
What percentage of marketshare does a browser need for your support?

I'm building a website for a small non-profit org. and I was wondering at what kind of browser marketshare a browser should have before I support it. Chrome looks like a major contender, but it's still less than 5%, as is Opera. What browsers do you think I should completely support for this kind of project? ...

Test a site in Mac Firefox

I need to test a site with a dynamic menu in Mac Firefox, but I'm running in Windows. A simple test won't help; I need to actually use the site. How can I acquire a method of doing Mac emulation without physically having a Mac? Is there some kind of remote VM product out there? ...

help: reloading a page via ajax - when window.location=self.location doesn't work

so here on my homepage i got a <ul id="login"> <li> <a id="loginswitch" href="./login-page">log-in</a> | </li> <li> <a id="signupswitch" href="./signup-page">sign-up</a> </li> </ul> so via mootools, i get these anchor elements by id so that once they're clicked, a flashy div will popup below them that contains the login or signup ...

Is there a way to enhance by CSS an HTML <select> and its <option> on IE 6 ?

Internet explorer 6 seems totally ignore CSS classes or rules on select, option or optgroup tags. Is there a way to bypass that limitation (except install a recent version of IE) ? Edit : to be more precise, I'm trying to build a hierarchy between options like that example: Here's the HTML snippet : <select name="hierarchicalList" mu...

Automated screenshots?

I need a tool to make screenshots of every page on a rather large site so I'm looking for a tool that can (best case scenario) automatically spider the site and create screenshots of every page in a folder or (plan B) a browser plug-in that automatically takes a screenshot of every page I load/visit and saves it to my drive. ...

How can I customise the browser's output for print/print preview?

I'm trying to dynamically hide certain DIV's when a print (or print preview) occurs from the browser. I can easily differentiate statically by having two style sheets, one for normal and one for print media: But I need to go one step further and hide some elements dynamically when the print style sheet becomes active during a print b...

How do you change your apparent country of origin to test a site?

I want to be able to set my country of origin - does this involve testing through a proxy, or is there something that can be set else where? ...

How can I simulate macros in JavaScript?

I know that JavaScript doesn't support macros (Lisp-style ones) but I was wondering if anyone had a solution to maybe simulate macros? I Googled it, and one of the solutions suggested using eval(), but as he said, would be quite costly. They don't really have to be very fancy. I just want to do simple stuff with them. And it shouldn't ...

Is It Possible to Sandbox JavaScript Running In the Browser?

I'm wondering if it's possible to sandbox JavaScript running in the browser to prevent access to features that are normally available to JavaScript code running in an HTML page. For example, let's say I want to provide a JavaScript API for end users to let them define event handlers to be run when "interesting events" happen, but I don'...

What's the best way to automatically redirect someone to another webpage?

I've never learnt JavaScript, but I imagine this is quite a simple problem. Just wanted to know which method is most advised these days. ...

Web Browser in a fullscreen Direct3D application

I need to have a working web browser in a fullscreen Direct3D application. For example, Valve's Source-based games (sort of) do it in the MotD window when you join a server. Any tips on where to look? ...

CSS Browser Support Chart

Is there any resource that provides a chart of CSS properties and their support through most browser/OS combinations? For example, if I want to know what browser supports overflow or min-height and any quirks to be aware of in the implementation of these properties and their values, what is the best place to get all this? I have found a...

When Does Browser Automatically Clear JavaScript Cache?

I have a JavaScript resource that has the possibility of being edited at any time. Once it is edited I would want it to be propagated to the user's browser relatively quickly (like maybe 15 minutes or so), however, the frequency of this resource being editing is few and far between (maybe 2 a month). I'd rather the resource to be cached...

Java Applet and Browser Freeze

Hello, Is there a best practice for avoiding a browser freeze when loading an applet? For my precise needs, the applet needs to be loaded when the web application is initialized, and is not a visual component (will be in a hidden div or hidden iframe). As a reference, here is an old bug on SUN's side. ...

browser back button doesnt work in cached environment

The back button just causes my page to refresh. Is there a way around this without disabling the cache? ...

Why does a checkbox remain checked in FF3 but not in IE, Chrome or ...

So - I have a checkbox <asp:CheckBox ID="chkOrder" runat="server" Visible='<%#IsCheckBoxVisible() %>' Checked="false" OnCheckedChanged="chkOrder_CheckedChanged" AutoPostBack="true" EnableViewState="false"></asp:CheckBox> the one above. Now, the checkbox is in a gridview and on databound - for all the rows in the gridv...

easiest way to prevent the back button of your browser from showing secure data after a user logs out?

In a normal web app w/ login and secure data, what is an easy way to secure that data and prevent it from being seen by using the browser's back button, once a user logs out? ...

How do you specify font sizes in CSS so that they match mockups and allow resizing?

We're running into issues with how we specify font sizes. If we specify the font sizes using pt, they don't always look the same across browsers/platforms. If we specify font sizes using px, IE6 users can't resize the text. ...

How can I locate the default style sheet for a browser?

I would like to see the specific style elements that are used in the default stylesheet for the various browsers. Do the browsers have an actual file based stylesheetss that I locate on my system and read? If so, what are the default locations of those files? If not, where I can find this information? ...

What are the best options for non-malicious cross site scripting?

I want to write a browser based app that retrieves data from multiple websites and posts it to my server app. What are the best options to do this? The most straightforward approach would certainly be to have the server app retrieve the data, but that's not possible for copyright reasons. In my case individual users do have the right to...