
Implement Google Voice Actions in Android

How can I implement the fairly new Voice Actions from Google, in Android? I'm thinking about the possibility to listen to the Listen to action as used by some music application. Is there a specific broadcast my app must register as a receiver to? ...

Android Broadcast Receiver Error: Class not found exception

I have a Broadcast receiver setup so that a pop-up message is displayed to the user after each upgrade of my app, or if this is the first time the package is installed. I tested this on my Droid running Android 2.2 both as a fresh install and after upgrading my app, as well in the Emulator running 1.5 and 1.6, and I see everything run fi...

Can an ACTION_USER_PRESENT BroadcastReceiver not be registered in the manifest?

Hey all, I see that multiple broadcasts (ACTION_TIME_TICK, for example) cannot be registered in the manifest, the must be explicitly registered via Context.registerReceiver(). I am having trouble with the ACTION_USER_PRESENT broadcast intent. Specifically, I test on the emulator and my application keeps force closing with the error: ...

Android broadcastreceiver seems to have stopped working

I am currently working on an app that uses a broadcastreceiver to check for incoming text messages, but all of the sudden it seems to have stopped working, I even wrote a small test application that, to me at least, seems syntactically correct, but also is not functioning. Here is the code from the test project: The manifest: <?xml ve...

android not receiving Intent ACTION_PACKAGE_REMOVED in the removed package

When my android app is removed, I would like to also remove files the app has created on the SD card, as these can consume many megabytes and are only of use to my app. It seems that receiving the PACKAGE REMOVED intent would be the place to do this. However, my broadcast receiver is never called--it seems to have been deleted before th...

How do I ask for information from another Android application?

Hi. I need third party applications ("Foo") to get information from my application ("Bar"), but my solution so far seems cumbersome: Application Foo needs information from Bar and sends a broadcast ("bar.POLL"). Application Bar listens for this broadcast, and replies with another broadcast ("bar.PUSH"); Foo listens for bar.PUSH and re...

Can not receiver android.provider.Telephony.WAP_PUSH_RECEIVED

I want to receive the WAP Push Message. My code is post as follow: public class PushMsgReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver { public final static String TAG = "Push Receiver"; private static final String SMS_RECEIVED = "android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED"; private static final String PUSH_RECEIVED = "android.provider.Telephony.WAP_P...

Get battery level before broadcast receiver responds for Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED

I have a broadcast receiver in my program to get react to the battery level like so: private BroadcastReceiver mBatInfoReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver(){ @Override public void onReceive(Context arg0, Intent intent) { int level = intent.getIntExtra("level", 0); // do something... } } registerReceiver(thi...

how do you get the name of a package that dispatched an intent in android?

I have a service setup to receive a PACKAGE_ADDED and a PACKAGE_REMOVED intent from all <data android:scheme="package" /> I receive the intent correctly, but I need to know how to use the Intent and Context classes from onReceive to get the name and label of the application that was added or removed. I have been able to use Intent.getD...

Update UI upon received SMS

I use code from as reference. I added scrollview and it show the append text upon sms send out. however i have problem append incoming sms text in the same scrollview. how can i solve it? do i need to use thread, service? ...

Android Broadcast Receiver showing a dialog?

I've got an app that responds to an Alert - and I really need to show an alert with a password entry before going on to the next screen; the trouble is I don't seem to be able to show a dialog from a broadcast receiver -- so how can I show a dialog password entry upon receiving an alert? ...

Android: BroadcastReceiver to restart killed/crashed app

I have an application and I would like to be able to restart it on the event of an error or a crash/app shutdown. I am familiar with how to register BroadcastReceivers, use alarms, etc. Is there any signal I could intercept that the app sends out when it shuts down? Or that the OS sends out when any app shuts down? ...

Trouble sending Bundle with PendingIntent to a Broadcast Receiver, data lost.

Hello, I am adding some basic alarm functionality to my program via the use of AlarmManager and a BroadcastReceiver class (named My problem is that the data I add to the bundle attached to the Intent creating the PendingIntent appears to be lost. The only bundle data I can access in the AReceiver class is a

Slickest way to use BroadcastReceiver in a singleton and more

I have a singleton which stores some prudent information about the user of my application. At the moment, it stores the user's login and the user's location. 1) The location is found via a Service. At the moment, the Service references my singleton directly to stuff the longitude and latitude into it. I would like to use a BroadcastR...

How to determine the sender of Broadcast Intent

I have an application that is at the same time a broadcast sender and receiver of standard action android.intent.action.SET_WALLPAPER. I want to do some stuff only in a case when another application broadcasted this intent. Is there any way to determine who initiated a broadcast in onReceive method of a BroadcastReceiver? ...

Check INTENT internet connection

Hi guys, there is an Android Intent ACTION_XXX that notify me when Internet Connection is available? I would to instantiate a BroadcastReceiver that notify my application when user enable Internet Connection (by wifi, by GSM, etc...) Could anyone help me? ...

Android SMS handling

Hello, I am just wondering about how android handles sms when it receives them. More precisely my question is when the android phone receives a sms message, which application saves the message to the mmssms database? Is this done by the OS or by the native sms application? ...

Android: Permission denial on BroadCast SMS intent

Hello All can my activity broadcast this intent from itself Intent i = new Intent("android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED"); sendBroadcast(i); I am able to send this broadcast and receive it back (from a broadcast receiver setup in the application) , but this is not a global broadcast , i.e. it is not received by the defaul...

Problem with "has leaked window" on dialog.

I am writing an android app to give the user the option to call a different alternative number based on the number he tried to call. To do that I have BroadCastReceiver that gets the number being called, checks if there are alternatives and then to show the dialog it starts a new activity to do that as it can not do on its own. Everythin...

How can I display a dialog from an Android broadcast receiver?

Ideally, I do not want to start an activity to do this. When the WiFi connection is lost, my app needs to close because this is a fatal error for us. I want to display an error message and have the user press an Ok button and then exit the app. What is the best way to go about this? Thanks! ...