
How to access Google Chrome browser history programmatically on local machine

I want to write a simple program which shows my internet activity over a period of time (which site I visited, how many times and so on). I mostly use Google Chrome browser. I found out Chrome stores browser history at this location - C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default (please corre...

Is site first item in history?

How to find out if site is the first item in history? This doesn't work because of security reasons: if(window.history.item(0)==window.location.href) ...

How do I determine whether I am going "forward" or "backward" through my History in GWT?

I am looking at History and History JavaDocs in GWT and I notice that there is no way to tell whether the forward or backward button was pressed (either pragmatically or by the user). The "button press" is handled by your registered addValueChangeHandler, but the only thing passed to the handler is a string on your history stack. There ...

Retrieving Windows Mobile browser history

How can I retrieve a list of urls a user has visited on a Windows Mobile phone? I've written a program that successfully retrieves the visited urls in a user's cache, using FindFirstUrlCacheEntry and FindNextUrlCacheEntry - but as I understand it this is not the same as the user's actual web history. In any case it does not seem to give...

Is it possible to access text input's history with javascript?

Hi all, Firefox remembers what you have so far entered in a given text input and as soon as you start typing it suggests previous values matching what you have typed so far. Is it possible to access this list via javascript? Thanks. ...

Jquery history, inspect the history stack

Im using this history jquery plugin and im trying to inspect the back stack. I can call this $.historyCurrentHash to return the current hash, but im trying to figure out how to look one step back in the stack. if i try calling this $.historyBackStack, but i just get an 'undefined'. anyone...

GWT back button browser

For example current page is But I typed a different website address in address bar and clicked. This site has fully GWT code. But I like to back to the previous page of So I clicked back button of browser.but how can I get event of back button from current GWT code. Can I set any backbutton event handler ...

How can I fix my ASP.NET AJAX problem when I navigate away from the page and back?

I'm developing an ASP.NET 3.5 application which uses AJAX via the UpdatePanel control. I'm also using History Points to manage the browser back-button functionality. This all works fine until I want to navigate away from the page and back. Within the page I'm clicking on a standard hyperlink which opens another page in my applicatio...

What does IUrlHistoryStg::BindToObject Method do ?

I'm looking for a way to access the address bar search so that i can append some personnal url at the end of the current list, and i found 'IUrlHistoryStg::BindToObject' but there is no documention linked to it. Anyone knows what this method does ? On msdn: ...

How can I detect client-side when a page load is the result of an AJAX history point?

I'm trying to prevent a "flicker" effect that is occurring on my ASP.NET page which occurs when a user navigates to the page via the browser back button after having navigated away from it. The reason for the flicker is that I'm using an Update Panel which has some content in there on the initial page-load. As a result, when the page i...

Can I modify an ASP.NET AJAX History Point?

I'm using ASP.NET 3.5 with AJAX and have enabled history on the Script Manager. I have 2 pages, Default.aspx and Default2.aspx. I'm using the AJAX History on the Default.aspx page and saving history points on the server-side. There are some dropdowns on Default.aspx that I don't want to save a history point for each change but would l...

Make browser to go back by reloading page 1st and then scrolling it back again too

EXPLAINING WHAT I'M TRYING TO SOLVE: I have a webpage (file_list.php) showing a list of files, and next to each file there is a button to delete it. When user press the DELETE button close to a certain file name, the browser goes to a script called delete_file.php that deletes the file and then it tells browser to go back to the file_li...

IE History Tracking, IFRAMES, and Cross Domain error...

So here's the deal. We have a Flash application that is running within an HTML file. For one page we call a legacy reporting system in ASP.NET that is within an IFRAME. This page then communicates back to the Flash application using cross-domain scripting (document.domain = "domain" is set in both pages. THIS ALL WORKS. Now the kick...

Prevent browser's back button from reopening pop up window on previous page

How would I prevent the browser from opening the pop up window that was displayed from the previous page when the user clicks the back button? I hope that made sense but I'll explain it in point form below: There are three pages: Page1, Page2, Page3 User loads Page1 and clicks a link to load Page2 in a new window using JavaScript (i....

How to make back button using jquery

hi I have no.of page, which will the children relation ship. once i in 5th page, i need to go 4th page, that mean what i browser before, for that i used window.history.back(), but the page is just refreshing, not going back. what the way i can achieve this? that mean what is the best way to create widow back button with all browser s...

get back to previous page...

hi, just i want to make back button in my site. once i click the button it need to take the url in to previous page. how can i make this using jquery? ...

problem with google chrome

hi. i have javscript file for history management.IT is not supported by chrome when i am trying to navigate to back page with backbutton in the browser.I can see the url change but it doesnt go to preceeding page. BrowserHistoryUtils = { addEvent: function(elm, evType, fn, useCapture) { useCapture = useCapture || false; ...

ASP.NET 4.0 routing + ajax + browser history

The problem with ASP.NET 4.0 routing is that the Page.RouteData.Values does not contain the paramenters after # character from the link System.Web.Routing.RouteTable.Routes.MapPageRoute("ProjectViewRoute1", "project/{title}/{idProject}#{idDesign}", "~/ProjectView.aspx"); As I said, the Page.RouteData.Values.ContainsKey("idDesign") w...

Don't save URL in history, any header or meta-tag?

Is there any HTTP-headers or meta-tags one can use to avoid getting a URL into the browser history? For example, I don't want to show up in the browser URL bar, when I start typing "domain.t". Currently I have a (POST) search form on the website to load the tokens, and ...

Flex history management in all browsers?

I created a very simple Flex 3 app with a ViewStack with a few VBox children, each with a button that changed selectedChild to a different VBox. The ViewStack has historyManagementEnabled="true". I then added the history css, frame, and js created by Flex Builder automatically. I then opened the html page containing the embedded SWF i...