
Library for browser based outliner

I'm looking for a free (GPL or BSD-type license) outliner library that works in a browser. It doesn't have to be too complicated, just allow keyboard control of collapsing and expanding items, and changing their order. Anyone know a good library for this? Do any of the big UI component libraries have an outliner? If not, how would I g...

What model should I use for a browser-based game?

As a hobby project I am currently trying to create a small browser-based game - and I thought it would be the "right thing" to code it using the MVC pattern, separating the game's "engine" from presentation. It would be a simple "rpg" game, where the player's character wander the world fighting monsters and gathering items. My problem i...

Java applet: IE Browser hangs after opening a file dialog. Workaround?

This is a registered bug (Bug ID: 6515708) but does anyone have a workaround for it? Scenario javascript calls OpenDialog() method in applet applet starts new thread which opens the AWT FileDialog on completion, the file name is read and the javascript method OnDialogComplete is called At this point the dialog is disposed and (on some...

Unified way to scrape HTML from any type of browser process?

Is there a unified way to do this? Browsers usually don't respond as expected to user32's GetWindowText and SendMessage, which you can use to scrape the text out of most win32 applications. I'd like to get the equivalent of "View Source" on the open web page. Currently, I'm using the API for screen readers to scrape from IE, but tha...

Are there tools to see if page was read from cache?

How can I find out if pictures on my page are loaded from browser's cache or from a remote server to which their <img src=.../> points to? ...

Is there a way to install all versions of all browsers on one machine?

Is there a way to install all versions of all browsers on one machine? ...

Preventing AJAX memory leaks.

I am working on a web application that is designed to display a bunch of data that is updated periodically with AJAX. The general usage scenario would be that a user would leave it open all day and take a glance at it now and then. I am encountering a problem where the browsers memory footprint is growing slowly over time. This is h...

Intercepting URL before navigation

I would like to intercept any URL which the user enters in their browser and perform some tasks before allowing the navigation to continue (any way could be good - i.e. via plug in, via proxy or any other creative suggestion). To clarify - I am not referring to a specific application that needs to catch this, but rather - any navigation ...

find mobile browsers

Hi friends, I want to check whether my site is viewing in mobile or PC. If its mobile device, i need to redirect my site url; like Google does.. If possible Get me code in javascript Please clarify my doubt.. How to check it browsed from mobile or PC.. ...

getting a download prompt due to response mixed up from two requests

I have 4 iframes in my page whose src's change as I scroll down my web page. The faster I scroll the src's change more frequently. If I scroll fast enough I get a download prompt in FF. The downloaded file contains garbled text followed by http response headers and then more garbled text. When I capture this on ethereal I see that the ...

What is the current level of XHTML support in browsers and search engine spiders?

Ignoring the IE case, are there any other browsers that can't understand the application/xhtml+xml content type? And what about the search engine spiders? I could not find any answers on the web that would not be a few years old and thus possibly inaccurate. Edit: Somehow related question:

Size of uploaded file

Do web browsers send the file size in the http header when uploading a file to the server. And if that the case, then, is it possible to refuse the file just by reading the header and not wait for the whole upload process to finish? ...

How can I determine which version of IE a user is running in JavaScript?

In some existing code there is a test to see if the user is running IE, by checking if the object Browser.Engine.trident is defined and returns true. But how can I determine if the user is running IE6 (or earlier) or IE7 (or later)? The test is needed inside a JavaScript function so a conditional comment doesn't seem suitable. Thanks ...

Software that clicks e-mail links on page?

We are experiencing a strange bug on our website which we think is related to the software installed on user's computers. We have an e-mail link on a lot of pages, which is created using Javascript (so spambots won't get it). It seems the link is "clicked" automatically on some user's machines. Some users then discard the window by clic...

Blackberry HTTP Header

I'm trying to access an internal website that requires windows authentication. I've tried going to the website on my Blackberry but get the following error: You are not authorized to view this page. You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied because your web browser ...

frameset - swap columns with rows using javascript.

Hey everyone, I have a frameset with it's cols attribute set to "50%,50%" at the moment. I have a toggleView method which is called after a click on an element. What I aim to do is to change frameset from displaying cols to rows, again divided 50/50. I have attempted to perform a removeAttribute("cols") on the frameset, while this doe...

Tapestry 4: Asset Cache Control?

I use Tapestry 4, and whenever we push a release that changes any assets (image, style sheet, JS library), we get problems because users still have the old version of the asset in their browser cache. I'd like to set up some easy way to allow caching, but force a new asset download when we update the application. Simply disallowing cachi...

Determine whether browser allows focus on radios/checkboxes

Does anyone know if it's possible to determine, using JavaScript, whether the user's browser allows checkboxes and radio buttons to be focused? In other words, whether you can tab to select them. I can't just use browser detection to do this, because in at least one case (Safari), the user can turn the ability on and off. Also in Safar...

How to find whether the user clicks browser back button or Refresh button

I need to find whether the user clicking the browser back button or Refresh button. I need to redirect the page to Error page when he clicks the back or refresh button. How to do this. I need to do this in javscript for my page ...

Browser application & local file system access

I want to enhance my browser-based web application with functionality that enables management of local files and folders. E.g. folder tree structures should be synchronized between local workstation and server via HTTP(S). I am aware of security-related limitations in browser-based applications. However, there are some techniques that "...