
How to read DOM of the iframe loaded with a page from another domain?

Is there a way to access the DOM of the document in an iframe from parent doc if the doc in the iframe is on another domain? I can easily access it if both parent and child pages are on the same domain, but I need to be able to do that when they are on different domains. If not, maybe there is some other way to READ the contents of an i...

Javascript + IMG tags = memory leak. Is there a better way to do this?

I've got a web page that's using jquery to receive some product information as people are looking at things and then displays the last product images that were seen. This is in a jquery AJAX callback that looks pretty much like this: if(number_of_things_seen > 10) { $('#shots li:last-child').remove(); } $('<li><img src="' + p.Produc...

How do I stop the browser from loading status?

The scenario: I dynamically create an iframe and a form inside it via JavaScript. The form is submitted via JavaScript and sends a POST request to a server. The request is received, but the browser stays on loading status (the progress bar at the bottom of the window keeps progressing and doesn't stop, only happens after form submissio...

What is the best source for usage share among web browsers?

It would also be nice to see data that breaks down IE usage by version (5,6,7, etc.). Thanks! ...

PNG image won't show in IE7 or Firefox but works in Opera

I got a webservice which creates a PNG-file and returns a link to it. Then this graphic is used by a website (ASP.NET). IE7 & Firefox 3 can't show this image but in Opera 9.5 it works fine. Did anyone run across the same problem before? Edit: Content-type is set to image/png. The image is created with the library from a 3rd party vend...

Javascript onchange functioning in a textarea (Symbian browser)

This may apply to other mobile operating environments than just Symbian... However, the issue is that when changing a text area field I'd like to update a count as I type. This is easy to accomplish in most browsers with something like this on the textarea tag: onkeyup="document.getElementById('size').innerHTML=this.value.length; Howe...

Use cookies without sending them back to the server

I need a way to stash some data that is global to the browser. If I open a new window with a URL from my app, e.g. via a bookmark, I need to access some data that was created in another window and never sent to the server. As far as I can tell the only thing that is global to the browser and not just a window, (like, is a ...

Updated- more specifics-->How can I do a script to catch strings as input and open them on a firefox document?

How can I do a script to catch strings as input and open them on a Firefox document? Each link would go to a different window or tab. Any ideas would be much appreciated. I just want to be able to take some links and open them. For example I have 50 Links. And copying and parsing those 50 Links take a really long time and also a lot of ...

For a web application, how to close all the related browser windows when session is timed out / user signs out?

Suppose user has opened my web application in many different browser windows. After sometime he is timed out / sign out from the application. I want to close all the related browser windows. How can we handle this? (I think GMAIL does that) ...

Websites for the iPhone - but what about other platforms?

I recently did the Chris Coyier tutorial from the weblog #38: Basics & Tips on Designing for the iPhone. Needless to say I got very excited and suggested to a guy that I do some code monkey work for that we could now offer iPhone websites to his clients. He said cool, but what about other mobile devices? good question. So ...

How do you access browser information from an AIR application?

I am trying to build an Adobe AIR application that will run on Linux/Mac OS/Windows, which monitors user's browsing history. How can my AIR application find out which browsers are installed? In other words, the list of browsers' history to monitor. Also is there any way to know if a browser is running or not at run time? As for the...

Is there any way to change the taskbar icon of a browser in windows?

Is there any way to change the taskbar icon of a browser in windows? I open alot of browser windows, and I like to group similar websites (in tabs) by window. So I was wondering if there was a way to assign a taskbar icon to them so that you can more easily differentiate between them. ...

Silverlight browser support does not seem to be ubiquitous?

Hello We have been using Adobe Flex for a major project but it's just too slow. We're considering switching to Silverlight. The problem seems to be that Silverlight is not as widely supported by browsers as Flex/Flash is. For example I tried to access the Silverlight showcase using Safari for Windows but it didn't work. A web RIA pl...

Can Read-Only Properties be Implemented in Pure JavaScript?

Looking at the mozilla documentation, looking at the regular expression example (headed "Creating an array using the result of a match"), we have statements like: input: A read-only property that reflects the original string against which the regular expression was matched. index: A read-only property that is the zero-based inde...

I need Help Making my VB 2008 Express Web Browser

Every time i click on a link it opens in internet explorer but i want it to open in another window of my web browser Details : i have made a tabbed web browser using a tab control because every where else i have looked is just for a normal web browser please help. ...

How to differ sessions in browser-tabs?

In a web-application implemented in java using JSP and Servlets; if I store information in the user session, this information is shared from all the tabs from the same browser. How to differ sessions in browser-tabs? In this example: <%@page language="java"%> <% String user = request.getParameter("user"); user = (user == null ? (Strin...

Is there a way to disable the MSFT IE XML Databinding feature via script?

Question: Is it possible to construct a web page that has a script to turn off XML data-binding in MSIE? The ideal approach would be to code an HTML page and instruct all people in the office to visit the page with a button that says "turn off data-binding". Rationale: The desktop sysadmin is not available at this time and the goal is t...

Strange reload effect in Firefox

Hi, I have a page generated by php which includes two drop-down lists (SELECTs) which contain a lot of items (about 2,000 each). The page is fine, but when it loads in Firefox, there's a delay during the load, and then it seems to refresh the entire page. If a user tries to click on anything before the "reload" occurs, it has no effect....

Firefox vs IE vs Chrome vs Safari...

Currently I am designing a website and I am finding it VERY difficult to display the website perfect on ALL browsers. Is there any rules, suggestions etc to follow? Thanks ...

automated testing with Watir (or WatiN or similar): Disambiguating Select Elements

Problem: I am looking for a way to run a test that is able to disambiguate between select controls that have the same value in more than one place. Example: I am trying to choose the third "monday" from a select control ie.select_list( :id , 'choose-day' ).set( '-monday' ); where the select control has a kind of "outline" format in...