/c++ without other libraries

In my algorithm i need create information output. I must to write boolean matrix in bmp file. It must be monocromic image, where pixel is white if matrix on such element is true. Main problem is bmp header and how to write this. Thanks. ...

jBPM 4.3 Task Notification tag being ignored

I have a task with a notification entry but no emails are being generated and no entries in logs. Emails from mail node work fine. What am I doing wrong? Do I have to do anything special to my custom AssignmentHandler impl for notifications? <mail g="216,156,80,40" name="Send email"> <to addresses="[email protected]"...

Can we use png instead bitmap in GDI for bitblt ?

HDC hdcMem = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc); HBITMAP hbmOld = SelectObject(hdcMem, g_hbmBall); GetObject(g_hbmBall, sizeof(bm), &bm); BitBlt(hdc, 0, 0, bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight, hdcMem, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); I've found that many games use bitmap for displaying animation . But can we use png instead ? Because bitmap is quite big when i convert fron ...

C++ - How could I do some operation on bmp file?

I am interesting to do some transformation, like change one color to another, count all used colors, and resize image. I DO NOT want to use any exist library, I would like write myslelf all code. Summing up: How could I open BMP file and change it? ...

AS3 Erease Pixels from Bmp

I Have two bitmaps, one is the orginal and the second is the brush and i want to erease the shape bmp2 from the bmp1. ...

Safe image uploading with PHP

I want my site to have a feature for users to upload images, but I want to do it safely. Namely, I want to strip the EXIF data and any malicious code that could be in their image. I was thinking of a way to do this involving direct manipulation of the file, but it struck me, would it make more sense to just convert the image they provide...

Creating 32bpp BMP file for toolbar image strip?

I've got a 16 pixel high image that I've created in Paint.NET that I'd like to use in a Visual Studio toolbar. My image is a .PDN file with multiple layers. Visual Studio requires a 32bpp BMP file. How do I convert the .PDN file to the correct format .BMP file? I'm not looking to have this happen in my program. I'm cool with having to...

Writing BMP files (Platform Independent)

I have a structure such as typedef struct FT_Bitmap_ { int rows; int width; int pitch; unsigned char* buffer; short num_grays; char pixel_mode; char palette_mode; void* palette; } FT_Bitmap; defining my bitmap data ...

inkcanvas to bmp --- special requirements

Hi there, I've been trying to do the following: Saving an outline drown using inkcanvas to bmp which is easy and already did using RenderTargetBitmap. Now what I want to achieve is to save a bmp image that has defined colors from a file for example for the background and the strokes. So what happenes is I have my transperent inkcanvas...

Difficulty writing a Bmp file in C++ manually (using Xcode)

I'm currently trying to create a ray tracer in C++ but I'm having difficulty writing the .bmp produced at the end. I'm determined to do it manually, so I can learn more about image files and writing them etc. But I'm having some difficulty. I'm fairly new to C++ but have been using Python for a while. I'm almost there now, I just have...

WPF Images in BitMapSource

Hi I need build BitmapImage class obejct with png image and then using bitmapSource method CopyPixels detect transparent pixels. Can you help me? ...

how to add image using in project which is loading image using LoadResPicture in vb6

Hi All, I have a project which is loading images using: imgwrc1.Picture = LoadResPicture(115, 0) Now how do i add my image and give it id 116, 0 in the argument shows that it is a bitmap but there are no bitmaps in the project folder. So from where is the image being loaded. I want to display this image in dialog ...

How to embed images of type 'bmp' in to the flash?

I have an image of type '.bmp' (NOT jpeg or png). I am trying to embed it using the following code. [Embed(source="images/door0091.bmp")] private var door0091_class:Class; private var door91:Bitmap = new door0091_class(); On compiling, the code throws following error. 'door0091.bmp' does not have a recognized extension, and a mimeT...

Does BMP files have any trailer?

Hello, I have a bmp file. I have read in its header that its size is "56 5A 03" which means 0x035A56. However, every Hex editor that I use to see the contents of that file shows me 0x038000 bytes for this file. My general question is that does bmp file contains a trailer/footer? in the mentioned case, what is the problem? Thanks. ...

Failed to write stream data, matlab

hi I have writtring a script that convert a set of BMPs to avi. up until recently it worked fine. now I get this wierd error "Failed to write stream data". I get it after converting 5 libraries of bmps to avi. It runs over librarirs of BMPs and convert each library to avi. each time it stacks in the 6th movie.. there are no corrupts fil...

Java Read bmp files?

Hi, I'm working on a map editor for a simple map builder. My idea was to paint walls in the map as black pixels, everything else (white colour) is free space in a room. Any .jar to read bmp files ? So as to avoid the header, etc? update Im reading about Image4j Thanks in adavance. ...

java Buffered Image : Detecting black pixels

Hi everyone I have this simple code to go through a 24bit color windows bmp file BufferedImage mapa = File("maps/map.bmp")); final int xmin = mapa.getMinX(); final int ymin = mapa.getMinY(); final int ymax = ymin + mapa.getHeight(); final int xmax = xmin + mapa.getWidth(); for (int i = xmin;i<xmax;i++) { for ...

What's the easiest way to convert a BMP to a PDF in

What's the easiest way to convert a BMP file to a single page PDF using I'm going to generate the 8.5" x 11" BMP in Flash (which means I can manipulate it to make it as easy as possible), then use a POST to upload it to an ASP page, which will convert it to a PDF and redirect the user to the PDF. I don't want to add any margins ...