
jquery is(":visible") and is(":animated") bug during animation?

Here's the thing. I have multiple icons, which each show a message in a div. when i hover over the icon, the box shows, when i mouse out, it closes. when i click, i want that the box will not close automatic, but only after i click the X in the corner of this box. this all worked good, until I added animation. the problem is that the...

wordpress twentyten navigation ie7 bug

Here's the problem I'm having. When you rollover the navigation the first time everything seems to work fine, if you rollover the nav and go a couple of levels deep everything still works fine. However if you roll out of the nav after going a couple of levels deep and then hover back over that same item all the levels of navigation th...

<solved> (Android 2.1) "onContextItemSelected" and "window already focused, ignoring focus <snap irrelavant rest>"

solved Never mind. It is the onMenuItemSelectedmethod that messed up with the onContextItemSelected method. I am investigating why it screws it up. solved #2 It appears that both methods are actually same in which onMenuItemSelectedmethod is invoked instead of onContextItemSelected (Hence empty response). I must have misread the google ...

.offset() bug with position absolute?

The CSS: .flyoutdialog { position: absolute; top:0; left:0; border: 1px solid #CCC; background-color: white; width: 250px; padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px; } The jQuery: (dialog is 1 item of $(".flyoutdialog"), button is 1 item of $(".flyouticon") ) var offset = button.offset(); alert("top: " + offset...

Bizarre IE checkbox bug?

I have some perfectly mundane code that puts 4 check-boxes in a 2x2 table. In Internet Explorer (but not in Firefox,Chrome,Opera, or Safari) the the two rightmost check-boxes will not toggle on and off. Well, they do, rarely, but only in a random haphazard manner. Please note that I have no JavaScript triggers associated with these ch...

is there a bug in TimeSpan

TimeSpan span = TimeSpan.Zero; span.Add(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5)); Console.WriteLine(span.TotalSeconds); -----> will out put "0" however TimeSpan span = TimeSpan.Zero.Add(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5)); Console.WriteLine(span.TotalSeconds); -----> will out put "300" Does anyone see this before??? ...

Bug with Override annotations in Eclipse

I have a annoying problem with @Override annotations in Eclipse. Often when i import working projects on a new PC, Eclipse marks some of the @Override annotations as wrong. If i remove the annotations everything is fine and Eclipse also indicates that the methods are overriding the parents methods but adding the Override annotation cause...

Python Triple Quoted Strings in Visual Studio 2010

I'm used to using Idle for Python development, but decided to give Visual Studio 2010 + IronPython a try last week. It seems to work fine, but I noticed that triple-quoted (multi-line) strings don't highlight correctly in the editor. See photo: Does anyone else have this problem or know of a good fix? Apart from that bug, Visual St...

R (statistical) scoping error using transformBy(), part of the doBy package.

I think I'm getting a scoping error when using transformBy(), part of the doBy package for R. Here is a simple example of the problem: > library(doBy) > > test.data = data.frame( + herp = c(1,2,3,4,5), + derp = c(2,3,1,3,5) + ) > > transformData = function(data){ + + five = 5 + + transformBy( + ~ herp, + data=data, + sum=he...

DWR call fixes CSS problem in IE7???

Hi, I am facing a very strange issue in IE7. In our project I use DWR for getting data from server and then to transform them into table rows. This HTML result I insert into DOM. And here is the problem - after inserting the rows. I have table that has only one row and one column and the background of the only one cell is let's say red....

Inaccurate Mouse Coordinates Returned

The issue is that the further the mouse click is from the top left origin (0,0) the greater the height inaccuracy when the vertex is plotted. Any ideas? int WindowWidth = 19; int WindowHeight = 13; int mouseClickCount = 0; int rectPlotted; GLint x1; GLint y1; GLint x2; GLint y2; //Declare our functions with prototypes: void display(voi...

Javascript Event Key Property Mixup in FF

This is a weird bug, indeed. In Chrome (6.0.472.62, latest) and IE8 (at least), this behaves correctly, but in FF (3.6.9, latest) both the click event and enter event register, making it hard to discern between the behavior. Check out this code: http://jsfiddle.net/QmkwY/1/, click on the search box in the "results" and just hit enter. T...

Why would System.Type.GetType("Xyz") return null if typeof(Xyz) exists?

I have come across a strange behaviour in my (huge) .NET 4 project. At some point in the code, I am referring to a fully qualified type, say: System.Type type = typeof (Foo.Bar.Xyz); later on, I do this: System.Type type = System.Type.GetType ("Foo.Bar.Xyz"); and I get back null. I cannot make sense of why this is happening, becaus...

Visual Studio 2010 Bug

hello; I have a problem with my Visual Studio 2010 ultimate ( Final Edition ) This problem occurs when I opening the any Solution even new project like Console App ! the windows Error Reporting show me this Error Key : EventType : clr20r3 P1 : devenv.exe P2 : 10.0.30319.1 P3 : 4ba1fab3 please guide me, how i can fix thi...

Problem with query as a new data source in Cognos PowerPlay

Normally you can add a query as a new data source in Cognos PowerPlay (I'm running PowerPlay version 7.3), but when I try to do so I cannot select any queries from my Access database. The dropdown menu which normally shows the existing queries in the database is empty. When I add a table as a new data source it works fine, and all the ta...

Delphi MainFormOnTaskBar Modal windows bug

HI I'm using Delphi 2007 and have set the MainFormOnTaskBar property to true. The issue that I'm having is this. If you open a child window from the main form and then you show a message dialog from the child window you just opened. When you close the message dialog and then close the child window, the main form will be sent to the b...

IE7 (IE8 Compatability Mode) bug: crazy amound of width applied to a floated element that is parent to another float.

Here's my problem. It looks perfect in Firefox, Safari, IE8, but in IE7 and IE8 comparability mode, it adds about 4000px of width to the div.team elements nested within the list item. the problem goes away if i remove the span.score elements. The image attached shows the score in the first box in white number text. The top image is th...

Segmentation Error in Rails

Hi, I am working on Windows XP machine. I have started to create an application in rails but I am getting Segmentation fault error. Below are the ruby & rails version I am using. C:\Ruby>ruby -v ruby 1.8.7 (2010-08-16 patchlevel 302) [i386-mingw32] C:\Ruby>rails -v Rails 2.3.8 When ever I run the server, I am getting this error. C...

Chrome (or chrome frame) sends two or more requests instead of one?

I use HTML5 video tag, back-end is on Java. It works fine in Firefox but in Chrome it sends more than one requests to servlet and finally there is Exception in servlet and it doesn't work. I've read that firstly to make element in DOM and then assign src to it, but still it sends more than one requests. Do you have any solutions for me?...

In IE media player activex object plays only one video

I have Java as back-end. For videos I'm using media player activex object in IE. When I open first time it palys ok, file extention is ".ogg". But when it is opened second time it doesn't plays any more. Ativex object element is created as many times as video look button is pressed and is destroyed after user closes modal window.(Ext.Wi...