
How do I write shell extension context menu in C++ Builder 2010?

I'm looking for some examples for writing a shell extension in C++ Builder 2010 (2007 and 2009 would also probably be relevant) so I can right click a file in Explorer and get the file path in my VCL program. I have followed Clayton Todd's tutorial, but it's from 2001, and I have some trouble getting it to work. I can't get it to call m...

Looking for non-rectangular panel VCL component

Title says it all. Sometimes I want L-shaped, T-shaped, triangular, polygonal ... Free reusable component please . . . ...

Object Inspector Rad Studio

is it possible to put methods in the properties of objects in the object inspector in rad studio 2010 (or an older version)? if so how? ...

How make C++ Builder 2010 just install the professional edition where once an Architect edition

In the computer, there is an C++ Builder 6 and was an C++ Builder Architect (the license isn't owned by the company) which was uninstalled. I received the mission to install C++ Builder Professional 2010 recently bought on that machine, but the installer of the ISO (downloaded from Embarcadero) insists on installing the Architect editi...

Indention in C++ Builder

In C++ Builder, how can I make sure that even correctly nested code like: void func () { ... .. ) C++ Builder correctly nested only doing so: void func () { ... ... } This is very stressful, because I always have to correct by hand. So how can I make which indents code as well in the first instance? ...

How to know and load all images in a specific folder??

Hi every body: I have an application (C++ Builder 6.0) that needs to know the total of images there are in a specific folder, and then I have to load them: in an ImageList or in a ComboBoxEx... or any other control... How can I do that? I know how to load an image in a control, or to save in a TList, or in an ImageList... but How to k...

Producer/Consumer For Talking to Devices Serially

Here is my problem: I have to be able to send and receive to a device over serial. This has to be done in a multi-threaded fashion. The flow is as follows: Wait for device to send me something - or if idle, then query status to see if online with device If device sends me something, then process message, acknowledge, and tell device to...

How to insert data into a TdxMemData in Borland Builder

I'm struggling to insert data into a TdxMemData which is linked to a grid by a TDataSourse. The MemData -called PurchaseData- has 3 columns: Date (date), Place (string) and Value (currency). I have a button that does the following: PurchaseData->Insert(); PurchaseData->FieldByName("Date")->Value = TDateTime::CurrentDate().DateString(); ...

Designing Thread Class

I have a design question. Is it better to define separate classes for SENDING and RECEIVING. Or, is it better to define a single Thread class? I like the idea of a single Thread class because it is easier to share a queue which can be locked by mutex. Design Option #1 (Separate): mySendThread = new SendThread(); // Have thread properti...

How does C++ builder stack up against other RAD IDEs?

It has been a few years since I did any development for PCs (I usually do embedded software). At that time I was highly proficient with (Borland, now CodeGear) C++ Builder. Time has moved on, C++ Builder has become extremely expensive and there are alternatives (MSVC stufio, NetBeans, QtCreator, maybe even Eclipse with the right plugi...

Best website for free VCL components?

I am just getting back into C++ Bulder after several years. What's currently the best web-site for free VCL components? ...

How to show Iplmage format on the GUI of C++ instead of showing it in another windows?

I'm trying to display the output image onto the C++ interface instead of creating another window to display the image. For example: cvNameWindow("Window A",0); cvShowImage("Window A", imgA); This will create an window and display the imgA on it. My question is that can i display my imgA onto my C++ interface together ...

TStringGrid - is there a simple way to get the "current/selected" row?

I can go the long way round, loop over each row, get a TRect from CellRect(col, row), then query its State for gdSelected ... But isn't there a quicker way to get the row number of the currently selected row, if any? ...

VCL SQL [Query parameters error]

C++Builder ADOQuery SQLServer Continue of This questions line using this select with procedure : SELECT C.Hint, CAST(CASE WHEN T2.ID_Param IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END as bit) AS Visi FROM CfgListParIzm C LEFT JOIN ( SELECT T.ID_Param FROM TbUserParam T WHERE T.ID_User = @ID_Use...

how to write a function Click() for dynamic created button ?

Trying to write a simple VCL program for educating purposes (dynamicly created forms, controls etc). Have such a sample code: void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender) { TForm* formQuiz = new TForm(this); formQuiz->BorderIcons = TBorderIcons() << biSystemMenu >> biMinimize >> biMaximize; formQuiz->Position = TPos...

c++ builder, label.caption, std::string to unicode conversion

Just need to set the lbl.caption (inside a loop) but the problem is bigger than i thought. I've tried even with vector of wstrings but there is no such thing. I've read some pages, tried some functions like WideString(), UnicodeString(), i know i can't and shouldn't turn off Unicode in C++Builder 2010. std::vector <std::string> myStrin...

DBGrid->OnColExit() focus fails

void __fastcall TUsers::DBGColExit(TObject *Sender) { Ado->ExecSQL(); AQ4->Close();AQ4->Open(); } after changing content of Table for AQ4 (Ado Query) and reload AQ4 DBG (DBGrid) reloads content too. but I'm still on not Exit from my Col (Column) (and row) and then when I press on Selected+1 after reload row it selects second r...

Administrator rights request

I've got error if I don't run my program "As Administrator" Access violation ... in module ... etc... Got error when trying to work with my ini file. How to avoid error or make a request Administrator rights. (using C++Builder6 , but Delphi code is readable for me too) working with ini by default TIniFile *FormCllient; FormCl...

Advice for converting a large monolithic singlethreaded application to a multithreaded architecture?

My company's main product is a large monolithic C++ application, used for scientific data processing and visualisation. Its codebase goes back maybe 12 or 13 years, and while we have put work into upgrading and maintaining it (use of STL and Boost - when I joined most containers were custom, for example - fully upgraded to Unicode and t...

How can I add SOAP Headers to a WSDL generated Borland C++ Builder 6 application.

Using a WSDL that requires a SOAP HEADER for Authentication (fragment below) code that gets generated when creating a web service client via the "WSDL Importer" has no concept of the Authentication Headers and there are no examples in BCB6 C++ Examples/WebServices directories that show how, and nothing on Web that I can find. Anyone wit...