
What are the most frequently used flow controls for handling protocol communication?

I am rewriting code to handle some embedded communications and right now the protocol handling is implemented in a While loop with a large case/switch statement. This method seems a little unwieldy. What are the most commonly used flow control methods for implementing communication protocols? ...

C pointers in C#

Is this function declaration in C#: void foo(string mystring) the same as this one in C: void foo(char *) i.e. In C#, does the called function receive a pointer behind the scenes? ...

Macro to test whether an integer type is signed or unsigned

How would you write (in C/C++) a macro which tests if an integer type (given as a parameter) is signed or unsigned? #define is_this_type_signed (my_type) ... ...

How to get name associated with open HANDLE

What's the easiest way to get the filename associated with an open HANDLE in Win32? ...

Unit Testing C Code

I worked on an embedded system this summer written in straight C. It was an existing project that the company I work for had taken over. I have become quite accustomed to writing unit tests in Java using JUnit but was at a loss as to the best way to write unit tests for existing code (which needed refactoring) as well as new code added...

How to identify specific digits of an integer input in C?

I have a lot of java background and am new to C. If the input integer is 11031, I want to count the number of 1's digits, how would I do this? I know in java I can take the input as a String and use charAt, but I understand there is no implicit String function in C... ...

faster Math.exp() via JNI?

Hi, I need to calculate Math.exp() from java very frequently, is it possible to get a native version to run faster than java's Math.exp()?? I tried just jni + C, but it's slower than just plain java. ...

How do I convert GMT to LocalTime in Win32 C?

I want to convert various location/date/times in history from GMT to local time. It seems that SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime is better than FileTimeToLocalFileTime. When the date/time pairs also include various locations, the conversion gets hairy. I've found a data set at ftp://elsie.nci.nih.gov/pub/ that seems to be nicely complete ...

what is the easiest way to lookup function names of a c binary in a cross-platform manner?

I want to write a small utility to call arbitrary functions from a C shared library. User should be able to list all the exported functions similar to what objdump or nm does. I checked these utilities' source but they are intimidating. Couldn't find enough information on google, if dl library has this functionality either. (Clarificati...

What is the best library for computer vision in C/C++?

What libraries do I have to pick from when working with Computer Vision in C/C++? I realize that Google has a lot of good results, but maybe there's great libraries out there that it missed. ...

How do I run a program as nobody?

I want a user-privileged (not root) process to launch new processes as user "nobody". I've tried a straight call to setuid that fails with -1 EPERM on Ubuntu 8.04: #include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> int main() { setuid(65534); while (1); return 0; } How should I do this instead? ...

Is there any way to pass a structure type to a c function

I have some code with multiple very similar functions to look up an item in a list based on the contents of one field in a structure. The only difference between the functions is the type of the structure that the lookup is occurring in. If I could pass in the type, I could remove all the code duplication. edit I just noticed that the...

Why do we need extern "C"{ #include <foo.h> } in C++?

Specifically: When should we use it? What is happening at the compiler/linker level that requires us to use it? How in terms of compilation/linking does this solve the problems which require us to use it? ...

What is a good tool to aid in browsing/following C code?

I sometimes need to modify OSS code or other peoples' code (usually C-based, but sometimes C++/Java) and find myself "grep"ing headers for types, function declarations etc. as I follow code flow and try to understand the system. Is there a good tool that exists to aid in code browsing. I'd love to be able to click on a type and be take...

Why don't we get a compile time error even if we don't include stdio.h in a C program?

How does the compiler know the prototype of sleep function or even printf function, when I did not include any header file in the first place. Moreover, if I specify sleep(1,1,"xyz") or any arbitrary number of arguments, the compiler still compiles it. But the strange thing is that gcc is able to find the definition of this funciton at ...

What is a symbol table?

Can someone describe what a symbol table is in a C and C++ application? ...

Deleting a middle node from a single linked list when pointer to the previous node is not available

Is it possible to delete a middle node in the single linked list when the only information available we have is the pointer to the node to be deleted and not the pointer to the previous node?After deletion the previous node should point to the node next to deleted node. ...

Why does a C/C++ program often have optimization turned off in debug mode?

In most C or C++ environments, there is a "debug" mode and a "release" mode compilation. Looking at the difference between the two, you find that the debug mode adds the debug symbols (often the -g option on lots of compilers) but it also disables most optimizations. In "release" mode, you usually have all sorts of optimizations turned o...

Eclipse Ganymede hacks, hints, tips, tricks, and best practices

I've recently started using Eclipse Ganymede CDT for C development and I couldn't like it more. I'm aware the learning curve could be sort of pronounced, therefore and with your help, my goal is to flatten it as much as possible. I'm looking for the best hacks, hints, tips, tricks, and best practices to really unleash the full power of t...

how to use "%f" to populate a double value into a string with the right precision

I am trying to populate a string with the double value using a sprintf like this sprintf(S, "%f", val); But the precision is being cut of to 6 decimal places. I need about 10 decimal places for the precision. Kindly tell me how that can be achieved. ...