
VB runtime functions in VB.NET for VB6 programmers

Hi, I'm preparing a class on Visual Basic 2005 targeting Visual Basic 6 programmers migrating to the .NET platform. My primary concern is to teach my students the best practices for developing in .NET, and I am wondering about whether to consider the use of the VB runtime functions VB.NET legitimate or not. I have read that many of th...

PV Function and Porting VB6 to C#

I'm working on porting some classic VB6 code to C# and just stumbled across a usage of the PV function. I feels wrong including a reference to the Microsoft.VisualBasic Assembly. Is this something that is commonly done, or should I explore further options. The next idea that pops into my mind is exploring this PV function in Reflector. ... finding a position of a string within a string?

is instr used in for this? ...

VBA Public Array : how to ?

Hi folks ! So today's problem is getting me mad because that should be easy and i can not find the answer : How to declare a public array in VBA ? I'm using an array with the letters A, B, C,... because i'm working with Excel cells, and i don't want to declare it in every function i create, right ? I've tried to look on the web first an...

Compiling Microsoft's LoginAdmin.dll code without Visual Studio

I'm trying to use some impersonation functions in a classic ASP page. I found a MS KB article at which explains how to do this, but it requires compiling a DLL. Unfortunately, they expect the developer to have Visual Studio, which I do not have access to (nor do I want to). Could anyone tell me how ...

XAML UserControl grid elements not shown

Still not solved: I have the following issue: I have a user control looking like this: <UserControl x:Class="UserControlSettings" xmlns="" xmlns:x=""&gt; <Grid x:Name="mainGrid" ShowGridLines="True"> <Grid.ColumnDefinitions> ...

HtmlElement from a WebBrowser object strips double quotes from HTML

I am grabbing an HTMLElement from a browser object and then using getElementById to grab the element I want. When the element is grabbed into the HtmlElement object double quotes around attributes like <input type="checkbox" name="test1" /> becomes <input type=checkbox name=test1>. It is removing the double quotes and backslash from th...

How can I round money values to the nearest $5.00 interval?

I have an Informix-SQL based Pawnshop app which calculates an estimate of how much money should be loaned to a customer, based on the weight and purity of gold. The minimum the pawnshop lends is $5.00. The pawnshop employee will typically lend amounts which either ends with a 5 or 0. examples: 10, 15, 20, 100, 110, 125, etc. They do thi...

Inherited classes returning different values - Conceptual question

This is more of a conceptual question than anything. I have a base class called "RawReader". It sets up the framework for classes to inherit it and read in specific data systems. For example, I want an app read in a known format of FoxPro database, a CSV file, or a SQL database (there is about 8 more formats currently), then transfer ...

Access controls of parent dialog in VB6

Hello, I have a dialog in vb6 which changes the values being displayed in its parent dialog. the x1 is displayed in txt_c1 text in parent dialog and it has a txt_1validate funtion too for the text box. Now i want to change the value of txt_c1 txtbox from child dialog and then call its validate function. But the problem is that txt_c1 is...

how to add image using in project which is loading image using LoadResPicture in vb6

Hi All, I have a project which is loading images using: imgwrc1.Picture = LoadResPicture(115, 0) Now how do i add my image and give it id 116, 0 in the argument shows that it is a bitmap but there are no bitmaps in the project folder. So from where is the image being loaded. I want to display this image in dialog ...

the advertisement dialog appears when Using Vs Elastic control provided by video soft in vb6

Hi, I am using a Video Soft Vs Elastic control and now when ever my application runs this dialog appears promoting video soft and after that my application loads. how do i get rid of it ...

MS Word macro to fix closest spelling error

I'm trying to create a fairly simple macro in Word 2010 using Visual Basic. All it needs to do is press Alt+F7 to select the closest spelling error, then press Enter to choose the first spelling suggestion, then press Shift+F5 to return to the previous edit point. I tried this: SendKeys "%{F7}" SendKeys "~" SendKeys "+{F5}" but the co...

How to remove cycles or loops in graphs in visual basic?

There are many articles in this site regarding my question. I have a matrix for example (10 x 10) which represents 10 nodes. The matrix called MyMat(9,9) The rows of this matrix represent the source node (From Node) and the columns represents target node (To Node). It has 14 links which are randomly distributed. The non zero values repr...

Opacity of VB.NET Form background

I want to make the background of a VB.NET form translucent - how can I change the opacity of ONLY the background? The only opacity property I can find so far belongs to the form object - which changes the whole form's opacity. ...

how to display underoot character in my vb6 dialog box

Hi, I need to put a underoot symbol on dialog that i am creating in vb6 and i copy √ symbol from charactar map and when i paste it on the label in the dialog box a ? appears instead of the √ symbol. Any idea what should be done? Regards ...

Why is EnvDTE.ProjectItem.FileCodeModel = Nothing?

I wrote a VSMacro (in VS2010) that parses a solution and adds try and catch statements to cpp files. It's been working fine up until now. I had to reformat my pc and reinstall VS2010 and now it crashes. Here's a snippet from the macro. Sub Foo(ByVal file As EnvDTE.ProjectItem) Dim fileCM As EnvDTE.FileCodeModel fileCM = file.Fil...

Random String in VB

I need to generate a lot of random 2 character strings for my application. it's a VB console application. basically what I have tried for random strings is this: Private Function GenerateRandomString(ByVal intLenghtOfString As Integer) As String 'Create a new StrinBuilder that would hold the random string. Dim randomString As ...

How to redirect visual studio visual basic macro output to the output window?

I'd like to run a Visual Studio macro which is a command line tool, and have the results appear in the output window of Visual Studio. ...

Issue with Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.MsgBox method

'Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.MsgBox' method always brings up windows taskbar when any message is displayed. How to fix this issue? I want the message to be the top most but windows taskbar shouldn't be visible. Appreciate your help!! ...